New to Gw2 and mmorpg genre
Same for me. I’m a console gamer and just got into PC gaming. This is my first game (more or less). First ever MMO.
My biggest tip I got was dont obsess over traits and skill point spending. You can re-purpose those as much as you want (when you hit certain levels you automatically get to redo them too) and there’s tons of skill points plus I think even after you max level you still acquire them from leveling.
Save all your karma and laurels for when you max level.
The game seems to drop enough stuff that I never worry about buying anything except I recently have (in my level 50s) so I can have matching armor or a nice hammer (never seem to get hammer drops).
I did tailoring and that seems to craft easily as I usually have supplies.
Salvage salvageable items and deposit collectibles to clear your inventory bags.
Do your dailys as often as you can. Or be conscious of trying to get them while you play your story.
Save all your jugs of karma and use a karma booster before you drink them. You’ll get both of those just from game play.
Find a guild with vent. I finally found a great guild that decently sized and everyone is so nice that it makes the game even more fun. Plus folks to help you. Lots of stuff in the game is geared for parties.
If you are solo, dont try and fight a champion.
If you have a nice graphics card and run max settings, use this to make it nicer looking:
WvW will level you up fast.
If you think the PvE Story game map is big, it’s a fraction of how big the game really is.
Make dodging habit. Getting that to your reflex controls so that when you need it, it wont be foreign to use. Sometimes the daily will have a dodge achievement and you will need it to face other real players in PvP or WvW.
Try other character builds/classes/races to find the one that fits for you. I had about a dozen builds that were throw aways.
Change default key binding to ones that are logical to you. (I use a Logitech G13 gamepad with my left hand thumb for movement and it feels more like gaming as I come from consoles and computers are more WORKstations than PLAYstations..well till i got my video card anyway)
That’s all I can think of from a newbie to a newbie.
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society
Same for me. I’m a console gamer and just got into PC gaming. This is my first game (more or less). First ever MMO.
My biggest tip I got was dont obsess over traits and skill point spending. You can re-purpose those as much as you want (when you hit certain levels you automatically get to redo them too) and there’s tons of skill points plus I think even after you max level you still acquire them from leveling.
Save all your karma and laurels for when you max level.
The game seems to drop enough stuff that I never worry about buying anything except I recently have (in my level 50s) so I can have matching armor or a nice hammer (never seem to get hammer drops).
I did tailoring and that seems to craft easily as I usually have supplies.
Salvage salvageable items and deposit collectibles to clear your inventory bags.
Do your dailys as often as you can. Or be conscious of trying to get them while you play your story.
Save all your jugs of karma and use a karma booster before you drink them. You’ll get both of those just from game play.
Find a guild with vent. I finally found a great guild that decently sized and everyone is so nice that it makes the game even more fun. Plus folks to help you. Lots of stuff in the game is geared for parties.
If you are solo, dont try and fight a champion.
If you have a nice graphics card and run max settings, use this to make it nicer looking:
WvW will level you up fast.
If you think the PvE Story game map is big, it’s a fraction of how big the game really is.
Make dodging habit. Getting that to your reflex controls so that when you need it, it wont be foreign to use. Sometimes the daily will have a dodge achievement and you will need it to face other real players in PvP or WvW.
Try other character builds/classes/races to find the one that fits for you. I had about a dozen builds that were throw aways.
Change default key binding to ones that are logical to you. (I use a Logitech G13 gamepad with my left hand thumb for movement and it feels more like gaming as I come from consoles and computers are more WORKstations than PLAYstations..well till i got my video card anyway)
That’s all I can think of from a newbie to a newbie.
There is some okay info there. To me though, Events that are at level or slightly above level will give you better leveling overall.
I’d also argue about not buying gear. Good practice is to buy gear for the stats you want every so often during leveling. You can get good gear off the tp for fairly cheap and max out your stats. Buy green masterwork items at first. A good general rule of thumb is to do so every 10 levels or so. When you start being able to get rares, buy them instead.
I also looked at that SweetFX thread, and maybe it’s just my graphics gard, but those screenshots of the SweetFX-edited game look worse than the actual game settings at maxed visual settings.
Don’t think of tanking like you would in other mmorpgs. You won’t necessarily hold aggro in the game to be considered the tank. However, you can make the character to be able to tank in the sense of being able to take punishment and still live. In this game, those are called bunker builds. Further, there are several other classes that can fit this bill. So it isn’t just limited to guardians. That being said, guardians do lend themselves to bunker builds (ie tank’ers) more easily than others. Elementalists do as well.
Weapon choices are purely personal choice. Test them all out, and pick the ones you want.
If you still want to play guardian, and be the bunker build, check out the stickied thread above about Altruistic Healing and critting. Also check out the Paragon build thread. That’s a good build to start with. Since you’re wanting a bunker build, you’ll probably want to concentrate on toughness and maybe healing power. Clerics gear, knight’s gear, or a mix of the two might be a good choice for you.
(edited by Lonewolf Kai.3682)
Same for me. I’m a console gamer and just got into PC gaming. This is my first game (more or less). First ever MMO.
My biggest tip I got was dont obsess over traits and skill point spending. You can re-purpose those as much as you want (when you hit certain levels you automatically get to redo them too) and there’s tons of skill points plus I think even after you max level you still acquire them from leveling.
Save all your karma and laurels for when you max level.
The game seems to drop enough stuff that I never worry about buying anything except I recently have (in my level 50s) so I can have matching armor or a nice hammer (never seem to get hammer drops).
I did tailoring and that seems to craft easily as I usually have supplies.
Salvage salvageable items and deposit collectibles to clear your inventory bags.
Do your dailys as often as you can. Or be conscious of trying to get them while you play your story.
Save all your jugs of karma and use a karma booster before you drink them. You’ll get both of those just from game play.
Find a guild with vent. I finally found a great guild that decently sized and everyone is so nice that it makes the game even more fun. Plus folks to help you. Lots of stuff in the game is geared for parties.
If you are solo, dont try and fight a champion.
If you have a nice graphics card and run max settings, use this to make it nicer looking:
WvW will level you up fast.
If you think the PvE Story game map is big, it’s a fraction of how big the game really is.
Make dodging habit. Getting that to your reflex controls so that when you need it, it wont be foreign to use. Sometimes the daily will have a dodge achievement and you will need it to face other real players in PvP or WvW.
Try other character builds/classes/races to find the one that fits for you. I had about a dozen builds that were throw aways.
Change default key binding to ones that are logical to you. (I use a Logitech G13 gamepad with my left hand thumb for movement and it feels more like gaming as I come from consoles and computers are more WORKstations than PLAYstations..well till i got my video card anyway)
That’s all I can think of from a newbie to a newbie.There is some okay info there. To me though, Events that are at level or slightly above level will give you better leveling overall.
I’d also argue about not buying gear. Good practice is to buy gear for the stats you want every so often during leveling. You can get good gear off the tp for fairly cheap and max out your stats. Buy green masterwork items at first. A good general rule of thumb is to do so every 10 levels or so. When you start being able to get rares, buy them instead.
I also looked at that SweetFX thread, and maybe it’s just my graphics gard, but those screenshots of the SweetFX-edited game look worse than the actual game settings at maxed visual settings.
Don’t think of tanking like you would in other mmorpgs. You won’t necessarily hold aggro in the game to be considered the tank. However, you can make the character to be able to tank in the sense of being able to take punishment and still live. In this game, those are called bunker builds. Further, there are several other classes that can fit this bill. So it isn’t just limited to guardians. That being said, guardians do lend themselves to bunker builds (ie tank’ers) more easily than others. Elementalists do as well.
Weapon choices are purely personal choice. Test them all out, and pick the ones you want.
If you still want to play guardian, and be the bunker build, check out the stickied thread above about Altruistic Healing and critting. Also check out the Paragon build thread. That’s a good build to start with. Since you’re wanting a bunker build, you’ll probably want to concentrate on toughness and maybe healing power. Clerics gear, knight’s gear, or a mix of the two might be a good choice for you.
Oh ok thank u so much it helps me alot and btw dose differnt race have different passives or is the story that are inly different?
Different races have different racial abilities, but the passives are the same. Racial abilities are generally considerably weaker than your class abilities, too, and are really only there as “flavor”, not necessarily as something you’d want to use regularly.