(edited by Henri.8461)
Looking for a guide to a Meditations build
AH still works fine don’t know why all the QQ, but this is about Meditations.
Most people use Judge’s Intervention, Smite Condition, and Contemplation of Purity. There’s also Merciful Intervention, but it’s iffy at best. Since you don’t know exactly who you are going to go to.
Big thing is you need 30 Valor so you can get Monk’s Focus and Meditation Mastery. The other 40 you can put wherever you like depending on your play style. Gear is the same thing depends on your play style.
So the question is what are you looking for dps, support, bunker, balance, and etc?
Heavens Rage
AH still works fine
If by “fine” you mean heals for far far less than before yes…
Ah is all of 69 + 0.01 x healing per boon… HIGHLY dependent on you having other people close around you since the nerf.
Meditations – 1960 + 0.1 x healing per meditation… ZERO dependency on having other people around you. One is on a 16s cooldown when traited, removes a condition, and deals aoe damage. JI is also one of the guardian’s best utility skills and is a meditation. That 1,200 range teleport + stunbreak + burning aoe is amazing.
No contest there for me after the nerf.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Just use the same stats for pve armour.