Making Spirit Weapons Viable

Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: misterdevious.6482


Compare Spirit Weapons to other pets:


  • Majority of Spirit Weapon traits are in the main damage line.
  • Majority of Turret traits in the defense line.
  • Majority of Minion traits in the defense/support lines.
  • Majority of Spirit and Phantasm traits in the support line.
    Are Spirit Weapons the most offensive pets? Should they be? (Two of them are defense/support oriented and one is control oriented.)

Duration (unless killed):

  • Most Spirit Weapons last 20s. (Can be increased 50%.)
  • Most Spirits last 60s.
  • Most Phantasms last as long as the target remains alive.
  • Most Turrets last 5 minutes.
  • Most Minions last forever?
    Do Spirit Weapons have a big enough impact to justify the shortest duration?"


  • Avg Spirit Weapon Cooldown 48.75s (Can reduce cooldown.)
  • Avg non-elite Turret Cooldown 32.5s
  • Avg non-elite Minion Cooldown 28s. (Can reduce cooldown.)
  • Avg non-elite Spirit Cooldown 24s
  • Avg Phantasm Cooldown 22.25s (Can reduce cooldown, can refresh on heal)
    Do Spirit Weapons have a big enough impact to justify the longest cooldowns?


  • Turrets can trait damage reduction, self-repairing, projectile-reflection shield, knockback on death, and increased repairs from wrench.
  • Phantasms can have increased health, grant regen, temporary invulnerability on summon, conditions on death, and retaliation.
  • Minions and Spirits can have increased health and can be traited for effects on death.
  • Spirit Weapons have no survivability traits and no on-death traits.
    Do Spirit Weapons have enough innate surviability that they don’t need more? Are Spirit Weapons powerful enough to justify being glassy?


  • Minions can be traited for boon-removal, poison, condition removal, life-siphon.
  • Turrets can be traited for knockback, projectile reflection, increased damage/range, and aoe boon support.
  • Phantasms can be traited for AoE regen, Condition Damage, Projectile Reflection. (There will be 9 different phantasms available.)
  • Spirit Weapons can be traited for Burning. (There are only 4 Spirit Weapons.)
  • Spirits can be traited to move (for now).
    Is the core functionality of Spirit Weapons good enough that no other effects are warranted? What other effects would be desired?

Active Ability:

  • Spirit Weapon avg Cooldown 15s
  • Turret avg Cooldown 25.83s
  • non-elite, non-sacrificing Minion avg Cooldown 35s
  • Phantasms do not have activated skills
    Spirit Weapons can use their active skills the most often… what prevents them from doing so?

Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: Genesis.8572


Perhaps Spirit Weapons should be placed in either the Honor or Virtues line?

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Spirit weapons should be placed in Recycle bin.

Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: misterdevious.6482


Suggestion: Bow of Truth should grant the allies it heals the “next attack burns” effect when traited for Spirit Weapons cause Burning. This would make the trait useful on all spirit weapons, and make this support pet more offensively supportive.

Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Suggestion: Bow of Truth should grant the allies it heals the “next attack burns” effect when traited for Spirit Weapons cause Burning. This would make the trait useful on all spirit weapons, and make this support pet more offensively supportive.

Lets see how game breaking burn stacking is first… before we add more stacks to the stacks.. :D

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: misterdevious.6482


Suggestion: Bow of Truth should grant the allies it heals the “next attack burns” effect when traited for Spirit Weapons cause Burning. This would make the trait useful on all spirit weapons, and make this support pet more offensively supportive.

Lets see how game breaking burn stacking is first… before we add more stacks to the stacks..

I’m quite looking forward to see how burning changes affect spirit weapons.

Burning can greatly increase Spirit Weapon Damage Already:

  • Hammer of Wisdom untraited chain: 192 + 192 + 291 = 675 damage (hits 3 targets)
  • Hammer of Wisdom traited for heavy, heavy burning on hit: 192 + 1862 + 192 + 1862 + 291 + 1862 = up to 6261 damage (hits 3 targets)