Hello everyone,
I need some advice on my build.
I run a sylvari guardian since the game launch and wanted to make a character different from what you normally see (thats why i chose sylvari guardian, an uncommon choice). So i use a scepter + torch as my main weapons and greatsword as my alt. I wanted to build a ranged dps guardian thats also capable of being a tank when necessary. A high crit dps+tank character, thats not a superb glass cannon nor a super tank but with a bit of the best from both (like a hybrid guardian).
1) I used this build while running through dungeons getting certain sets and exotic gear (0/30/10/20/10):
2) But now i’m only doing fractals (20+ atm) with this build (0/30/20/20/0):
As for equipment, im using complete Soldier gear (power, toughness, vitality) with 5 Runes of the Soldier (165 vitality and +50 toughness) and 1 Svanir (25 toughness). My weapons have Berserker stats (power, precision, crit damage) with Superior Sigil of Accuracy (5% crit chance, scepter and torch) and Superior Sigil of Battle (3 stacks might for 20sec at swap, greatsword). My rings, amulet and accessories are exotic or ascended (because of fractals, haven’t got full ascended gear yet) and my back piece is rare (until i get my fractal capacitator ascended).
My utility skills change a lot depending on what the situation asks for (stand your ground, wall of reflection, purging flames, hold the line, save yourselves, shield of the avenger, grasping vines, but i always keep the signet of judgment to deal with received damage). I use the signet of resolve as the healing skill and tome of courage as the elite one.
This build was intended to be able to sustain lots of damage and also do decent damage from ranged distance, not to be a full tank (like 90% of guardians are, to be different from most ppl like i said) nor to be a glass cannon. I switch to my GS when i can sustain close range damage or when a quick finisher is needed. Because of the high crit chance i’m constantly dishing 8/9 stacks of might to allies and myself. I mostly used build 1), and i was dishing a lot of buffs with the virtues (constantly being used) and with shouts when the situation asked for them. But because of a few unpleasant critiques, i switched to build 2) (the one that these stats represent, releasing the virtues line for more toughness).
With build 2 my current stats are:
Power: 1818
Precision: 1612
Toughness: 1653
Vitality: 1700
Cond Damage: 300
Crit Chance: 37% (+ runes + traits = 57% on each weapon with my main set)
Crit Damage: 47%
Armor: 2864
Attack: 2786
Health: 18645
Healing Power: 200
My need for help or advice is the input from some users that party with me (random party, not guildies that fully understand my playstyle) when i’m doing 20+ fractals.
A few times i’ve been called loser, noob, useless, weak, ridiculous and even been challenged for pvp duels for ppl to prove that my build sucks. I’ve been “accused” of being a non efficient character that doesn’t support enough the party (not enough buffs), that doesn’t have high damage (like a high crit dps character) and that can’t take good amounts of it like a proper tank. I’m sick and tired of being criticized for having my own playstyle, specially when i feel these critiques are mostly unfair.
So I need to know what am i doing wrong? Is my build that bad? What are the good and bad points of it? What can i change to make it better? Is this playstyle really not usefull in anyway when running a guardian? Do i have to totally change my playstyle and adopt a full tank build as a guardian?
Any advice is welcome of course