Metabattle - Staff Farmer
It shows a lot about some of the player base there doesn’kitten
It’s the optimal build for fail content. Guardian’s were a symbol of swiftness. The Tyrian forces were empowered. Scarlet could not cross our line of warding. Scarlet’s minions were crushed by the mighty waves of wrath. An orb of light shined bright upon Scarlet’s defeat.
That was beautiful man….tear
Hey, if I’m going to be in a braindead zerg to farm the Silverwastes, at least let me do it optimal way!
Hey, if I’m going to be in a braindead zerg to farm the Silverwastes, at least let me do it optimal way!
Silverwastes event monsters don’t loot anything, so you are better off with a DPS build helping out imo.
Hey, if I’m going to be in a braindead zerg to farm the Silverwastes, at least let me do it optimal way!
Silverwastes event monsters don’t loot anything, so you are better off with a DPS build helping out imo.
But but …. that isn’t what braindead means. I will have to dodge and block some attacks, let that for the other 50+ players around me please, let me spam 111111 all I want and step aside, my loot is waiting for me
Then go scepter for max range ^^
Same build is found in Obals Guardian PvE guide-thread, which I’m sure you have read through carefully. Do you question him now too for adding it there?
Then go scepter for max range ^^
But that only hits 1 target! I WANT MAXIMUM LOOT
Same build is found in Obals Guardian PvE guide-thread, which I’m sure you have read through carefully.
Do you question him now too for adding it there?
I don’t question it because it’s clear in his guide it’s there as a joke and I happen to agree. I don’t have an issue with people wanting to play whatever they want with whatever crap buidls they see fit to use. The amusing part is that this is rated highly on metabattle when it’s actually not a very useful build, even for the random, zerg event anyone might stumble upon. I can tag and get as much loot simply swapping into a staff without resorting to different traits, etc…
It was only worthwhile for scarlet zerg fest events since stuff died in seconds or less, there was a lot of stuff scattered, and there were a ton of people so it was hard to tag things. The only thing I can think of now is the temple of grenth event where it’s worthwhile if there are a lot of people for the same reasons.
Isn’t the build useful for people who prefer farming orr events (yes people still farm orr events)?
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Open world zerg farming is so forgiving, if someone “needs” a guide on how to press 1 with staff then go ahead and follow it, but for the most part it is extremely unnecessary to try to squeeze out these sort of optimalities in such an event.
But hey, play your way.
Best I would suggest is bloodlust cause you will kill lots of things stacking quickly, swap to maybe a staff with swiftness on kill and fire on crit (more chance of tagging more mobs than just staff 1 alone). Beyond that trait how ever you like.
The only way to really do it wrong would probably be build a condi staff setup. I’m sure someone may argue that one with permeating wrath or something but w/e I won’t continue.
I take it back you could also build full cleric and fail, cause you might not do enough damage to get credit for kills. So maybe people can do it wrong :p
(edited by CMF.5461)
Cleric has too much power. Magi is what you’re looking for.
But I don’t necessarily have a problem with this kind of farming build being posted. Is it necessary? no, but its low hanging fruit that is cheap to host, so it really wouldn’t take much effort to make it. Might as well. I think it would be better to have an “optimal” farming build for each class, then this particular one would make more sense, but I do get quite a few questions now and again on “what should I do to farm”, and one good farming build per class would be a good reference.
Someone was probably bored one day and just wanted to throw it up on the site, i often mess about with calculators when I’m bored.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Isn’t the build useful for people who prefer farming orr events (yes people still farm orr events)?
What is ‘useful’ is a little subjective. If people want a build that is optimal for only sitting around and waiting for orr events, I guess this would be it. My message here is that useful or not, its a little unnecessary … swap a staff with full zerker and your set to tag and loot. I’m also questioning if any builds on metabattle are actually … good, based on the rating this one got.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I like my lootstick build more. Maybe I should make my own website.
I complained about the existence of such a build on a website meant to promote good builds, but the kitten mods there are (somehow) worse than these forums. The people in charge there have no clue what to do with the PvE builds, and any attempts to critisize them or complain that they’re categorized get largely ignored. The mods completely control the categorization of what goes where, regardless of how many votes things get, even though the wiki is supposed to encourage people voting and contributing. The setup is a bit of a sham.
Decided to check out this metabattle thing:
Really? People have a build for something as specific as zerg farming? I get the idea of swapping to a staff when the opportunity arises but how often does zerg farming happen to justify actually having a build for it? It’s weird this is actually a thing. Makes me wonder what other very specific builds exist there and how useful the site is.
It’s as usefull as the community makes it, I might be wrong though because it’s a WIKI after all…
Same build is found in Obals Guardian PvE guide-thread, which I’m sure you have read through carefully.
Do you question him now too for adding it there?
Thumbs up!
I like my lootstick build more. Maybe I should make my own website.
No need for that, Metabattle is a Wiki which means that you can contribute and edit the content there. Btw, it would be funny to see how you would manage to keep every possible gamemode updated for every profession.
I complained about the existence of such a build on a website meant to promote good builds, but the kitten mods there are (somehow) worse than these forums. The people in charge there have no clue what to do with the PvE builds, and any attempts to critisize them or complain that they’re categorized get largely ignored. The mods completely control the categorization of what goes where, regardless of how many votes things get, even though the wiki is supposed to encourage people voting and contributing. The setup is a bit of a sham.
1. Most of the PvE dungeon builds are based on DnT I believe (we do not have PvE admin), maybe you could join and show us your PvE expertises?
2. Maybe you should stop critisize on the forums and instead post on the sites discussion page? Help me find one discussion that wasn’t noted on the website, I dare you.
3. We control the categorization because code can’t do it, after the votin phase is finished. Tip: Learn how something works before you talk kitten.
Oh man the PR push for metabattle is strong with you, I mean props for pushing your creation, but I duno if you really have to patrol every forum to make sure anything said about metabattle is responded to.
It is a good centralized resource to use as a starting point, but not often do I think anyone should solely use what is explicitly posted there.
Oh man the PR push for metabattle is strong with you, I mean props for pushing your creation, but I duno if you really have to patrol every forum to make sure anything said about metabattle is responded to.
It is a good centralized resource to use as a starting point, but not often do I think anyone should solely use what is explicitly posted there.
I’m actually working on the SEO for Metabattle a few times a week which is the reason why I discover backlinks, sometimes as stupid as this one and I can’t do just nothing when people are making themselves heard without even thinking.
Decided to check out this metabattle thing:
Really? People have a build for something as specific as zerg farming? I get the idea of swapping to a staff when the opportunity arises but how often does zerg farming happen to justify actually having a build for it? It’s weird this is actually a thing. Makes me wonder what other very specific builds exist there and how useful the site is.
It’s as usefull as the community makes it, I might be wrong though because it’s a WIKI after all…
I’m all for having a website that promotes useful builds, but that’s the key word. A build is not useful just because the community deems it; that’s purely a function of the in-game content.
I don’t believe the site has any malicious intent or motive because it does describe the situation where the build is useful. I just found it rather odd there was actually someone who put the effort in not only making a build for such a limited scope, but then posted it and promoted it on a site. It makes me wonder how little people actually know about the game mechanics to provide, promote and seek out such a build.
Decided to check out this metabattle thing:
Really? People have a build for something as specific as zerg farming? I get the idea of swapping to a staff when the opportunity arises but how often does zerg farming happen to justify actually having a build for it? It’s weird this is actually a thing. Makes me wonder what other very specific builds exist there and how useful the site is.
It’s as usefull as the community makes it, I might be wrong though because it’s a WIKI after all…
I’m all for having a website that promotes useful builds, but that’s the key word. A build is not useful just because the community deems it; that’s purely a function of the in-game content.
I don’t believe the site has any malicious intent or motive because it does describe the situation where the build is useful. I just found it rather odd there was actually someone who put the effort in not only making a build for such a limited scope, but then posted it and promoted it on a site. It makes me wonder how little people actually know about the game mechanics to provide, promote and seek out such a build.
I guess it all comes down to you guys not being able to grasp the meaning of categories. Dugeons, Ranked Arenas etc, those are obviously the more hardcore sections.
This build is in “General PvE” which describes unorganized open-world content. So it’s pretty much just map completion and even farming, nothing too serious
In every area of the game, you should aim at different goals when creating a build, for dungeons it’s damage and party utility, for farming things like the Mad King’s Labyrinth it’s.. well, tagging as many mobs as you can. Obviously if the given conent is relatively easy, don’t expect über hardcore builds.
No one was saying omg don’t use this build it should be zerker dungeon meta, what was said was….“why is there even a need for it to have a build guide?”, but w/e to each their own I guess.
I guess it all comes down to your not being able to grasp the meaning of the OP.
This whole thread is the biggest issue made of a non-issue, I regret I have been reading and replying in it, lol
Lol, I won’t argue there
what was said was….“why is there even a need for it to have a build guide?”
While most weapon/utility/etc options on that section are rather obvious for veteran players, it can still help newcomers. I agree we’re kind of stating the obvious here, but when you farm events you do use some sort of build for it and the site is there to store and recommend viable builds for every official content. Simple builds for simple content in this case ^^
Current Open-world tagging criterias on the site:
- No AoE downtime.
- At least 25% permanent movement speed, weapons with both movement abilities and good AoE capabilities are prioritized.
- Relatively good damage and some sustain.
- If possible, it should use the Dungeon gear of the profession so it’s easy to swap to the farm build and costs nothing as the content isn’t serious enough to buy a new set of armor for it.
(might have missed something I feel, but you get the idea)
And with ~70k page views so far, I wouldn’t say it was pointless to have.
Obviously if the given conent is relatively easy, don’t expect über hardcore builds.
That’s a bit where my confusion comes in … if I’m a new player, I would think promoting an optimal build for relatively easy content, like zerg farm, gives me the idea that it’s something I should have for my back pocket to go out zerg farming. As much as I can appreciate what is going on there, I don’t think it’s giving the new player the perspective needed to evaluate the relevance of the builds because they don’t understand how limited zerg farming is in the game.
Meta is meta, and lots of people zerg farm, lol. For some, it’s all they do. No need to take it seriously.
Although, why would you use signet of resolve; it’s not like condition spam in pve is devastating.
The last 2 points in radiance are a waste. Burn duration in a zerg is wasted, and while Radiant Power is normally strong, staff isn’t exactly a dps weapon. Seems more useful to go into virtues to provide inspired virtues and consecration cooldown.
Source: Me, pro staff leecher.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
That’s some fair feedback. If the build is useful for zerg farming, why not. I guess the thread is all a bit in jest. It was not my intent to criticize but simply to see if this was all ‘legit’. Seems I have my answer.
Being a farmer myself, I’m questioning some of the elements of the build. Is there a process by which the builds on this site are vetted and posted?
Although, why would you use signet of resolve; it’s not like condition spam in pve is devastating.
The last 2 points in radiance are a waste. Burn duration in a zerg is wasted, and while Radiant Power is normally strong, staff isn’t exactly a dps weapon. Seems more useful to go into virtues to provide inspired virtues and consecration cooldown.
Source: Me, pro staff leecher.
These are all good ideas.
That’s some fair feedback. If the build is useful for zerg farming, why not. I guess the thread is all a bit in jest. It was not my intent to criticize but simply to see if this was all ‘legit’. Seems I have my answer.
Being a farmer myself, I’m questioning some of the elements of the build. Is there a process by which the builds on this site are vetted and posted?
So this is an answer for both of you: when a build is submitted it starts in Testing and stays there for weeks, this is the period when people can vote for it. Based on the rating the build will move to any of the following categories: Trash/Good/Great.
After the build left Testing, no further ratings can be submitted (although after balance/content changes mods can move builds back to Testing), however if someone thinks that elements of the build should be changed then one can go to the Discussion page of the build (link can be found on the top left of every build) and give voice to his/her concerns.
The biggest problem we’re facing is that many people don’t get how a wiki works and instead of taking 20 secods of their life to propose some changes they’ll write about it everywhere but the right place and expect 4-5 moderators to keep 100+ builds up to date and add new ones.
So if you’ve got any ideas regarding any build, feel free to leave a comment on the discussion page
(edited by witcher.3197)