Name help?

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Neverminder.3296


I’m considering making a female human Guardian, and I like the naming convention consisting of two descriptive words. What do you guys think?

I’m thinking either Faith or Mercy as a first name, and then the last name Dawnblade, or Lightbrand, or Lightbringer (that other MMO is deterring me from using this one), that sort of thing. There are tons of evil sounding name generators all over the internet, but far less for a holy-sounding last name.

What do you guys think? She is currently named Faith Lightbrand.

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Neverminder.3296


Aww. No input at all?

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Molch.2078


Joy Heartfire
Justicia Morningstar

Some random Ideas. But tbh I like Faith as a first name. Faith Angelwing. Faith White. Faith Niceguy. I don’t know, I’m not good at this…

Bright could be a fitting first name, too. Bright Justblade, Bright van Heavens.

(edited by Molch.2078)

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Neverminder.3296


Thanks for the suggestions! It seems more difficult coming up with a decent goodguy name.

Faith Brighthelm?
Mercy Brighthelm?
Charity Brighthelm?

I like “Cross” as a last name, too but “Faith Cross” is a little too on the nose.

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Faith Lightblade sounds nice to me.

Joy Heartfire
Justicia Morningstar

Why Morningstar? You know, the latin version of that name is Lucifer, which is a name commonly used for the devil. Dunno if that would fit a Guardian.

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Neverminder.3296


Constantine sounds kind of cool.
Lara Constantine? Lana? Lucy? Grace? Charity? Claire?

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Molch.2078


Faith Lightblade sounds nice to me.

Joy Heartfire
Justicia Morningstar

Why Morningstar? You know, the latin version of that name is Lucifer, which is a name commonly used for the devil. Dunno if that would fit a Guardian.

Good to know…

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


Aurora Lambere

translated as ‘gently glowing dawn’.

I can’t think of a way to combine faith and light without sounding over-the-top cheesy, so throwing in a modifier for light instead, and modified ‘dawn’ into what would be another feminine form of the same thing.

(edited by Hayashi.3416)

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: xsquared.1926


Female Boon Dispenser.

Master Ruseman. Lv80 Mesmer 10/20/0/25/15
Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Neverminder.3296


I really like Lambere. I hope you don’t mind if I snatch it up.

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Joy Heartfire
Justicia Morningstar

Why Morningstar? You know, the latin version of that name is Lucifer, which is a name commonly used for the devil. Dunno if that would fit a Guardian.

Good to know…

Well, it is (or was) also used for the planet Venus, so I guess it’s okay. ^^

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: Bistouri.6038


Then how about Venus Boomhauer? Because, you know… she uses a hammer.

27" iMac, 3.4 GHz Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB, OS 10.10.1

Name help?

in Guardian

Posted by: izzadi.9804


I always pick names from this list – The Forgotten Realms :

To me it is like the greatest list of names for rpg since I’m a huge fan of Dungeons and Dragons.

I hope you will find the one that you like from here because I personally love the names in the list. Sometimes I just ctrl+f to find the names or words that I feel like putting in the names.