Norn Female Knight Looks
Have you tried talking to the gear lockers in the heart of the mists? They should let you preview anything.
Get the chest and legs, mix the rest. T2 cultural gloves and shoulders go well with T3, get whatever boots strike your fancy. Lots of helmet options go well with all of the above.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
I was going to say, Draconic without the Helm is what I roll, giving a sufficient “clothy” knight look.
Also, you might consider the Hall of Monuments armor if you happen to have it.
I have a female Norn Guardian and I was devastated to find out too late that the armor skins are just absolutely terrible. The only ones I like are HOTW and Vigil skins. Just one more character I regret not making Asuran.
>implying Asura are the superior race
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
If you’re gonna mix and match armor then Heart of the Mists pvp locker is best option to see what you want. You can also look online at and has a good collection of pics for armor also.
I have a female Norn Guardian and I was devastated to find out too late that the armor skins are just absolutely terrible. The only ones I like are HOTW and Vigil skins. Just one more character I regret not making Asuran.
On this point, asuras don’t actually have female armor skins, both male and female are the same.
Never tried the PvP locker, thanks for the great advice I’ll check it out!
With regards to the asura, to each their own I guess I like my toons either norn or human male/female, making a tree, a cat with horns or rabbit like… creatures… I can’t really relate to them.
I think the dulfy website only has the exotic armors, there are some pretty good looking armor skins that arent exotic. Case in point, the level 80 mastercraft heavy armor for norn female, it has a very punk rock/gothic/emo armor with fishnet stockings and gloves with a short skirt. Which is appealing but not, u know, an ARMOR
I have a female Norn Guardian myself and I run the Gladiator set look w/o the helm showing. It’s the most Nornish looking set I’ve found so far.
Using the PvP locker to preview armor is probably better than checking sites since the preview will use your own character, so you can see how it looks. Remember to change your colours as well or carry some dyes to preview. Sadly, you can only dye an entire set of slots at once, not each one individually.
Regarding draconic armor, my warrior likes using the legs and gauntlets only. The rest is taken from other parts. Bear in mind draconic at least looks okay. The crafted exotics for medium armor… ugh. XD
I’m surprised that the CM heavy set hasn’t been mentioned because I think it looks simply stunning in silver especially how it reflects light sources. My guardian is also a Norn and i used to wear the heavy plated set but once I started to appreciate the worn look to noblemen’s armour, I never went back.
Well, you may want to try this combo:
- Boots, shoulders, chest and hands from CoF
- Legs and helm ( if you show it ) from Arah.
I love the looks of that combo
Ilario Ciarenni – Mesmerizing Human Mesmer
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