Need Aegis uptime advice
You should still use just a modified version of the meta build. Just remove 2 pts from the first line since you are not using a GS, put one pts in radiance for right-handed strenght since you gonna always have your sword. You gonna have 1 pts left to spend. You can either put in it zeal for a bit more power, in honor for vigor (more dodge) or virtues for absolute resolution.
You can also swap master of consecration for absolute resolution when you are in a dungeon that doesn’t need reflection like CoF, CoE, AC, etc.
Curious, why the focus on Aegis Uptime? I mean there is Communal Defenses but I honestly wouldn’t use it (blocks turn into aegis for your team but not yourself iirc)
So what’s your goal outside of pure aegis uptime?
I mean if it’s pure aegis uptime then communal defenses is a must, and then go all the way in virtues tree to lower reuse, grab Superior Aria for faster shouts for retreat, and then also grab meditation mastery to lower reuse on Focused Renewal so you can recharge your virtues with that. But, again, I don’t think all that is a good idea
Curious, why the focus on Aegis Uptime? I mean there is Communal Defenses but I honestly wouldn’t use it (blocks turn into aegis for your team but not yourself iirc)
So what’s your goal outside of pure aegis uptime?
I mean if it’s pure aegis uptime then communal defenses is a must, and then go all the way in virtues tree to lower reuse, grab Superior Aria for faster shouts for retreat, and then also grab meditation mastery to lower reuse on Focused Renewal so you can recharge your virtues with that. But, again, I don’t think all that is a good idea
My guess would be that OP is looking to keep uptime on Unscathed Contender, which means the Communal Defenses would be useless for him.
Honestly, I think that UC a gimmicky trait and you shouldn’t try to conform your build around it.
Unscathed Contender can really help with an initial burst. That’s about all it does, but it does that pretty well.
I was going scepter/focus as second weapon at first to initiate but found things died before they got close enough to switch to sword.
Seeing how this is for open world pve only, i want to have sword be my main source of dps since i do like the sword and shields idea. Aegis is to make up for shield’s lack of a block(and for when I’m too lazy to actively dodge, etc).The focus is mainly just as a last resort block in case I’m out of endurance or aegis(And, again, I’m too lazy to actively respond to an enemy’s attack)
To clarify just in case i misworded, by uptime i mean how readily available i can access aegis from procs or by activating it like retreat.
Hope that helps clear a few things, and again, thanks for the input =D
If you want the most blocks you can get you are going to have to use focus instead of shield. Heres the breakdown of a sample block rotation:
focus 5 (3 blocks)
shelter (block duration)
renewed focus (invuln and bring f3 off cooldown)
And if you put 1 point in valor you can get another aegis when you go below 50% health.
If you want the most block then the meta GS + Sw/F would be better for you.
GS 3 (Blind)
Sw 2 (Aegis)
Focus 4 (Blind)
Focus 5 (3 blocks)
F1 (Blind)
F3 (Aegis)
Renewned Focus (Invulnerable) and give you another F1 and F3
Retreat (Aegis)
That’s can deny 10 attacks in a row if you time them well and they all work for your whole team, not just you.
Yeah. Those will probably be the build i use in group content when I’m outside of my group of friends. My reason for wanting to focus on aegis is for the lack of shields having a block. This way, in essence, i would have a “block” with shield.
I’m aware that there are better ways to mitigate damage and better setups. I’m just looking for the best build i can get, with the weapon setup i have, to get as many aegis as i can possibly get.
Again, thanks for the advice and taking the time out to reply. I will be using a lot of the advice you guys are giving me when thinking of a different group build as I’m aware certain tasks need certain things to be met(reflections, might, etc). So while i may be turning it down now, i really appreciate all the feedback
(edited by Souto.2716)
I understand that you want to use shield, i really do too. You will soon find out that it just simply sucks. And you said it best on why it sucks: “My reason for wanting to focus on aegis is for the lack of shields having a block. This way, in essence, i would have a “block” with shield.”
You can shine a kitten but at the end of the day, its still a kitten . Its as futile as trying to make a bad thing work.
You can shine a kitten but at the end of the day, its still a kitten . Its as futile as trying to make a bad thing work.
I really like that analogy XD
I realize this, I’m in no way Lying to myself or thinking I’ll make shield work in it’s current state. I’m aware there are better choices to mitigate damage And that serve the purpose that I’m trying to fill with aegis.
The thing is i actually like the shield skills which is why I’m so determined to use it. Specially since I’ll be using it in situations where being efficient isn’t an issue. But, seeing how i do have access to aegis as a block and various sources to increase my accessibility to it, I’d like to maximize that as much as i can.
As i said, I’m not trying to turn shield into something it’s not, and once i reach cap and i have less chances to play with my friends I’ll more than likely switch out shield so i can synergies better with random people/guild mates and just better place traits without wasting any potential.
But as of now, I’m just wondering what more experienced guardian players think would be a good setup to have better aegis accessibility with the weapons I’ve decided to use.
Having said all that, i must say it is disheartening that focus gets the block And hope it’ll get reworked… either i know i just sounds like a broken record by now but i really do appreciate all your help guysd
Blind rotation is more what you are looking for, it works on any trash, basically anything with unshakable (and no dredge).
GS3 in, whirling wrath, pop traited VoJ, drop symbol of wrath, swap sword, sword2, auto chain, pop focus4, auto chain, use VoJ/Sword2 staggered off rotation.
I honestly perform that rotation mindlessly when encountering most trash (maybe with a GS5 pull first) it spaces out blinds well enough usually, i mean actively doing it is far better, but this covers you good and is nice when I’m in a braindead mood.
simply use 2/6/2/0/2 with 2 spare traits. As you don’t need points in zeal, put the 2 points in either virtue for instance condi removal ( useful to leave combat and stuff) or a dps line ( puting them in zeal but without zealous blade or valor for focused mind maybe? Then go sword shield/ focus, i’d say energy sigil on focus if you use it as a last-moment survival ability. You’ll have plenty of aegis with retreat ( esp. if you trait for superior aria), f3 and f3 refresh.
Okay guys, thanks for all the feedback. I think I’ve come up with a build I feel suits what I’m after here. Thanks for your advice all and hope to see you all down the line when I then focus on a useful build haha.