(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
My Solution: Confessor Elite Specialization
Healloup! I am Tearthy Flame.1463, Welcome to the Confessor Forum Post.
This post is ment for insight into what is possible specificly for the Guardian Profesion, and insight for ArenaNet & Community to see what can be achieved in Guild Wars 2.
Special Thanks to a guildie nicknamed Fish.
-I am here to point out very serious flaws and overall topic about Guild Wars 2. I have disliked the Guardian profession over the years because It could of been something better and more creative in play style and I’ve personally gone through 3 level 80s. I still have 2 remaining. After thinking about the DragonHunter for a long while and how it made me see deeper into the Guardian’s Traits, It got me thinking. I decided to get too work! And show the Posibility to invent a way for ArenaNet to redeem Elite Professions. I understand this can all go to waste but I want to prove how amazing a well thought out Elite Spec can completely refresh a persons will to play the same Profession and Character in a whole new way. Giving a reason to switch playstyles and experiment with new builds.
I created the ‘Confessor’ to try and change the future of Guardian Specializations and any other Profession Implimantations. The base professions have always been great for Vets and Casuals, even Hardcore players. But this is still a game and it’s fine to be chalenged and have content people need help getting through and understanding you cannot make GW2 or any other MMO less complex than it needs to be. Learning curves are ok it is apart of every game ever made. I do not want to change what GW2 is at the core. I respect the choice to get players to come together and kill dragons for the kitten of it! But professions recently have been butchered and crammed into this new system only to make it more symple for developers to refine, add, and balance. That doesn’t mean professions have to lose what made them great to play for all the years GW2 has been out. I personally played Warrior because the traits were versitial before the new system. Easilly switching traits I needed at the time and Tactics made it wonderful to switch between Offencive and Defenceive builds. And I made people laugh at my 900 healing warrior… But I alone knew the posibilitys! Warrior was just one of thee most fun Swiss Army Knife’s to use. Builds use to completely depend on your own ability to handle the profession: Making it easy or hard to play. Older Necromancer is a good example of that, between Minion Siphon build(s) compared too Death Shroud build(s).
I also want to bring to light how underwhelming the current specializations are to the point it will render your profession’s ability to create a build that can rival the base class in a 1v1 fight. But I want to help keep some spirit of the base professions, before it is to late.
I hope you enjoy the hard work I put into creating this Elite Specialization!
P.S. Since I have no way to test this fully in GW2, It has to be left to my powerful imagination. I would love input on this Elite Spec as well and tell me about the kind of builds you think this creates for Guild Wars 2. Again I dont disagree this may be a waste of time but what choice do we have to save future Elite Specs for Guardian?
Also if you have a LvL 80 Guardian keep your Hero Panel open, accessing Weapon Skills/Utility Slots/Traits while viewing the Confessor Ability’s. Keep in my mind this is not a underwhelming ‘Elite Spec’ like most are. If we are trying to make something ‘Elite’ this would probably be it.
Information will be written a like what you will see in-game. It should be familiar to read through the descriptions and detailed information. If you are not familiar with GW2 this may be confusing to picture these ability’s in action but I hope you enjoy reading the concept of Confessor.
[If you do not enjoy reading morbid subjects you can skip ‘Lore of the Confessor’]
Created By Tearthy Flame.1463 over a 20 – 30 day period within September, 2015.
Questions from me to you:
“Do you see this Elite Spec playable for several hours, months, or years?”
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
- Confessor; Courage Elite Specialization, Profession Description & Lore.
- Long Bow -or- Polearm: Tempered Spirit, Hex Symbol & Energy Symbol & Ward Ability’s.
(Compatible with few description changes, Polearm description change not added)
- Confessor: Spirit & Spirit Ward & Enchantment: F-skill Ability’s with Energy Symbols, 1-3 skills.
- Confessor: Credence; Healing & Utility & Elite Skill, Ability’s 6-0 skills and other.
- Courage Specialization, Traits & Ability’s: Be able to equip Long Bow.
- Confessor’s list of all Weapon Skills & F Ability’s & Utility Skills & Traits, names in order.
- Creating the Confessor & About Tearthy Flame: Developer notes; the one man army.
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
Profession Specialization Name: Confessor
Elite Specialization Trait Line: Courage
Confessor Description:
Embodied by ancient magic able to hear the calls of long forgotten spirits; lost between worlds unable to rest in their cursed state. A Confessor uses his/her torment to gain an advantage to call upon the power of Vengeful Spirits to vanquish foes and bring them wrathful judgement. Able to summon power from the lost Souls of Ascalon. A heroic spirit will guide you through trials.
Lore of the Confessor:
The hollow ghost of King Addleburn, impaled the Charr with remnants of Magdaer’s magic. Searing flames and thousands of souls sent the Charr’s soul to a unknown place of torment that existed nowhere. The Charr endured, dying again and again, every soul embodied hate and suffering. The body of the Charr howled, the sound embodied fear so terrifying it’s like falling from a cliff. Her agony did not end in life, it began in every waking moment in the unknown realm: she experienced flesh and bone seared and turned into cursed ashes; of her own and over a thousand Ascalonians.
Months later she awoke in a dark place. The space was not enough to breath, too move. But it was enough to contain her body size. After an hour she became more aware and realized where she was. Soil pressed through the cracks of the container. She began to strike with all her might, claws, horns, and head-butt the top of the container. Small wood splinters impaled her paws and forehead, a small amount of blood oozed down her face. Her paws getting raw and burn with pain. After hours of clawing away she just roughly head-butted the blood stained and soiled surface. She had A thought. A fragment of pain pierced her and she clenched at her chest. The Charr noticed a large amount of fur is gone . . . large crevices and lumps of scar tissue remained there now. Tears soaked her fur as well. There is no heart beating within. All she could do is channel the agony in her soul and memories into bloody roars. She beat against the rough surface, hard enough to make it crack repeatedly. Fracturing her paw. A piece of her horn snapped off but it did not phase her agony. The wood became so broken that dirt and fresh air caved in. She pawed away the soil and saw the beautiful moon over Tyria; from her Shallow Grave.
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
Long Bow Weapon Skills:
(With a few changes to skill destription and add new animations this could adapt to a Polearm/Spear type weapon)
- “Tempered Strike” (Auto Attack Chain: Skill 1)
Fire a Instant hit spirit arrow. 10% projectile finisher.
Range: 1,200
Damage: X
Combo Finisher: Projectile
Number of Targets: 1
“Corrupt Reflection” ½ cast
Chain. Hex Symbol. Inflict decrepit symbol on foes.
Range: 1,200
Hex Symbol1 (1s): Inflicts Weakness with each pulse.
Weakness (2s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble
Pulses: 1
Number of Targets: 3
Radius: 260
Hex Symbol Pulse Rate: 30% faster (Courage Trait: Fractured Defence)
Cracked Armor (1¾s): -15% Armor (Stacks Duration) (Courage Trait: Fractured Defence)
Weakness : -56% Endurance Regeneration, 56% Fumble (Courage Trait: True Reflection)
“Polearm Smite” 1 cast
Chain. Tempered Spirit. Fire a slow moving spirit polearm giving protection boon to you. Chance to Inflict vulnerability on target foe.
Range: 1,200
Damage: X
Protection (1s): -33% Incoming Damage
Vulnerability5 (6s): 5% Incoming Damage, 5% Incoming Condition Damage.
Chance: 50%
Ghastly Curse (1s): -5% Duration of one active boon, boon removal inflicts torment condition. (Stacks Duration, Interval 5 seconds) (Courage Trait: Hollow King)
Torment6 (1s): X Damage, X Damage if moving (Courage Trait: Hollow King)
Number of Targets: 1
- “Blades of Anguish” 1½ cast 12 recharge
Tempered Spirit. Spirit blades impale foes and inflict smite.
Smite3 (7s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditons. (Stacks)
Range: 1,200
Radius: 200
Number of Targets: 5
“Blades of Anguish”
Detonate spirit blades inflicting weakness.
Weakness (5s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble
Weakness : -56% Endurance Regeneration, 56% Fumble (Courage Trait: True Reflection)
Ghastly Curse (1s): -5% Duration of one active boon, boon removal inflicts torment condition. (Stacks Duration, Interval 5 seconds) (Courage Trait: Hollow King)
Torment6 (1s): X Damage, X Damage if moving (Courage Trait: Hollow King)
- “Sacred Spirit” ½ cast 10 recharge
Break a spirit arrow releasing an explosive mist. Arrow shards cripple foes.
Damage: X
Radius: 180
Cripple (2s): -50% Movement Speed
Combo Finisher: Blast
Number of Targets: 5
- “Binding Fate” 2½ cast 28 recharge
Whip a spirit chain pulling target foe above you and inflict daze. Foe lands on you inflicting daze.
Range: 900
Cannot be blocked
Daze (2s)
Self inflict: Daze (1¼s)
Retaliation (3¾s): Reflect incoming damage back to its source. (Trait: Retaliatory Subconscious)
Aegis (4s): Block the next incoming attack. (Trait: Retaliatory Subconscious)
- “Opposing Ward” 1½ cast 32 recharge
Ward. Fire on your location creating a ward, grant soothing symbol to you and allies. Mark foes in ward with blindness symbol.
Combo field: Light
Radius: 360
Duration: 5 seconds
Energy Symbol2 (2s): Grants Regen with each pulse.
Pulses: 2
Regen (6s): X Healing
Damage Increase: 1% (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Skill Cast Reduction Per Energy Symbol: ¼ seconds (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Number of Targets: 5
Hex Symbol3 (3s): Inflicts Blindness with each pulse.
Symbol Pulses: 3
Blindness (2s): Outgoing attack misses.
Vulnerability3 (8s): 3% Incoming Damage, 3% Incoming Condition Damage (Trait: Binding Jeopardy)
Hex Symbol Pulse Rate: 30% faster (Courage Trait: Fractured Defense)
Cracked Armor (1¾s): -15% Armor (Stacks Duration) (Courage Trait: Fractured Defense)
Number of Targets: 5
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
WARNING: “RENEWED FOCUS” ELITE SKILL WILL & HAS TO “HALF THE CURRENT RECHARGE TIME” OF CONFESSOR F1,F2,F3, ABILITY’S IT WILL & SHOULD NOT INSTANT RECHARGE. (This affect should only apply to the Confessor Elite Specialization “or” Confessor is unable to use this skill “or” 10% Recharge on ability’s)
Confessor Spirit/Spirit Ward/Enchantment Ability’s:
“(”Skill Trigger" ability’s reset to “0 skills used” when Out of Combat, and can only be activated in combat, cannot use auto attack skills. If Traited for in Courage it will increase the skills charge to 2 uses per 1 skill used “Reflect Conditions in 3 Skill Triggers, Create Mist Ward in 9 Skill Triggers”. UI added to display how many skills you’ve used till ability will be activated.)"
F1. Spirit Ward/Enchantment: (Instant Recharge, kill a foe: Trait: Renewed Justice)
- “Tears of Ascalon” 2¾ cast 55 recharge (15% recharge: 46¾)
Passive Protection: Spirit Ward. Every few skills used reflect conditions back to attacking foes. Every other few skills at current location create a Mist Ward applying Light Symbol on allies.
Number of Skills to Trigger Reflect: 6 (While in Combat)
Condition Reflect (6s): 3
Number of Targets: 1
Number of Skills to Trigger Mist Ward: 18 (While in Combat)
Radius: 260
Energy Symbol2 (2s): Cure a condition with each pulse.
Pulses: 2
Damage Increase: 1% (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Skill Cast Reduction Per Energy Symbol: ¼ seconds (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Number of Targets: 5
“Tears of Ascalon”
Active Destruction: Enchantment. Summon the power of Magdaer causing The Rift between worlds, inflict torment on trapped foes. Give your allies resistance symbol. Inflict torment on yourself to close the rift.
Radius: 260
Duration 10 seconds
Torment5 (13s): X Damage, X Damage if moving.
Blindness (3s): Outgoing attack misses. (Trait: Justice Is Blind)
Vunerability3 (8s): 3% Incoming Damage, 3% Incoming Condition Damage (Trait: Binding Jepardy)
Number of Targets: 5
Energy Symbol3 (3s): Grant resistance with each pulse.
Pulses: 3
Resistance (2½s): Conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration.
Damage Increase: 1% (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Skill Cast Reduction Per Energy Symbol: ¼ seconds (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Number of Targets: 5
Self Inflict: Torment (7s): X Damage, X Damage if moving.
Might3 (5s): X Power, X Condition Damage (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
Retaliation (3¾s) Reflect incoming damage back to its source. (Trait: Virtue of Retribution)
Number of Targets: 5 (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
Radius: 1,200 (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
ToA Note: ((Trait: Suprem Justice: Adds burning condition but skill actavate amount is not decreesed. Trait: Permeating Wrath: will still work with Suprem Justice. Permeating Wrath on its own will work with Mist Ward created every 18 skill uses))
F2. Spirit/Enchantment:
- “Ascalonian Hail” 1½ cast 65 recharge (15% recharge: 55¼)
Passive Protection: Spirit. Ascalonian’s spirit energy is intense around you creating vigor symbol.
Gain vigor symbol at a set time interval. (In Combat Passive)
Number of Targets: 5 (Trait: Battle Presence)
Radius: 600 (Trait: Battle Presence)
Energy Symbol5 (5s): Grant vigor with each pulse.
Pulses: 5
Vigor (4s): 50% Endurance Regeneration (Vigor Regen increased 65% Trait: Absolute Resolution)
Damage Increase: 1% (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Skill Cast Reduction Per Energy Symbol: ¼ seconds (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Energy Symbol Refresh: 60 seconds
(In Combat Passive – Apply to allies with low endurance)
“Ascalonian Hail”
Active Preservation: Enchantment. Call forth the Battle Cry of Ascalonian’s, pushing back foes and remove up to two boons. Grant fury to yourself and nearby allies.
Knock Back Distance: 260
Damage—Two Boons: X
Damage—One Boons: X
Damage—No Boons: X
Number of Targets: 3
Fury (15s): 20% Critical Chance
Radius: 600
Number of Targets: 3
Conditions Removed: 3 (Trait: Absolute Resolution)
Regen (5s): X Heal (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
Retaliation (3¾s) Reflect incoming damage back to its source. (Trait: Virtue of Retribution)
Radius: 1,200 (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
Number of Targets: 5 (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
F3. Spirit/Enchantment: (Instant recharge: Courageous Return)
- “Rurik’s Assurance” 2 cast 85 recharge (15% recharge: 72¼)
Passive Divert: Spirit. Rurik’s spirit energy invokes power within you and imbues courage.
Gain courage at a set time interval; stacks duration.
Courage: take +5% damage, reflect 20% damage back to attacking foe.
Courage Refresh: 40 seconds
Interval: 30 seconds (Trait: Indomitable Courage)
Resistance (9s): Conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration. (Courage Trait: Unbreakable Credence)
Taunt (4s): Involuntarily attack foes. (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Number of Targets: 1 (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Fury (4s): 20% Critical Chance (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Number of Targets: 3 (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Radius: 180 (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
(Courage Affect scales by area/character level: “0-39 +1% damage, reflect 10%” “40-59 +3% damage, reflect 15%” “60-80 +5% damage, reflect 20%”)
“Rurik’s Assurance”
Active Retribution: Enchantment. Become arrogant inflict cast vulnerability on yourself. Apply divert damage to allies, channel damage to you and reflect it back to attacking foes.
Cast Vulnerability (2s): Take +7% Damage (while casting skill)
Divert Damage 50% (10s): take 10% damage, reflect 40% damage. (Stacks Duration)
Resistance (9s): Conditions currently on you are inefective; stacks duration. (Courage Trait: Unbreakable Credence)
Number of Targets: 3
Sability3 (4s) Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared, or taunted. (Trait: Indomitable Courage)
Protection (5s): -33% Incoming Damage (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
Retaliation (3¾s) Reflect incoming damage back to its source. (Trait: Virtue of Retribution)
Radius: 1,200 (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
Breaks Stun (Trait: Indomitable Courage)
Number of Targets: 5 (Trait: Inspired Virtue)
Taunt (4s): Involuntarily attack foes. (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Number of Targets: 1 (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Fury (4s): 20% Critical Chance (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Number of Targets: 3 (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
Radius: 180 (Courage Trait: Provoked Madness)
(Cast Vulnerability scales by area/character level: “0-39 +3% damage” “40-59 +5% damage” “60-80 +7% damage”)
(Divert Damage takes 50% damage inflicted on the applied player and channels that back to you, you take 10% of damage and channel 40% of damage back to attacking foes.)
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
Confessor Credence Utility Skills:
Healing skill:
- “Mending Agony” ¼ cast 40 recharge
Credence. Cast memory purge on yourself inflicting torment on nearby foes and reflect conditions back to attacking foe.
Healing: 3,920
Memory Purge: Heal for every condition cured, inflict torment on foes.
Conditions Removed: 3
Heal per condition: 1,060
Torment2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage if moving.
Conditon Reflect (10s): 5
Number of Targets: 1
Smite2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions. (Stacks) (Courage Trait: Battle Beckons)
Number of Targets: 3
Radius: 180
Retaliation (6¾s) Reflect incoming damage back to its source. (Trait: Healer’s Retribution)
(Can apply: Trait: Smiter’s Boon – Skill: Smite Condition.)
Utility Skill:
- “Rurik’s Fortitude” Instant cast 28 recharge
Credence. Charge at target foe inflicting cracked armor and weakness.
Damage: X
Cracked Armor (3¾s): -15% Armor (Stacks Duration)
Weakness (3s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble
Smite2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions (Stacks) (Courage Trait: Battle Beckons)
Combo Finisher: Leap
Number of Targets: 1
Range: 350
Weakness : -56% Endurance Regeneration, 56% Fumble (Courage Trait: True Reflection)
Utility Skill:
- “Verge of Corruption” 1½ cast 24 recharge
Credence. Ice cold spirits come to your aid, inflicts chill on foes they pass through. Gain swiftness and self inflict torment.
Chilled (4s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Smite2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions. (Stacks) (Courage Trait: Battle Beckons)
Ascalonian Spirits: 3
Duration: 5 seconds
Number of Targets: 3
Range: 600
Swiftness (13s): 33% Movement Speed
Self Inflict: Torment (3s): X Damage, X Damage if moving
Invulnerable Duration: 3 seconds (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Apathetic Aura (7s): Cannot Gain Resistance. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Enclosed Darkness (7s): Cannot Gain Stability, inflicts vulnerability. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Vulnerability7 (5s): 7% Incoming Damage, 7% Incoming Condition Damage. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Radius: 180 (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Utility Skill:
- “Reliant Bulwark” 2 cast 28 recharge
Credence. Energy spirits come to aid you and allies granting stability symbol.
Energy Symbol3 (3s): Grant stability with each pulse.
Pulses: 3
Sability1 (2½s): Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared, or taunted.
Damage Increase: 1% (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Ascalon Spirit: 5
Duration: 5 seconds
Number of Targets: 5
Range: 1,000
“Reliant Bulwark” Instant Cast 40s Recharge (Dark Dishearten on Active skill)
Send forth three energy spirits removing a boon from target foes and Inflict smite.
Damage—One Boons: X
Damage—No Boons: X
Smite3 (4s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions. (Stacks)
Smite2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions. (Stacks) (Courage Trait: Battle Beckons)
Ascalon Spirits: 3
Number of Targets: 3
Range: 600
Invulnerable Duration: 3 seconds (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Apathetic Aura (7s): Cannot Gain Resistance. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Enclosed Darkness (7s): Cannot Gain Stability, inflicts vulnerability. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Vulnerability7 (5s): 7% Incoming Damage, 7% Incoming Condition Damage. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Radius: 180 (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Utility Skill:
- “Remnants of Hope” 2 cast 60 recharge
Credence. Call forth Lady Althea; cast soothing symbol on you and allies for the amount of used endurance. Allies inflict smite with their next attack.
Lady Althea: Grants Soothing Symbol1 for every 10% endurance used.
Duration: 12 seconds
Energy Symbol1 (1s): Grant regen with each pulse. (Stacks) (Stacks Duration)
Pulses: 1
Regen1 (2s): X Healing
Damage Increase: 1% (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Skill Cast Reduction Per Energy Symbol: ¼ seconds (Courage Trait: Ascalonian’s Amity)
Number of Targets: 5
Smite1 (1½s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditons. (Stacks) (Applys Once to Allies)
Number of Targets: 5
Range: 1,000
Smite2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions. (Stacks) (Courage Trait: Battle Beckons)
Number of Targets: 1
Range: 1,200
Elite Utility Skill:
- “Anguish of Ascalon” 1¼ cast 180 recharge
Credence. Inflict wrathful judgement and taunt on foes. Ascalonian spirits fight by your side and give aegis to allies.
Wrathful Judgement (15s): Foes take 40% damage from their attacks, foes deal 60% damage.
Taunt (5s): Involuntarily attack foes.
Smite2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions. (Stacks) (Courage Trait: Battle Beckons)
Number of Targets: 2
Ascalon Spirits: 3
Duration: 60 seconds
Aegis (5s): Block the next incoming attack. (You do not gain Aegis)
Retaliation (3¾s) Reflect incoming damage back to its source. (Trait: Wrathful Spirit)
Number of Targets: 5
Invulnerable Duration: 3 seconds (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Apathetic Aura (7s): Cannot Gain Resistance. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Enclosed Darkness (7s): Cannot Gain Stability, inflicts vulnerability. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Vulnerability7 (5s): 7% Incoming Damage, 7% Incoming Condition Damage. (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
Radius: 180 (Courage Trait: Dark Dishearten)
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
Confessor Traits, Courage Elite Specialization:
Courage Minor traits: (Always Active)
- “Confessor” : Become The Confessor. Equip Long Bow and gain new ability’s. For every foe you kill gain stability.
Stability1 (¾s): Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared, or taunted. - “True Reflection” : Weakness you inflict on foes is more effective.
Weakness : -56% Endurance Regeneration, 56% Fumble - “Unbreakable Credence” : Damage taken during Cast Vulnerability, Divert Damage, Courage; grants you resistance boon.
Resistance (9s): Conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration.
Recharge: 60 seconds
Courage Major traits: (Select One of Three Traits)
- “Battle Beckons” : Credence skills inflict smite. Smite inflicted by Credence Skills brings forth a spirit of strength that follows you.
Smite2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage with Conditions. (Stacks)
Spirit of Strength: Increases might duration 25%.
Duration: 20 seconds
Ascalon Spirits: 1
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 350
Recharge: 65 seconds - “Luminescent Moon” : Grants memory purge when you are struck while below the health threshold. Your next attack inflicts chilled.
Memory Purge: Heal for every condition cured, inflict torment on foes.
Conditions Removed: 3
Heal per condition: 1,060
Torment2 (3s): X Damage, X Damage if moving.
Health Threshold: 15%
Chilled (6s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed
Recharge: 42 - “Dark Dishearten” : Ascalon Spirits are invulnerable when called and have changed appearance. Spirits inflict apathetic aura and enclosed darkness on nearby foes.
Invulnerable Duration: 3 seconds
Apathetic Aura (7s): Cannot Gain Resistance.
Enclosed Darkness (7s): Cannot Gain Stability, inflicts vulnerability.
Vulnerability7 (5s): 7% Incoming Damage, 7% Incoming Condition Damage.
Radius: 180
Courage Master traits: (Select One of Three Traits)
- “Ehcoing Plight” : Tears of Ascalon’s skill trigger amount per skill use is increased by two.
Skill Trigger Condition Reflect: 2 per skill
Skill Trigger Mist Ward: 2 per skill
Number of Skills to Trigger Reflect: 3 (While in Combat)
Number of Skills to Trigger Mist Ward: 9 (While in Combat)
(Does not count auto attack) - “Provoked Madness” : Foe damaged by divert damage or courage are afflicted by taunt. Apply fury to foes.
Taunt (4s): Involuntarily attack foes.
Number of Targets: 1
Fury (4s): 20% Critical Chance
Number of Targets: 3
Radius: 180 - “Fractured Defence” : Hex symbols inflict cracked armor. Improve the pulse rate of hex symbols.
Hex Symbol Pulse Rate: 30% faster
Cracked Armor (1¾s): -15% Armor (Stacks Duration)
Courage Grand Master traits: (Select One of Three Traits)
- “Ascalonian’s Amity” : Energy symbols increase damage for every boon on you and allies. Applied energy symbols help you cast skills faster.
Damage Increase: 1%
Skill Cast Per Energy Symbol: ¼ seconds - “Hollow King” : Remnants of Magdaer’s magic is imbue in your long bow. Tempered Spirit attacks inflict ghastly curse. The appearance of spirit ability’s change.
Ghastly Curse (1s): -5% Duration of one active boon, boon removal inflicts torment condition. (Stacks Duration, Interval 5 seconds)
Torment6 (1s): X Damage, X Damage if moving
PvP: Ghastly Curse (1s): -4% Duration of one active boon, boon removal inflicts torment condition.
PvP: Torment3 (2s): X Damage, X Damage if moving
Recharge: 5 seconds - “Faltered Alliance” : Magdaer’s Influence appears at defeated foe location opening a rift of corruption. The ground becomes hollow.
Magdaer’s Influence (5s): Allies of foes can only attack each other.
Radius: 380
Hollow (10s): 10% reduction of all current boon duration’s.
Combo Field: Dark
Radius: 280
Number of Targets: 3
Recharge: 90
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
Long Bow:
- Tempered Strike
- Corrupt Reflection
- Polearm Smite
- Blades of Anguish
- Sacred Spirit
- Binding Fate
- Opposing Ward
F Ability’s:
- Tears of Ascalon
- Ascalonian Hail
- Rurik’s Assurance
Utility Skills:
- Mending Agony
- Rurik’s Fortitude
- Verge of Corruption
- Reliant Bulwark
- Remnants of Hope
- Anguish of Ascalon
Minor Traits:
- Confessor
- True Reflection
- Unbreakable Credence
Major Traits:
- Battle Beckons
- Luminescent Moon
- Dark Dishearten
Master Traits:
- Echoing Plight
- Provoked Madness
- Fractured Defense
Grand Master Traits:
- Ascalonian’s Amity
- Hollow King
- Faltered Alliance
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
The One Man Army.
Believe it! I just poured my soul and energy into nothing. But I hope people are impressed by the amount of work it takes to create a profession in Guild Wars 2. Could you imagine GW1?
I separated the contents of this post in a organized way so you the community is able to link & post what you want more easily and talk about the subjects of the Confessor and Guardian. And I will say again, this can also be tailored to a Polearm/Spear type weapon and be used like a Paragon from GW1 (Throwing Spears).
I understand if you have questions about what I do in real life but I will most likely not answer those questions but I’ll tell you some things about myself.
The title of this post & “One Man Army”, yes, I was the only person working on this project. No no… I’m not a developer in ArenaNet’s circle, working undercover. I Want to make that clear.
I am just a person living in a desert and no matter what I say about it you can assume what you want! I am just a loyal player of GW2 and played every beta, stress test, up until 3day head start and beyond! For 3 years I have been with GW2 I share the same feelings about it being underwhelming and to casual in combat and game play. I want ArenaNet to not be afraid to make their game a challenge to play at times and if a casual wants to be challenged every once in a while that is great! Games come in all different sizes and have oddity. There is plenty of games out there. But I don’t believe in game-play that is griefing to young and old players.
Now . . . about the Confessor’s lore, YES It is a Kill Bill reference if you didn’t figure that out by now. But no 1" punches sorry!
I understand my concept can have a few flaws in it but the Confessor is some where between good and evil because the Ascalonian’s are what they are, Angry.
Magdaer could be something good or something that is evil, the power of the orrian sword isn’t fully explained or known to us. There would also be the flaw of adding the Confessor now because new lore would have to be created and a time period would need to be specified. I think a lot of things are possible with the ideas behind “The Rift” and “The Mists”. GW2 could have a really great story but ArenaNet needs to have focused ideas, not trying to create big secrets that aren’t that dramatic on paper. Also the true nature of a world and lore’s shouldn’t be weighed down by trying to cater to little kids? Adults want to enjoy this game too! I’m not saying the story needs more violence but know it can still touch on heavy-heart subjects. Because things can turn out that way no matter what. Yes I want to become a writer some day and create a massive Chronicles that will go to great lengths letting a story of worlds. But it will still take me time to learn about life.
Creating the Confessor has been fun for me. It is what I would enjoy playing and being engaged in combat all reliant on my personal skill level to play the game.
It also opens up new mechanics for Players, Monsters and Bosses. Why have a de-buff support class? Because why not be able to kill yourself for the sake of your party members? Haha! Maybe that will happen.
And because there may be a build out there all about buffing, there needs to be a counter balance for a ultimate buff build to not be completely in a players or bosses favor.
I’m sure there is many down sides to Confessor as well but it is relying on your personal ability to time your skill ability’s. Mastering the Confessor will be in your favor! I have also made traits make sense, there just is some things you shouldn’t be able to use with one another and still feel the benefit of traiting into a different ability overall, to even still have use of base Guardian ability’s. And not use a kitten damage meta… There is far better play styles and stats to use with Confessor. Your build will weigh heavily on the traits you select in the Courage Elite Specialization and that makes perfect sense since that is what Spec Line you want to count! It should matter that you are selecting this line to change your play style and overall gaming. Not having a Spec that renders your ability to make a practical build. Ignoring most of the other ability’s you obtain with it. The Confessor brings to light what it looks like to have special ability’s where choosing between what you need in the moment and still have the power to not be griefed by selecting another trait over another that benefits you more.
I hope this post at least leads to something better for GW2. I don’t mind if ArenaNet wants a casual game but don’t fall into that trap because hardcore players will cling to this game if it can give content that equally matches the power of their profession. It is what would help keep ArenaNet’s veteran players! Give something more to people who want a higher goal in GW2 and love the game for what it is at the core.
Yes this is a beast of a MMO but don’t contain it to just be just a casual and lazy game. It will never grow that way! It will never break the generic mold of MMO’s if it continues in this direction. I still want to believe in this game! It is an annoying step-son to me but quitting the game would be hard to do, I have also played GW1 for many years. I have a deep personal attachment to the GuildWars. It is a shame that ArenaNet isn’t pushing any more bounds with the Elite Specializations, they keep to much of the core components of the class thus not making any true difference in the professions.
I care about GuildWars and I created the Confessor to help push in a new direction.
Thank you so much, to the Community and ArenaNet! If any one has read every word I wrote, I will commend you for taking the time to read my long winded post.
Everyone, have a sunny day! – Tearthy Flame.1463
(edited by Tearthy Flame.1463)
You say solution, but I don’t see a problem with Dragonhunter. I am actually looking forward to it.