Norn or Human as Guardian?
I was gonna post some human pics, but then I read: MALE.
In any case, for me, male Norns looks like barbarians and are more suited on Warrior.
Guardian for Human.
Warrior for Norn.
Just seems right to me really, and also what Knives said.
Norn female guardian.
Nobody wants to see a male *.
guardians will need dmg boost in many situations
so i prefer human because hounds of balthazar
Go Norn or go home! Norn look pretty amazing in heavy armor due to their sheer size and bulk, very good for the “large protector” kind of feel. Humans may be a little better if you’re going straight-up “paladin” type of feel, but Norn are still amazing. Also, the Norn cultural heavy armor are so much better than the Human armor.
I would say roll both and play them through the starter areas to get a feel for the Avatars.
I personally grew to hate my Norn and rerolled. Their size makes them feel a bit slow and clumsy.
Plus when I rolled a Norn I chose the smallest stature I could. This led to a weird animation bug where the shoulder pads floated at ear level rather then sitting on the shoulders… was totally off putting
I would advise taking a look at your cultural armors before you make a final decision as well. I mean if you want either of those.
I think the human cultural heavy armor looks better but I still went Norn, a max height female amazon kind of Norn. When I kill risen asura with my hammer it fills like I’m playing whack-a-mole with zombie chihuahuas. Very satisfying.
I have always thought of Norn Guardians as “Warrior Shamans”. They may not be as numerous as Warriors lore wise, but they still fit perfectly fine. One would expect to find most of them in the Wolf clan, as they are the protectors.
Why limit yourself and your creativity? You can make any race/class combination work just as well as any stereotyped combo.
(edited by Four Leaf Clover.7908)
I don’t like Norn in heavy armour as it looks stretched out, as though they designed it for a human then just widened it.
Charr = Warrior (hidden pistol and battle roar)
Norn/Female = Guardian/Warrior (because cultural armor looks awesome)
I have the tallest norn body available and the slimmest one. I like large intimidating character so yea…
and the slimmest body type doesn’t make the armor looks stretch out.
Norn. Lorewise maybe not the best choise, but I’m a sucker for armor looks.
Silly bookahs. The superiority of Asura should be obvious.
Well, Human cultural armor looks cool for guardians, but Norn fit the spirit warrior theme better.
Are scepter tennis balls not getting the job done in that WvW siege? Try a Charrzooka.
Want a little help dispatching that boss mob while you’re soloing in PvE? Try Warband Support.
Charr is the obvious choice…
depending on how you want to look, play, etc… Norn CAN be pretty bulky so the armor can look more.. “comical” if you will. i however, do not mind that at all. when i think Guardian, i think a big doode. and Norn fit that. at the same time, human Guardian can look just really finessed and fit more when wielding shield, scepter of staff. but that’s just my perspective.
and yes, i wouldn’t have minded rolling a Charr Guardian!DD
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall