New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: Ashkew.6584



I just started playing guard since 2 weeks now, really in love with the class.
I play a medi dps guard in wvw and have been kicking a whole lot of butts.

I am facing some problems in 1v1 situations vs condi engineer, in particulair perplexity condi engineers. (also vs condi pu mesmer, but well i just laugh and walk away from them)
When fighting those engineers it seems i can keep up for while, but in the end i will go down before i get them down. Can anyone give me some advice on fighting them?


New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Avoid them :P, play with map LoS , outrun them, hammer them from cliffs, u could burst them hard but it is very(IMO) difficult to push.

or.. u could play those classes in spvp, and watch some videos on youtube and try to predict them.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Some classes/builds you are probably not going to be able to beat if they are being played by someone roughly as skilled as you are. Game wouldn’t make sense otherwise or be balanced.

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: Lahm.7056


Scepter and never stay within melee range for too long. Engis have tons of ways to kite you and apply conditions if you’re too close, range is your friend on this encounter.

Use Scepter to bait their shield block, then go all in with GS + JI, apply pressure, force them to burn utilities and get distance from you, swap to Scepter again. Rinse and Repeat.

If you know you’re going against a condi engi, trait virtues for wall of reflect any time you’re using the scepter so you can apply free pressure and reflect stuff back to their faces.

At the end of the day, it’s still a very unfavorable match-up, but we have tools to deal with it.

Lancelot – Guardian – Deso – Hyperreal [PAL]
- Proudly not going to go DH -
I’m looking at you, Rev..

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


What Lahm said is excellent advice, and very accurate from my experiences! Condi engi is one of the toughest matchups in general.

In my half dozen or fights against condi engis (a couple running perplexity), scepter has been the most useful weapon against them. Scepter alone won’t bust through their sustain, so you have to watch for their block, and time your JI + burst very well.

I know it’s less fun to do this, but I would honestly recommend running away from this fight if possible. Condi engis, and specifically ones with perplexity runes just turn out to be cheapasses as roamers lol. I say deny them their fun since they are cheesy enough to pay 60g+ just to be impossible to beat in1v1 type scenarios.

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: The Baws.5164

The Baws.5164

Well, you can just burst them down.

Most condi engis run full Rabid or half Rabid half Dire and toughness means jack kitten at the moment… it’s pretty much useless so just burst them down instantly or run away.

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New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615


Guardians cannot beat a condi engi – no matter how good the guardian is.
The condi will catch up too fast – and by that point youre out of condi removal.
Engi is a Guardians bane.
Just try to avoid them in 1v1 and target them in team fights.
But realistically sometimes you jut cannot avoid them SOO
You could always range them with scepter/focus or sword/focus and reflect with the sword and cast wall of reflection to help with any projectiles they shell out (but does not work with grenades/not sure about mortar) and you can use your WoR to condi cleanse with a burst skill- hammer will surprise them, start by casting banish and before it actually hits; make sure the engi is targeted and has no blocks/ stability up [Banish+Judge’s intervention] will always catch anyone off guard and gives you the upper hand for a few moments so use that time to burst them down.

(edited by SnowHawk.3615)

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: Tongku.5326



I just started playing guard since 2 weeks now, really in love with the class.
I play a medi dps guard in wvw and have been kicking a whole lot of butts.

I am facing some problems in 1v1 situations vs condi engineer, in particulair perplexity condi engineers. (also vs condi pu mesmer, but well i just laugh and walk away from them)
When fighting those engineers it seems i can keep up for while, but in the end i will go down before i get them down. Can anyone give me some advice on fighting them?


bunker / condi guard >>>> condi engi a lot of times. not always, as there is RNG involved in crit rates etc on both sides, but a lot.

if wvw, then melandru + lemongrass of course and run at least 1 of our 2 available passive (every 10 secs) cleanses on top of your otehr cleanses / transfers.

other guard builds, hmmm, rough …

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: Lucentfir.7430


For reasons before patch and entirety of WvW experience, There’s a reason why I run Gene sigil on one set and purity on the other. These 2 sigils along with AR(If you run virtues) Smite Condition, and CoP gives you ALOT of frequent condi pressure relievers. Even more so if you run focus(I run torch). I run Sw/T/GS for most of it, but the one thing about engis is if they keep breaking combat/run away it’s a good idea to swap to scepter. Also if you’re using GS try to get a binding blades on them and let it sit for a bit and keep up pressure, chances are they’ll throw up Gear Shield if they run tool kit, in which you can pull them out of their block and either WW or swap and use ZD if you’re running sword. Try not to get hit by Poison dart volley and the blind with Confusion Shot. Most of engi’s damage when it’s a condi engi will come from burn proc, added perplexity mainly you’ll just want to watch out for interrupts from Offhand shield. The 3 stacks of confusion when you hit them isn’t that bad, but it’ll still hurt if you do too many skills mindlessly. If all else fails and they keep escaping just run and don’t fight them, because they’re just going to keep doing the kitten thing of fight resetting.

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(edited by Lucentfir.7430)

New guard, look for some advice vs condi engi

in Guardian

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

BBQ them with a condi medi guardian

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