Longbow in PvP

Longbow in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Adrian Guardian.9480

Adrian Guardian.9480

I’m struggling to kill with the longbow in Stronghold mode, too often I just end up switching to melee and running in because I don’t see the opponenents health bar dropping as fast as my own, or they manage just run past me. Is the weapon too weak? Or is it good enough, and someone can provide advice on how to use it?

Longbow in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Supposedly it’s been buffed internally or at least we have some patch notes for BWE3 that say it has.

I really hope so as I was seeing pitiful, slow, easily strafed 400 damage auto-attacks against Rangers and Thieves while using Marauder’s in PvP.