Need Guardian WvW advice

Need Guardian WvW advice

in Guardian

Posted by: Hratgard.8310


Hello all . I recently came back to GW2 after a long term break and i plan to play on my guardian as a frontline support mostly .

My spec goona be 0/0/30/30/10 , or the other classic build 0/5/30/30/5 . The ony thing that confuses me is all this new gear , celestial and ascented trinkets .

My 1st thought was to build my gear with a mix of celestial/Soldiers armor (2/4 pieces) with 2 runes of monk , water and traveller .

My Weapons goona be the classic Hammer and Staff . And i need some advice about trinkets .

Will Celestial along with clerics will help combined with the other gear pieces i mentioned above ? . So i look for something else ? .

Any advice is more than welcome

Thx in advance

Need Guardian WvW advice

in Guardian

Posted by: urieldhynne.2743
