Mace/Shield Build
roamming on 1vs1 that build is obliterated in few seconds, healing over time do not help if u cant keep your target away from you making him recovering or reseting combat, with those stats its a 2 or 3 seconds combat.
That build is far from being a roamming build reduce the healing and apply on crits with the %boon duration u will be always with boons on wich sometimes can be bad :P, pitty guardian hsa to many countters…
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
roamming on 1vs1 that build is obliterated in few seconds, healing over time do not help if u cant keep your target away from you making him recovering or reseting combat, with those stats its a 2 or 3 seconds combat.
That build is far from being a roamming build reduce the healing and apply on crits with the %boon duration u will be always with boons on wich sometimes can be bad :P, pitty guardian hsa to many countters…
For pve/dungeons and high level melee fotm fights… mace/focus or shield is superb with the right build.
Wvw and pvp you don’t want to ever run mace. Your better off running either sword/torch and scepter/focus or scepter/shield and gs. It depends on your build again.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
roamming on 1vs1 that build is obliterated in few seconds, healing over time do not help if u cant keep your target away from you making him recovering or reseting combat, with those stats its a 2 or 3 seconds combat.
That build is far from being a roamming build reduce the healing and apply on crits with the %boon duration u will be always with boons on wich sometimes can be bad :P, pitty guardian hsa to many countters…
For pve/dungeons and high level melee fotm fights… mace/focus or shield is superb with the right build.Wvw and pvp you don’t want to ever run mace. Your better off running either sword/torch and scepter/focus or scepter/shield and gs. It depends on your build again.
The above folks are correct, I have had similar experiences overall. Although, when we run a guild group in wvw and are short on healing condi removal, 2 of us (guards) will go mace / heal to help out. The spammable mace symbol + whirl finisher in mid combat is actually really poweful, but still does not surpass water field+blast combo.
So it is very situational in group comp and does not perform well while roaming.
Okay thanks guys
As I never used these 2 weapons all that much I didn’t know if it were possible but now I know it’s not. I guess I’ll continue with my GS and S/F Healway build
If you want to solo roam… Look into a meditation/block/burning using sword/torch and scepter/focus. Shelter, all meditation utilities and renewed focus for skills. When I was using my guard I was in prec/tough/cond dmg armor and trinkets and was downing people just by blocking.
I haven’t been in on my guard since I’ve been on my ele/mes but it was a crazy fun build to use.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
There are two builds that I’m currently working with that other people posted here in various threads. One is burning and it has potential using sword/torch/GS although I think torch isn’t necessary. There is a good burning build in the sticky up top which explains it.
It is a 10/20/10/0/30 build on condition damage. The problem if truth be told out in WvW (solo or even duo) is who gets first hit. And, what is your skill level. I’m using to playing healaway/clerics so have room to recover from my errors. With either of the DPS builds I’m playing now and I screw up (which is often) then I go down real quick. It isn’t even funny.
Also the targets matter. I was in the EB jp yesterday and ran into a warrior who basically out damaged and out healed me. He/She would have done the same thing I’d wager even if I was in my healing / support set
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
There are two builds that I’m currently working with that other people posted here in various threads. One is burning and it has potential using sword/torch/GS although I think torch isn’t necessary. There is a good burning build in the sticky up top which explains it.
It is a 10/20/10/0/30 build on condition damage. The problem if truth be told out in WvW (solo or even duo) is who gets first hit. And, what is your skill level. I’m using to playing healaway/clerics so have room to recover from my errors. With either of the DPS builds I’m playing now and I screw up (which is often) then I go down real quick. It isn’t even funny.
Also the targets matter. I was in the EB jp yesterday and ran into a warrior who basically out damaged and out healed me. He/She would have done the same thing I’d wager even if I was in my healing / support set
Yea I know I find that completely absurd that a war can out heal themselves over a guard…
I think one of the best solo roaming builds is the meditation/burning/block build, not sure if there’s one posted but I had my own out together. It had self heals with every meditation, burning on every block with crazy tick amounts, etc. Like I said I didn’t even have to attack ppl and they would down themselves from the constant burning. It was more of a troll fun bunker build.
But as the user above me said just check out the build sticky thread. There’s actually some good ones in this section.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
PvE Version:
This build problably works just fine, even though the mace is a slow weapon i will still do damage and I can get pretty good support also. I took Tome of Courage so that If I need some quick team heals, but the other Tome or even Renewed Focus works problably
this isnt a good build for dungeons
edit for clarification
you have three shouts slotted (which i assume you dont always use… but shouts are often a solid choice for utility) but dont have shout cd reduction (symbol size doesnt matter in pve because you should be aiming to bunch stuff up… and also makes other classes potentially harder to play -ele for example)
vengeful is useless, mobs attack slowly and you should be avoiding hits so retaliation does little/no damage, unscathed contender/master of consecrations are much stronger traits in that slot
… then theres what you’re missing, but i have to go and that would take a while
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)