Movement speed buff
You need to have 5 things for speed on guardian:
1. Traveler runes
2. Speed rune
3. Traveler runes
4. Speed runes
5. Traveler runes
hey did I mention traveler runes?
I had not seen the speed runes, but they seem to have the same function as traveler’s runes (25% movement speed). I think the travelers set is the better option, since I don’t use staff, and the boon and condi duration increase would be awesome.
Any other options?
Nope, either that or Retreat. Or GS jump, or targeted teleports.
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
I never understand peoples obsession with this problem.
WvW: Perma swiftness in zergs. Roaming you need great awareness always, so you need to practice the weapon and skill swapping methods below to stay at perma swiftness.
PvE: Most specs bring swiftness or you are a max of 20 seconds away from next boss, so you need only 1 swift skill: Retreat.
PvP: You should never take Judge’s Intervention, off your bar that will let you finish most people, on the other hand you should learn to stay on points more, never chase and never fight off points.
PvE and WvW:
Perma swiftness comes from Retreat, Save Yourselves, and Staff give you 112/120(93%) seconds of swiftness(you can try the maths yourself), with Sword, GreatSword and Judge’s Intervention to portal forward. If you get caught with wrong utilities you will struggle ofcourse but with perma swift just run away until you can swap them one by one.
This becomes even easier if you trait Honor for reduced Staff and Shout recharges, then you can play with only Retreat on your utility bar and try to quickly retrait as soon as you see a fight coming. In WvW I tend to just Equip the +300 vitality trait for extra margin of error anyway.
Medi guards get no swiftness. GL locking down a warrior with a 45 second cooldown judges
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
Rune of the traveler/speed is huge a waste of damage for medi guard.
I’d rather have -20% cooldown on leap of faith + rune of the flame legion for 14% against burning targets (7% from fiery wrath).
I use travelers because I like to roam in wvw. when i finally decided to use it I became so happy. The speed was just soo good. People couldnt disengage me as easily as they use to before.
Yea, but travelers shouldn’t be a requirement to keep up as melee.
I use travelers because I like to roam in wvw. when i finally decided to use it I became so happy. The speed was just soo good. People couldnt disengage me as easily as they use to before.
Pack Runes are also a nice option for a power build-solo roamer. Good swiftness and fury uptime + precision are a nice up to your damage too. And If you combine pack runes with a shouts build and “Retreat!” (I know, not super ideal) you and allies have perma-swiftness while in combat just from your own procs.
Honorable Staff trait + staff (5s on 12s CD) + retreat (24s on 40s CD) is perma-swiftness.