New Guardian Build/Gear question/conerns.
In PvE you don’t even need +Vit
you can also drop about 220 armour for something else (soft cap 2700)
and for swiftness you can just use these:
or buy traveler runes (though expensive so prob not)
flame legion runes are amazing low budget, +7% dmg for what 60s
You could also use sceptor/sword +focus in place of staff, since greatsword is only a burst weapon not a sustain dps weapon
I understand knight armour, good beginning setup. But your weapons should be zerker (staff can be soliders though cause you use it in WvW)
(edited by Charak.9761)
In PvE you don’t even need +Vit
(staff can be soliders though cause you use it in WvW)
That’s very good to know, thank you.
Currently, my stats are as follows:
Any other pointers that you think I should know ?