New Armour set

New Armour set

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

I think there needs to be a Precision Toughness Vitality set. Prec being the primary stat.
I can go into reasoning behind this set type but would like opinions of its pro’s and con’s first.

New Armour set

in Guardian

Posted by: Danicco.3568


There’s a Power Toughness Vitality set already, and it is better for damage than what a Precision would be, with the exception being our on-crit abilities that are limited to Vigorous Precision, Empowering Might and Sigils.

Since these all have cooldowns, I don’t think it’s necessary to go to high amounts of crit to get their proc, so it isn’t as useful.

Between Power and Precision, I don’t get why people seems to lean towards Precision as their main damaging attribute when it isn’t as strong as Power…
Power affects all damage, non-criticals and criticals as well.
Precision only increases the chance for you to crit, and even then the base crit damage of 150% needs to be improved with gear stats to make it worth the raw power…

So why would they make a set worse than one currently, just to allow for more player’s errors when deciding their gear?

edit: Complementing… this would open room for some elitist thinking such as “Hey, are you Power/Tough/Vit or Prec/Tough/Vit?” and they would avoid the weaker one if it didn’t met their standards.

Some high level fractals groups can be pretty nasty sometimes… and it’s even on their right to be since they’re up for a challenge (and probably don’t want someone holding them back).
And there could be even some players who would be this jerk when running regular dungeons…

As it seems for now, all armor sets serve a different and unique purpose so they don’t interlope the others, so adding more of the same would just allow players to make build mistakes…

(edited by Danicco.3568)