Off-hand Sword Concept

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

The off-hand sword is designed to provide Guardians with some of the aspects that they lack (soft cc and mobility) with some defense. The cost of this, however, is that it is the only off-hand that lacks group utility. It works well with the sword but has amazing synergy with a MH mace.

Skill 4 – The Inquisition
Leap at the target, dealing moderate damage and crippling them for 3 seconds.
Range – 900
Cooldown – 15 seconds
Combo Finisher – Leap
Note – Like most leap skills, it does not require a target.

Skill 5 – Zealot’s Assault
Gain Fury (5s) and Aegis (5s). Stab your target for heavy damage.
Range – Melee
Cooldown – Somewhere between 20-25 seconds
Note – Boons applied before stab. You are not required to land it to gain the boons.
Note – Synergizes well with all Aegis-based traits – especially Unscathed Contender.

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Araris.7839


Yes please..

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Periclitor.1892


Sounds good but there are some minor problem, one being that although i am speculating but it seems they do not want Guard to dual wield, or to have a offensive offhand. The second problem would be the cc itself, Guard do need soft cc but limiting it to one weapon in a specific slot(offhand). Would not resolve our main disadvantage.

That being said
Great ideas and it is always refreshing to see people brainstorm, so keep at it.

Periclltor – Guardian
Account and Char® name could
be the same, Profanity!?

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Louk Tsoup.2108

Louk Tsoup.2108

I am a huge fan of the idea of double sword, off hand sword sounds awesome, but your proposed skills sound something like what a warrior would have, but the offhand sword thing, excellent. I would be able to finally dual wield infinite light :P

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


I think that they must first fix the skill 3 of the sword XD
Off Hand sword like that is good but I think they don’t want to create skills like that.

1) your skill 4 grant movement. They DON’T WANT to make Guardian be good to move. A guardian (they think) must stay in a place and hold the area, and give buffs to ally to grant them the possibility to survive in that area. No more. That’s why there’s only 2 movement skills in all the skill list of the guardian.

2) guardian is a defensive healing mage-warrior. It’s been created to obtain healing by buffs and skills, and to obtain a large number of defensive buffs. They don’t want to make you obtain fury so easy, not on the guardian.

I hope that they listen to your idea, but they don’t. That’s a good idea for a warrior, but not for a guardian.

I think that they can like something like: (example)

skill 4: block one enemy attack (duration of possible block: 3 sec). If block an attack inflict damage and grant protection (or regen or blind the enemy) for 3 sec. Single target.
At last it can be an AoE skill, blast finisher, like the mace skill 3.

skill 5: grab an enemy to you and inflict low damage. range 900. (A single target skill similar to the GS skill 5)

That can become defensive like they want and you can obtain a skill to grab to you the enemy.

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Dynnen.6405



Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


Sounds good but there are some minor problem, one being that although i am speculating but it seems they do not want Guard to dual wield, or to have a offensive offhand. The second problem would be the cc itself, Guard do need soft cc but limiting it to one weapon in a specific slot(offhand). Would not resolve our main disadvantage.

That being said
Great ideas and it is always refreshing to see people brainstorm, so keep at it.

I have to disagree, as the weapons that have the most issues regarding mobility and lack of CC are indeed sword/mace, and an offhand with said mobility or CC would make them much more effective. GS already has a leap and a pull, and Hammer has an Immobilize and a Ward. Sword does have leap, but the issue is the slight delay on the skill which puts anything that moves faster than you out of range instantly.

As far as an off hand sword, I would love the idea, as I love dual wielding swords, but I would like to see the skills differently. I would like to see a symbol added, preferably something ground targeted, that could give Fury. The description could be something like “Throw a spiritual version off your offhand sword towards an enemy that shatters on impact, causing a symbol to spawn at the point of impact” Also I would love to see an AoE snare as well, maybe something that could play around with both the fire and frost aspects that guardians seem to have. “Channel heat from surrounding enemies into your blade inflicting chill.” then as a second press “Release the collected energy to burn nearby enemies and deal significant damage. Extends the CD of the skill by X times”

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


2) guardian is a defensive healing mage-warrior. It’s been created to obtain healing by buffs and skills, and to obtain a large number of defensive buffs. They don’t want to make you obtain fury so easy, not on the guardian.

I don’t really see this as completely true. While we can’t get it as easy as other classes, perma fury is very much possible in certain situations. Inner fire for example, pretty much gives you perma fury against anything that inflicts burning, which is almost every class in the game. Also with meditations granting fury, and also runes like Rune of the citadel, which can give you 50% up time alone, it is very much possible to gain fury as a guardian.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Sounds good but there are some minor problem, one being that although i am speculating but it seems they do not want Guard to dual wield, or to have a offensive offhand.

I’m going to give a guess that you’ve never played with the torch before?

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: CptAurellian.9537


The torch is no offensive, but simply a useless offhand.

Warning! This post may contain traces of irony, sarcasm and peanuts.

There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Painbow.6059


I don’t like like the idea of two swords for guardian. Would much rather a shield rework

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: SplendidDust of AncientSuns.8453

SplendidDust of AncientSuns.8453

Off-hand sceptor yes? At least with luck we have with the devs and all.

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


The torch is no offensive, but simply a useless offhand.

…. Torch used with the right set up is an amazing dps boost, and burst capabilities. While #5 is useless outside of group play, #4 is possibly one of the best offensive tools we have…

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Off-hand Sword Concept

in Guardian

Posted by: Iconoklast.2389


  1. will never happen. We already have the blink on Sword#1 and they wouldn’t let guardians leap across the map like that. I’d really like some sort of cripple though considering we have no soft CC.
Iconoklast – Guardian / Icono Clone – Mesmer
Tiny Icono – Engineer / The Icono – Elementalist
SoS – Empyrean Knights [EK] YB – The Coasters [TC]