Maw in fractal 40+: how to play?

Maw in fractal 40+: how to play?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fror.2163


I was level 39 fractal and I played a level 42 to get to level 40. I play with pugs to level myself then I level my guildies. This way we play only even-numbered fractal levels. So this one was with pugs.

So people were happy to see a guardian in the group. I told the group that it was my first 40+ fractal. They said “np” and only asked my AR (45).

We played the three fractals normally. No big deal, the group was good, it was nearly a formality. Then Maw happened and it was awful.

The group kept shouting at me, giving me contradictory orders. I was surprised to even get automatically downed with the first agony hits. Well, when you go from 9x 1% life-total hits to 9x 18%, it’s understandable. But I was completely lost, no one gave any clue, and I did nothing special from my 20+ and 30+ runs. I took some initiative, like using my elite (Renewed focus, giving invulnerability) on the second agony hits, without much success.

So how to play Maw fractal 40+ as a guardian? Guardian are heavily requested in those levels, that means that we are supposed to do something special. What is that? Is there a fractal guide for levels 40+ that I should read?

Also… please, no video: I don’t want to reproduce your play, I want to understand what I need to do. I’ll accept videos only if it’s with text as explanation like this one for the volcano fractal boss.

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

Maw in fractal 40+: how to play?

in Guardian

Posted by: autoduck.2837


Ah I believe you may have messed up the “99%” trick. This is when we leave one person dead and res them up to 99% health before the agony hits. Once agony hits, we resurrect them allowing them to be invulnerable to the agony. If this trick is not performed it will be difficult to survive the agony without tomes to stack heal or ranger pet res.

It is your party’s fault in this case since they did not explain what to do.

Kaineng 11/2012-04/2013
Sanctum of Rall 04/2013-

Maw in fractal 40+: how to play?

in Guardian

Posted by: Korsbaek.9803


i might surgest book of courage and heal spamming and timeing the #5 skill tho i have not played 40+ but i gess that will help alot timed with healing signet and virtue of reslovens

Commander Korsbaek lvl 80 Guardian
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele

Maw in fractal 40+: how to play?

in Guardian

Posted by: Turtle Dragon.9241

Turtle Dragon.9241

To survive Maw
Bob must die. Rez Bob to 99%. Trigger the Agony. Rez the last 1% on Bob quickly before you all go down. Bob grabs a shard(to avoid lazer) and rez all of you who died of Agony(you may get naked before doing that to save on armor repair costs)

i) BobGuardian uses Tome of Courage#5 and times it right on himself. BobGuardian must have 45AR to do so. BobGuardian is the one who is trying to survive Agony. BobGuardian must leave Tome and use Selfheal right after Tome of Courage#5 hits. BobGuardian grabs a shard and rez the rest who downed/died.

ii)The “GW1 55 Monk Theory” applies here. Agony’s damage is 18% of your HP at 45AR, the player with the least HP takes the least damage. Given BobGuardian heals for a set amount of 2500/sec with Tome of Courage#1 and has 11000 HP (thus taking 1980 damage per Agony tick), BobGuardian survives. Note that this DOES NOT WORK, because there’s no way 2500/sec is doable with Tome of Courage#1 because Agony reduces Healing on top of that. But the concept is there. What works is having BobGuardian, DanGuardian and EveGuardian all Tome of Courage#1 on the whole party standing together at 45AR(that’s heal 3000/sec at 1000/sec each), thus the 3 Guardians(and possibly the other 2 party members) survive.

iii) AceWarrior with Warbanner. Requires perfect timing. AceWarrior dies and runs back before triggering Agony, but does not do the final jump on the Maw platform. Everyone else on the platform(except the one who triggers the Agony) stands close to the edge of the Maw platform(within 600 range of AceWarrior). Everyone downs except for AceWarrior who does not get hit by Agony because he is not on the platform. AceWarrior casts Warbanner before they die(requires perfect timing) and rez everyone who now use their strongest Selfheal to survive Agony. Grab shard and rez the rest, AceWarrior then jumps on the Maw platform and dies from Agony, then gets rez by the others.

Combine i), ii) and iii) as much as possible for maximum effectiveness. Note that for i), BobGuardian can use Tome of Courage#5, then EveGuardian uses it right after him, then DanGuardian uses it right after her(again, timing is key) while the other 2 spam Tome of Courage#1.

Usually OptionA is a lot easier to pull off than any/all/combined versions of OptionB, but OptionB guarantees survival so it is more viable. If you fail OptionA(party-wipe), none of you are getting back on the Maw platform alive(because Agony hits once you land) even with full party at 45AR unless you use something like Option B, someone jumps back on the Maw platform and immediately takes Agony damage, but somehow survives by Tome of Courage#1/#5 and Battle Standard.

Now you know why people want Warrior/Guardians for FotM40+, they have the right safety tools.

See you in FotM if you’re up for it

(edited by Turtle Dragon.9241)

Maw in fractal 40+: how to play?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fror.2163


Well, thanks a lot for all your input! I will try each of those!

A special thanks to TurtleDragon for being so explicit.

Frór (yes, with the accent!)