Need help with a build

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


what would be a good build for a guardian using a Greatsword and Staff? (pve)

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Dropping the Staff would be a great start

Tbh Staff is just a bad weapons for PvE Figth. It’s a great lootstick for zerg events, it’s good for switfness when you run around, but for actual fighting, not so much.

You can either drop the staff so you have 2 weapons to fight with, or you fight with your GS only, and swap to staff between fight. We probably can give you a build for both.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


Yeah I know it’s not that good, I mostly use scepter/focus as my swap weapon. but I just wanted to have it for might and swiftness between fights and stuff lol. and for zergs, mostly silverwastes and such x)

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: MaximillianVonSchatten.6278


Yeah I know it’s not that good, I mostly use scepter/focus as my swap weapon. but I just wanted to have it for might and swiftness between fights and stuff lol. and for zergs, mostly silverwastes and such x)

Yep I have S/F but keep a staff in inventory in case it’s needed for some reason (like swiftness in a chest train). About the only place staff may be useful in PVE that I can remember is for empowering the Teq zerg.

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Yeah I know it’s not that good, I mostly use scepter/focus as my swap weapon. but I just wanted to have it for might and swiftness between fights and stuff lol. and for zergs, mostly silverwastes and such x)

well then its pretty spot on.

however I feel that the might you gain is not the relevant at the moment. 12 stacks for 10 secs is not bad but the "preloading actually takes longer then most mobs last in the current state. taht leaes swiftness and I would rather pop some swiftness after kill food. you will have perma swiftness anyway. the times you do not you can cover with retreat.

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: lolzertank.1928


yeah good points here guys, I wish they would overhaul the staff abilities. Change them up and actually make the useful… I really love the idea of having a staff on a guardian.

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: MaximillianVonSchatten.6278


yeah good points here guys, I wish they would overhaul the staff abilities. Change them up and actually make the useful… I really love the idea of having a staff on a guardian.

Staff guard is a mainstay in WvW and other circumstances as a major support weapon but is generally not needed if you are running around alone in PVE.

That being said, my first toon was a guard and I did map completion using a staff/GS the whole time before I knew any better.

Need help with a build

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


yeah good points here guys, I wish they would overhaul the staff abilities. Change them up and actually make the useful… I really love the idea of having a staff on a guardian.

No they shouldn’t. The Staff is amazing, just not for PvE fighting. It’s perfect for zerging and running around, both in WvW and Open World PvE. Each weapons have strength and weakness.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD