New Guardian Build/Gear question/conerns.

New Guardian Build/Gear question/conerns.

in Guardian

Posted by: Mintyfresh.2539



Am a new player, and a new Guardian especially.
After getting to 80, reading a watching a few guides, I kind of arrived at my own build/conclusions.

My primary focus is obviously the greatsword/staff build.
Before I get into it, quick note, I don’t play too many dungeons(though I’d like to get into it) or fractals. I mostly run around in Orr and do world bosses and try to solo vet’s etc.

What I went with was the following(link has traits/sigils/runes etc.):

Thinking behind it is the following:
High Greatsword Damage
High uptime on Swiftness
Relatively high health pool (especially for what I’m doing)

It’s a rather selfish playstyle/build, I agree but I’m not doing dungons etc. with it, though maybe with a few modifications to virtuies and maybe altruistic healing it might work.
All 6 pieces of gear are knights(with runes of pack).
Both weapons are Knights(str/accuracy and blood/force sigils)
All trinkets/rights/backpiece are soldiers(with ex.ruby jewels)

I thought it provides me with enough dps and toughness/survivability to take some good hits etc.

Any thoughts/advice would be highly appreciated.

Please keep in mind, the amount of cash I have is rather low as I’m new, so expensive stuff is literally out of the question currently. After spending money on this, I have about 17G, just to give you an idea of how low on cash I am. Hence the reason for choices and to make the best I could with what I had on hand.


“Religion. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.”—Jon Stewart

New Guardian Build/Gear question/conerns.

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


In PvE you don’t even need +Vit

you can also drop about 220 armour for something else (soft cap 2700)

and for swiftness you can just use these:

or buy traveler runes (though expensive so prob not)

flame legion runes are amazing low budget, +7% dmg for what 60s

You could also use sceptor/sword +focus in place of staff, since greatsword is only a burst weapon not a sustain dps weapon

I understand knight armour, good beginning setup. But your weapons should be zerker (staff can be soliders though cause you use it in WvW)

(edited by Charak.9761)

New Guardian Build/Gear question/conerns.

in Guardian

Posted by: Mintyfresh.2539


In PvE you don’t even need +Vit

(staff can be soliders though cause you use it in WvW)

That’s very good to know, thank you.
Currently, my stats are as follows:

Any other pointers that you think I should know ?


“Religion. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.”—Jon Stewart