Non-Bunker for tPvP?

Non-Bunker for tPvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


I find Bunker Guardian to be very boring and mindless to play. Is there any way to play Guardian as some sort of a roamer or bunker/team fighter/roamer hybrid, like all those Necros, Engies and Spirit Rangers? Or you will be too much of a deadweight for the team?

Non-Bunker for tPvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Whit the last updates and fix, the guardian’s not the best bunker. it can live a little longer than other classes, but engi, necro, ele and warrior bunker can kill. A guardian can’t kill anyone. It’s only longer to kill, nothing more.
I’ve a excellent warrior bunker/banner that survive more than a guardian, has a very good CC skill and stun, has a good ranged weapon and deal damage.
And I’ve an excellent DPS Guardian.

If you want, you can go DPS.

Huge damage, good survavibility (every meditation give you 1800-1900hp), condition removers and can move good whit the 3 of the GS and the 2 of the sword.
It’s a hard build to use, but if you learn how to use it you can do high damage and survive.
You must use the healing skill to block enemy attacks, the same for the 5 of the focus and active your virtue then use the elite to reobtain and be invulnerable for 3 sec.

It’s a little vulnerable against conditions and it’s a build more for 1vs1 than for 5vs5, but if you defend the base you will fight 1/2 enemy at time, not all the enemy team, ad that build work good. Or you can go steal the enemy base.

Whit that build I can kill thief, warrior, ele, mesmer, guardian and sometime ranger. it’s hard kill a engi or a necro whit this build, or a ranger in full condition sword/dagger.

Try it.

Non-Bunker for tPvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Naab.4301


Non-Bunker for tPvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Thanks for the suggestions.

Non-Bunker for tPvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kwll.1468


Whit the last updates and fix, the guardian’s not the best bunker. it can live a little longer than other classes, but engi, necro, ele and warrior bunker can kill. A guardian can’t kill anyone. It’s only longer to kill, nothing more.
I’ve a excellent warrior bunker/banner that survive more than a guardian, has a very good CC skill and stun, has a good ranged weapon and deal damage.
And I’ve an excellent DPS Guardian.

If you want, you can go DPS.

Huge damage, good survavibility (every meditation give you 1800-1900hp), condition removers and can move good whit the 3 of the GS and the 2 of the sword.
It’s a hard build to use, but if you learn how to use it you can do high damage and survive.
You must use the healing skill to block enemy attacks, the same for the 5 of the focus and active your virtue then use the elite to reobtain and be invulnerable for 3 sec.

It’s a little vulnerable against conditions and it’s a build more for 1vs1 than for 5vs5, but if you defend the base you will fight 1/2 enemy at time, not all the enemy team, ad that build work good. Or you can go steal the enemy base.

Whit that build I can kill thief, warrior, ele, mesmer, guardian and sometime ranger. it’s hard kill a engi or a necro whit this build, or a ranger in full condition sword/dagger.

Try it.

Bunkers arent suppossed to be killing people. Guardians are still the best bunkers. I know he doesn’t want to play one but really don’t say stuff that isn’t true. Taking longer to kill that is basically the essence of bunkering lol. As for the topic there are tons of non bunker guardian builds check Silvens sticky it has tons of them.

Non-Bunker for tPvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: hamsteak.1368


i’m using a rhs build with soldier’s amulet and meditations

Auger Claw (PvE/Spvp) – Thief
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer

Non-Bunker for tPvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Yes, the guardian can survive a little more than other tanks. But if you need to hold a place and an enemy come to you, what do you do? I’ve killed so many bunker guardian in 1vs1 hit no problems. Try to kill easy a necro bunker. If you’re not the right class, the necro will kill you whitout problems.
Now, you prefer a bunker that die or a bunker that kill your enemy whitout help?
I play berserker buardian in tspvp like a base holder and in 1vs1 there’s only some classes that can kill me and if the enemy isn’t good I kill it easy. That’s why my friend prefer to keep me in they’re party and don’t want a guardian bunker that can only ask help any time there’s an enemy and need to be rescued every moment.
Pick up a half bunker in party to help the team to resist at the middle point and use the berserker to defend the base point. The berserker don’t survive longer than a iper bunker, but the berserker can kill your enemy whitout your help.
Survive a little longer and die or obtain the power to kill the enemy that come to steal your point?
That’s why in time i find some teams that don’t has guardian but necro, warrior or engi bunker.
P.s. the engi bunker survive longer than a guardian and deal 3 times the damage, at range and has combo fielsds, condition damage and mass knock back ability. but only if the engi know how to play, te guardian is more easy to play.