New heal that magnifies problems with Guards
so you’ve tried it, Dynnen? at work now so can’t try new patch yet.
can’t say it anymore. i understand they wanted to heal to be a meditation so it could benefit from the medi traits.. then imo, it REALLY should have picked up ALL meditation characteristics, namely being instant. that would have been the only thing selling it for me.
again, i have my reseverations since i haven’t actally tested the heal yet, but just speculating and drawing from what others have said about the skill now.
if you DO get it off though, are the heals based on damage worth it?
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
It is if you can keep the someone in your damage long enough to benefit from it. Better for aoe attacks, not very good in 1v1 situations if they catch you casting it. And since we have ZERO soft CC it regulates the heal to being used with hammer or scepter.
so you’ve tried it, Dynnen? at work now so can’t try new patch yet.
can’t say it anymore. i understand they wanted to heal to be a meditation so it could benefit from the medi traits.. then imo, it REALLY should have picked up ALL meditation characteristics, namely being instant. that would have been the only thing selling it for me.
again, i have my reseverations since i haven’t actally tested the heal yet, but just speculating and drawing from what others have said about the skill now.
if you DO get it off though, are the heals based on damage worth it?
No they are not. Mainly because you have to make up for all the health while you casted it.
1. Its hard to cast the skill in battle, because you will take heavy damage during that interval.
2. So now you make up that health lost with a almost 4k heal.
3. Afterwards you have 6 seconds to make up the rest of the health lost. If you are in a 1v1, litany is very bad. If you are in a situation were there is more than one person, more than likely you will either die quickly or they will just cc and you and waste litany.
It probably has some decent usage in wvw. Maybe in pve. But in spvp I don’t see it. Shelter is still the better choice.
Windows 10
The heal looks good on paper: do damage AND healing at the same time? OP! Then you realize we can’t hit anything because we can’t keep anyone in melee range.
yea.. i’ll definitely try this out for the sake of trying it out. yea you guys bring up good points re: soft CC or not being able to even take advantage of the do damage to get heals. PvP i can’t see this working too well..
Aza you bring up sth interesting as well. save healing Breeze, the other two class heals bring quite a lot to the table. for SoR, passive condi remove and huge burst heal! so even if you are taking damage, the big heal makes up for it. while shelter just negates a TON of damamge for those 2 seconds when popped at the right time. but with litany you’re taking the full brunt of the damage while having to make up for it AFTER wards, where SoR the big heal is “guaranteed” in a sense.
ya, again, i havne’t tried it yet. there seemed to be a lot of upside to the heal.. well, just gonna have to keep testing and see how it runs. :PPP
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
wvw: works on my bursty full meditation roaming build in small fights (PVT/zerker/celestial/knights). u mostly get it for the fury upkeep. does not work on my zerg-busting PVT/sentinel/knights setup. i cant do enough damage to make it worthwhile and when im in a zerg, i’ll either need to block (shelter) or heal to full (SoR)
spvp: works well with bursty meditation build. you only get it for the fury upkeep.
i think it will have a niche role in burst builds. the reason it works well with 3 other meditations when fully traited is it supplements your other heals on a very short CD (24s). i like to precast littany to keep myself topped up, and prevent my hp from dipping in the first place. if you use it as an o-kitten button, it will fail.
you guys also have to figure out how to deliver your burst in tight packets. and not all weapons work. best combo by far is sword/X/hammer. lets say i need a heal. i’ll precast littany and sword#3, and hit JI soon after. this ensures most sword projectiles smack the target simultaneously. i’ll follow this up with Mightly Blow and maybe Smite Condi. this combo will heal you to full generally. then you still have your 4th meditation, virtues and dodge rolls to keep yourself stable. by the time youre done, the other combo should be back up.
in wvw, full meditations will be deadly with celestial gear. it already is with my personal assortment of celestial/knights/zerker and pvt armor. you’ll be critting like a truck, and with 1k healing power (something i lack now) getting tons of extra heals and much better sustain.
conclusion: use for offensive bursty meditation builds in small fights/spvp to maintain fury and PREVENT damage. otherwise, not worth it.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
@mistsim: I run hammer/GS in wvw and if there are less than 3 people its better to run shelter. Also if there are people who see you cast it and retreat for 5 seconds you’ve just wasted the heal. If we had someone to prevent people from running away from us it would be a solid heal, but since we really don’t…
From a WvW perspective, things I like about it:
- In mid to large scale fights you get a huge amount of healing
- The CD is really really nice, most of the time the skill is ready before my burst rotation is – the duration is ok.
- In 1v1 you can use it to facetank some heavy melee classes whilst laying down alot of damage when before it would have been suicide. ( it enables some aggressive tactics )
- If you do run 30 in valor it’s a nice addition to your MF and sustain healing and fury ( even if you can’t get the main heal to work every time )
- It’s the ultimate speed-camp/tower capture utility
Things I don’t like about it:
- Cast time is a shade too long – I think instant cast might actually make it overpowered, but 33-50% reduction in cast time would be a good sweetspot.
- It doesn’t favour solo combat ( although you can work around it if your opponent has lots of clones/pets or likes to stand in one spot waving an axe around ), and is vulnerable to being CC’d or Kited.
- People are going to learn how to counter it very quickly at which point its usefulness will probably be at an end. ( lower cast time would help there )
Its great if you assume that you are…holding a position and no one is running from you……zzzzzzzzzzz..z.zz….
I think its a highly situational heal, for most situations other heals are better. But hey atleast there are some situations where the skill is better (unlike some other new healing skills (necro)).
By the way i think it best used with hammer as you can prevent them from running away (hammer 3 and 5) if they dont pop stabi. And decreasing the casttime would be nice.
It would be nice if it was instant like the other meditations, but for now we just need to make sure to pop stability, or blind, or aegis right before using the skill and use it to continue the flow of dps (assuming you are using a meditation DPS build of course). 6 seconds is quite a long time to deal damage, especially if you have an AoE weapon like Staff. Plus it heals for just as much if not more than Shelter when traited, even if you miss every single attack.
Its great if you assume that you are…holding a position and no one is running from you……zzzzzzzzzzz..z.zz….
Actually, from your OP Dynnen this is what I wanted to ask. What position does one hold in WvW? Typically the fights are more dynamic and tend to move or migrate sort of like cat and mouse or hide and seek. Rarely is it focused on one point of interest or within a symbol if you will.
I’ve considered ruins but while the new area is fun there just are not enough rewards for people to roam in that area for any length of time. I mean taking towers or camps yield more loot if that is your thing.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Im usually the initiator in wvw. I JI/Ring or JI/hammer 3 into a grp and lock them down while absorbing damage. The trick is surviving long enough and doing enough damage that they try to focus me down instead of other players who do the real damage. With a usually hammer/GS rotation I do I can usually do 8-10k damage. Thats why Im sticking with shelter.
If it was life steal (a temporary way of getting some health back) it would be a nice concept (20% more damage for a few hits) but as it stands shelter is still better in pretty much any scenario
littany is an offensive heal, but at the same time it’s not suitable for zerg diving. which means, its niche and quite inappropriate for most of the guardian community. in my opinion, it’s a skirmishing tool.
you need to combine it with reliable burst delivery, so as i mentioned: sword 3 + JI + mighty blow + smite conditions. GS is not a burst weapon due to #2 being a long channel, as opposed to sword 3 which can be delivered almost instantaneously with JI. so you need the right build and the correct delivery of “burst”. you dont have to do your damage in an aoe to get the benefits =P
the other thing youre missing is that it’s NOT a reactive heal, at least they way they’ve designed it currently. the CD is extremely low, and you get the most out of it when casting it early
lastly, it’s not for zerg diving, period. when youre taking damage from many sources, you either need to block (shelter) or heal to full (SoR).
(edited by mistsim.2748)
lastly, it’s not for zerg diving, period. when youre taking damage from many sources, you either need to block (shelter) or heal to full (SoR).
Maybe add….and pray!
Just kidding all, hopefully that didn’t offend anyone.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
sooo. i got to play last night. but i didnt’ want to spend the SPs XDDDD
eventually iw ill have to pick it upt hough. but i agree with mistsim, it does seem better off as a pro-active heal where you cast it when you’ve lost a little bit, and expect to lose more shortly. and the shorter cooldown, assuming traited, really allows for you to play it this way.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Yeah it’s definitely something you use at 50-75% health or right before your burst or AoE to maximize the effects. I usually drop it at 50 ish and use my burst and sometimes I’m back to 100%. Other times I get knocked on my butt and basically go in to oh kitten mode.
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
If you’re using a Meditation build, it’s a strong heal (at least 3.5k) on a short cooldown (24 sec). AND it gives you fury (4 sec). That’s without bringing in the fact that any damage you do after that will be healing you.
If you’re using a Meditation build and someone sees you use it and runs away, you use Judge’s Intervention then hit Smite Condition and walla walla bing bang.
You may remember them saying they’re adding the new healing skills to give some better diversity to certain builds. This one is for Meditation builds. If you’re not using one it will be very situational.
If you’re using a Meditation build and someone sees you use it and runs away, you use Judge’s Intervention then hit Smite Condition and walla walla bing bang.
So you burn 2/3 Utility skills, 4000 Healing, Condition Removal and a Stun Break just to get the secondary effect of your heal to work?
In WvsW shelter>new skill even if u´re running a meditation build. If u want to get more heal, try the signet, longer cd but double amount of healing (and the same cast time,) an a passive condition remove.
Well, i know it might sound silly but what if you use this heal in a burning build in combination with runes of Balthazar (+15% burn duration and 3 sec burning on use of healingskill), it might just work. Getting alot of burning on a target so it more easily procs the secondary effect of the heal?
I know guardians aren’t the best in condidamage but a combination of this heal with a burning build/meditationbuild should be tested Take with it some burning on blocking and a focus with shield of wrath to get that heal off without interupt + extra burning.
I might test something like this tonight in sPvP
I haven’t tested to see if burning procs the heal. Even if it does you’re looking at 20% per tick of burning if it isn’t cleansed. Still abysmal.
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
Simply put guards need more snares better gap closers and better cc.
They have two immobilizes in weapon sets, 1 pull, and everything else revolves around push back and launches… In PvP when people have to come to you its a different scenario but in wvw when you have to chase some one down but they have more movement skills than you can shake a stick at and you have nooo cripple, chill, and a very telegraphed immobilize… It’s an issue.
Simply put guards need more snares better gap closers and better cc.
They have two immobilizes in weapon sets, 1 pull, and everything else revolves around push back and launches… In PvP when people have to come to you its a different scenario but in wvw when you have to chase some one down but they have more movement skills than you can shake a stick at and you have nooo cripple, chill, and a very telegraphed immobilize… It’s an issue.
this is why offensive guards are one-trick ponies. it works though. shield of wrath + JI + ring of warding + mighty blow + sword #3 + smite condis. that combo will guarantee kills on opponents who dont have stability up. i just dont see myself running anything else but s/f/hammer with meditations, offensively. i love it and hate it…it’s not fun relying on JI for kills, but when it’s up things die.
There are definitely two different Med. Play styles that I play and I can live w/ one of them: GS + Sword/X.
GS + Sword/X is ‘good’. There’s a ton of porting around, mobility is ~good enough~ and they’re on a short enough cool-down that when they gain distance on you, you can jump back in their face.
I still dislike having not a snare in this situation (A Melee class w/o a snare… LOL), but whatever. Dev’s aren’t going to change it. They can’t figure it out.
The other is Hammer + Mace/X. It’s absolutely abysmal when it comes to staying on a target. Couple this w/ no snare no swiftness… RIDICULOUS.
Both Hammer and Mace should have a 2s Chill/Cripple on the second chain of the #1 skill, and increase the casting time to .75 (3/4).
ROW also needs the same QoL change warriors received.
I was out ran by a spectral walk necro yesterday, while running a hammer/mace med build w/ runes of the speed.
I just stopped and /laugh -> /cry. The necro turned around and /cry and we went on our merry way.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Meditations should give the Fury and Swiftness (same duration) when trait-ed.
There are definitely two different Med. Play styles that I play and I can live w/ one of them: GS + Sword/X.
GS + Sword/X is ‘good’. There’s a ton of porting around, mobility is ~good enough~ and they’re on a short enough cool-down that when they gain distance on you, you can jump back in their face.
I still dislike having not a snare in this situation (A Melee class w/o a snare… LOL), but whatever. Dev’s aren’t going to change it. They can’t figure it out.
The other is Hammer + Mace/X. It’s absolutely abysmal when it comes to staying on a target. Couple this w/ no snare no swiftness… RIDICULOUS.
Both Hammer and Mace should have a 2s Chill/Cripple on the second chain of the #1 skill, and increase the casting time to .75 (3/4).
ROW also needs the same QoL change warriors received.
I was out ran by a spectral walk necro yesterday, while running a hammer/mace med build w/ runes of the speed.
I just stopped and /laugh -> /cry. The necro turned around and /cry and we went on our merry way.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Meditations should give the Fury and Swiftness (same duration) when trait-ed.
While i agree that the trait should give fury and swiftness, i think you should always use, atleast in a mediation build, the zepter. I think going only melee weapons in an agressive build is not good. The only classes that can get way with that are warriors and thiefs. But only because of thier high mobility/gap closer. In fact zepter is a pretty strong waepon in ~600 range (for 600+ it becomes more unreliable but thats the case for most 1200 range weapons) and it gives an immobilize. Going mace in an offensive build is always bad, as the weapon is simple not designed for an offensive play style.
Edit: Acually in 1v1 arenas, the heal is not bad against most classes, atleast from my experience.
(edited by Muchacho.2390)
Haven’t tested the skill yet, is it any good in WvW?
Haven’t tested the skill yet, is it any good in WvW?
It is situationally good – it can give you 6 seconds of godmode if you can time it correctly, and the CD is refeshingly short – on a full DPS burst build it can easily refill you whole health bar + some.
On the other hand, if fail to land the DPS you are dead-meat.
Switch to it if you know you are about to wade into an enemy group and you have the opportunity to get a reliable cast in
On tankier builds you can use it as an additional sustain heal from Monks Focus – using stability helps maximise it’s effect.
For duelling/raiding stick to shelter or signet
I test duelled a couple of other roaming DPS guardians using it over the past couple of days ( with only 10 points in Valor ) and got my kitten handed to me on a plate because I couldn’t get reliable damage in, and really missed the block from shelter.
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
Its like they think of adding something good to the guardian and then say “Ohh wait, we don’t want Guardians to get too overpowered” and then give it this lame thing. But then they give other class rediculous things and say “Thats balanced”. Its sad at how this video can easily be applied to GW2.
There are definitely two different Med. Play styles that I play and I can live w/ one of them: GS + Sword/X.
GS + Sword/X is ‘good’. There’s a ton of porting around, mobility is ~good enough~ and they’re on a short enough cool-down that when they gain distance on you, you can jump back in their face.
I still dislike having not a snare in this situation (A Melee class w/o a snare… LOL), but whatever. Dev’s aren’t going to change it. They can’t figure it out.
The other is Hammer + Mace/X. It’s absolutely abysmal when it comes to staying on a target. Couple this w/ no snare no swiftness… RIDICULOUS.
Both Hammer and Mace should have a 2s Chill/Cripple on the second chain of the #1 skill, and increase the casting time to .75 (3/4).
ROW also needs the same QoL change warriors received.
I was out ran by a spectral walk necro yesterday, while running a hammer/mace med build w/ runes of the speed.
I just stopped and /laugh -> /cry. The necro turned around and /cry and we went on our merry way.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Meditations should give the Fury and Swiftness (same duration) when trait-ed.
While i agree that the trait should give fury and swiftness, i think you should always use, atleast in a mediation build, the zepter. I think going only melee weapons in an agressive build is not good. The only classes that can get way with that are warriors and thiefs. But only because of thier high mobility/gap closer. In fact zepter is a pretty strong waepon in ~600 range (for 600+ it becomes more unreliable but thats the case for most 1200 range weapons) and it gives an immobilize. Going mace in an offensive build is always bad, as the weapon is simple not designed for an offensive play style.
Edit: Acually in 1v1 arenas, the heal is not bad against most classes, atleast from my experience.
While the projectile speed up on the scepter has definitely helped alot its still just a little too unreliable IMO. Thieves don’t usually do straight melee but if they do they have more teleports gap closers and leaps than you can shake a stick at. Warriors have a very good ranged weapon in long bow that they usually do take not to mention Sword mainhand has an amazing leap finisher and their GS mobility is completely unfair. I think guards mobility should be maybe slightly less than warriors. Becuase right now they have to use a stunbreaker to open fights, and then they can’t stay on most targets. The lack of swiftness isn’t the issue with guardians mobility its the lack of gap closers, effective leaps, and snares.
Any chance of a skill point refund? I think most of us unlocked it assuming there would at least be a cool animation for the awful skill.
Just had a boss fight in pve in which I took a hit. Activated my heal.
Oh wait boss is charging an attack. Dodge.
Heal wasted.
Don’t even get me started on how awful it is in pvp.
This is a high risk/high reward skill. If you can make it work, you get full benefits. If you want a stable heal, there is always the three other skills.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
There are definitely two different Med. Play styles that I play and I can live w/ one of them: GS + Sword/X.
GS + Sword/X is ‘good’. There’s a ton of porting around, mobility is ~good enough~ and they’re on a short enough cool-down that when they gain distance on you, you can jump back in their face.
I still dislike having not a snare in this situation (A Melee class w/o a snare… LOL), but whatever. Dev’s aren’t going to change it. They can’t figure it out.
The other is Hammer + Mace/X. It’s absolutely abysmal when it comes to staying on a target. Couple this w/ no snare no swiftness… RIDICULOUS.
Both Hammer and Mace should have a 2s Chill/Cripple on the second chain of the #1 skill, and increase the casting time to .75 (3/4).
ROW also needs the same QoL change warriors received.
I was out ran by a spectral walk necro yesterday, while running a hammer/mace med build w/ runes of the speed.
I just stopped and /laugh -> /cry. The necro turned around and /cry and we went on our merry way.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Meditations should give the Fury and Swiftness (same duration) when trait-ed.
why are u running hammer/mace? sword/GS is bad as well because you dont have an immobilize. when people dodge your binding blade (and this occurs very foten), GS is basically useless in small gang scenarios. sword/hammer synergize beautifully because hammer gives u an immob, ward, and blowout, upon which you can build your sword #3 burst.
In other words, it should have been instant cast?
Like I said?
Like many of us said?
…Anet man…I’m pretty done here.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
Did someone really just mention meditation guards in pve? Ugh baddies.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
I already mentioned but you apparently refuse to actually read. The heal is NOT required. You don’t even have to use it so it does nothing at the worst case scenario since you can just use your old heal.
I also mentioned pvp is not the only scenario you can use it in. Mobs don’t evade you or kite you in pve so if you are built as a high dps med guard with heal and fury on meditation it will be a viable heal for dps centric med builds. As for those dismissing med guards in pve, bads with no imagination will always be bads with no imagination.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
I dont ever comment on PVE. This game’s pve is all zerker all the time, speed runs; its easy and very bland. Plus PVE mobs don’t really move out of your damage, so its easier to get the meditation heal to work.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
As for those dismissing med guards in pve, bads with no imagination will always be bads with no imagination.
This thread is about the heal so why woudn’t i mention the heal? Also if you use meditations in pve content such as dungeons fractals or world boss fights…. You are possibly the most selfish guardian in the game… Meditations are great for DPS pvp, open world pve, solo wvw. Thats it. Using it in zergs, dungeons, boss fights etc… There are so many great and “imaginative” builds that use other things besides meditations because they provide group support something meditations completely lack.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
As for those dismissing med guards in pve, bads with no imagination will always be bads with no imagination.
This thread is about the heal so why woudn’t i mention the heal? Also if you use meditations in pve content such as dungeons fractals or world boss fights…. You are possibly the most selfish guardian in the game… Meditations are great for DPS pvp, open world pve, solo wvw. Thats it. Using it in zergs, dungeons, boss fights etc… There are so many great and “imaginative” builds that use other things besides meditations because they provide group support something meditations completely lack.
You can successfully run meditations in any aspect of the game. I’ve ran mediations exclusively for awhile with my static group just to test viability and if it affected my group. It did not.
Windows 10
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
As for those dismissing med guards in pve, bads with no imagination will always be bads with no imagination.
This thread is about the heal so why woudn’t i mention the heal? Also if you use meditations in pve content such as dungeons fractals or world boss fights…. You are possibly the most selfish guardian in the game… Meditations are great for DPS pvp, open world pve, solo wvw. Thats it. Using it in zergs, dungeons, boss fights etc… There are so many great and “imaginative” builds that use other things besides meditations because they provide group support something meditations completely lack.
You can successfully run meditations in any aspect of the game. I’ve ran mediations exclusively for awhile with my static group just to test viability and if it affected my group. It did not.
Then you had someone else providing all the reflects? In things such as dungeons Meditations are completely lacking group synergy…. No fire fields which means less might, no reflects at all… No party wide boons, no stability, no group condition clear….
Viability=/=optimal…. While meditations are great in theory. In group play such as dungeons they are eh…
Saying meditations are great in all aspects of the game is like saying I am going to run clerics in every aspect of the game just because I know its viable.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
As for those dismissing med guards in pve, bads with no imagination will always be bads with no imagination.
This thread is about the heal so why woudn’t i mention the heal? Also if you use meditations in pve content such as dungeons fractals or world boss fights…. You are possibly the most selfish guardian in the game… Meditations are great for DPS pvp, open world pve, solo wvw. Thats it. Using it in zergs, dungeons, boss fights etc… There are so many great and “imaginative” builds that use other things besides meditations because they provide group support something meditations completely lack.
You can successfully run meditations in any aspect of the game. I’ve ran mediations exclusively for awhile with my static group just to test viability and if it affected my group. It did not.
Then you had someone else providing all the reflects? In things such as dungeons Meditations are completely lacking group synergy…. No fire fields which means less might, no reflects at all… No party wide boons, no stability, no group condition clear….
Viability=/=optimal…. While meditations are great in theory. In group play such as dungeons they are eh…
Saying meditations are great in all aspects of the game is like saying I am going to run clerics in every aspect of the game just because I know its viable.
None of this happened to me. Perhaps your bad experience with meditations is limited to you.
In regards to reflects, just switch the skill when its needed. I don’t see the big deal. Also, dungeons aren’t hard, stop making it seem like they are.
Are you going to say zerging world events is hard too and requires optimal builds? The only thing in this game that requires being optimal is spvp. Pve is anything but that.
Windows 10
(edited by Aza.2105)
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
As for those dismissing med guards in pve, bads with no imagination will always be bads with no imagination.
This thread is about the heal so why woudn’t i mention the heal? Also if you use meditations in pve content such as dungeons fractals or world boss fights…. You are possibly the most selfish guardian in the game… Meditations are great for DPS pvp, open world pve, solo wvw. Thats it. Using it in zergs, dungeons, boss fights etc… There are so many great and “imaginative” builds that use other things besides meditations because they provide group support something meditations completely lack.
You can successfully run meditations in any aspect of the game. I’ve ran mediations exclusively for awhile with my static group just to test viability and if it affected my group. It did not.
Then you had someone else providing all the reflects? In things such as dungeons Meditations are completely lacking group synergy…. No fire fields which means less might, no reflects at all… No party wide boons, no stability, no group condition clear….
Viability=/=optimal…. While meditations are great in theory. In group play such as dungeons they are eh…
Saying meditations are great in all aspects of the game is like saying I am going to run clerics in every aspect of the game just because I know its viable.
None of this happened to me. Perhaps your bad experience with meditations is limited to you.
In regards to reflects, just switch the skill when its needed. I don’t see the big deal. Also, dungeons aren’t hard, stop making it seem like they are.
Are you going to say zerging world events is hard too and requires optimal builds? The only thing in this game that requires being optimal is spvp. Pve is anything but that.
Dungeons may not be hard. But people running nothing but selfish and non-group supportive builds are a joke in dungeons. And if you get a group of nothing but people running these types of things you see the problem that arises. And I never used meditations in dungeons. The guards that have used them almost never switched the skills for the appropriate fights, had no blast finishers, no team buffs, nada. At high level fractals the last thing that is useful is a meditation guardian. They are on par with the five signet warriors.
Back on topic trying to use this heal in a pvp environment such as wvw is useless because people can see it cast run away and stay away since you have no meaninful CC or snares and then your heal became useless…
Anet seems intent on reversing guards and warriors role as seen with the great difference between the two heals they just put out for the two classes.
The guards that have used them almost never switched the skills for the appropriate fights, had no blast finishers, no team buffs, nada. At high level fractals the last thing that is useful is a meditation guardian. They are on par with the five signet warriors.
This is your problem, associative thinking. You are applying your experience to every meditation guard that might exist in pve. Every meditation guard won’t have blast finishers, every meditation guard won’t switch out skills, every meditation guard won’t have team buffs etc. You see what I’m saying?
Your past experience is causing you to apply this to everyone. And that is just wrong. Which is why I told you in my prior post to you, your experience is simply limited to you.
If you were saying meditations won’t work in pvp, I probably would agree with you. Pvp is dynamic, but when you talk about dungeons….dungeons. Everything is scripted, the exact same thing each time.
Windows 10
The guards that have used them almost never switched the skills for the appropriate fights, had no blast finishers, no team buffs, nada. At high level fractals the last thing that is useful is a meditation guardian. They are on par with the five signet warriors.
This is your problem, associative thinking. You are applying your experience to every meditation guard that might exist in pve. Every meditation guard won’t have blast finishers, every meditation guard won’t switch out skills, every meditation guard won’t have team buffs etc. You see what I’m saying?
Your past experience is causing you to apply this to everyone. And that is just wrong. Which is why I told you in my prior post to you, your experience is simply limited to you.
If you were saying meditations won’t work in pvp, I probably would agree with you. Pvp is dynamic, but when you talk about dungeons….dungeons. Everything is scripted, the exact same thing each time.
Which is funny because in a PvP such as tPvP an offensive meditation guard is quite a force…. In PvE they don’t do much for the entire group which is the point.