Norn VS Human Guardian Dilemma
My warrior is female norn with full t3, have not noticed any clipping problems. I don’t think the hounds are worth choosing a human for, more of a novelty though more usefull than than the norn elites, your guardian elites are far more useful anyway.
You will be much happier if you choose the race you enjoy to play more (look of) than choosing one you don’t like as much for a racial elite (that is not that great anyway)
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
Yeah. Figured I’d go for Norn.
Any other known difference between Human Guardian and Norn Guardian apart from the Elites?
Thanks for the quick response mate.
Norns are terrible for jumping puzzles, human male may end up looking like logan, forcing you to reroll. Thats about all I can think of
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
Go Charr, they at least get a cool Elite skill: Charrzooka.
hahaha. Charzooka is indeed an awesome feature. But yeah, I’m contemplating between Norn and Human only.
Trying out the Norn now, viewing their T3 and what not. See if it is indeed viable in my eyes. lol
Keep in mind that with Norn, you can expect a lot of clipping to occur on the more muscled/thick physiques. Plus I hear the beards clip through the helmets all the time.
I picked up the smallest body type with the tallest height possible. Hopefully it will do.
But I’m gonna most likely pick a Female Norn though. No issues there i think as I tried previewing the T3 stag set with no clipping issues so far except for the 1 handed weapon sticking out of the back skirt. Minor for me.