Offensive Guardians in Dungeons
melle only works in dungeons at rare times, if you getting pounded by ranged mobs, Shield of the avenger as well as wall of reflection will save your life. there just isnt a way to build enough toughness or health to do decent dps and survive consentrated mob fire in dungeons, use your utilities
Server: Maguma
Guild: Judgement [Eye]
I was going to ask the same question once the forums came online, so no, you’re not alone. No matter if I’m going in first or standing back attempting to buff/heal, I seem to get targeted, and I’m usually the first downed.
I try to time my utilities according to the fights, but some of the bosses have hard animations to see, especially with all the effects going off around them. I just hit 80 a couple days ago, so hopefully better equipment over time will help with survivability (currently running with lvl 70 exotic set with a couple of Sup Divinities I could afford).
But, I’m not complaining at all. I’m loving every minute of it.
Woof, better equipment probably won’t help. It’s just that dungeons are meant to test players. You’ve got to kite like crazy. I would suggest keeping a scepter set on one of your swaps in dungeons until you learn them well enough to know what weapon can be used where. Even some of the big bosses that walk right through Wards can still be immobilized
Jade Quarry
If you are good at melee, you CAN play most of the dungeon in melee range. However, you’ve got to make sure you have some defensive abilities (other than dodge) to use when you’re in a bind, and you should have a ranged weapon on your other set.
With those prerequisites fulfilled, you should be fine.
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows
I run Greatsword and Scepter/Torch and find dungeons to be great. As long as you are always moving and dodging actively, you should be fine. As such, be prepared to die a few times along the way! That is part of this game with the way rezzing works.
Using an immobilize utility plus the one on Scepter will save your butt. You just need to remember to swap often and learn to use you’re entire arsenal.
Currently run that build. I use the Greatsword mostly and switch to the Hammer for utility.
My gear is mostly Power Condition and Vitality though I want to switch to Power Precision and Vit/Toughness.
I essentially use my shouts to keep me up on the front lines with small regen health and protection so I can pretty much tank most auto attacks. I dodge roll whenever I have full endurance for the small AoE heal.
For the elites, I switch between books depending on what I feel we need.
The build relies on the target to be burning at all times by using your F1 on CD when you’re in range of your whole party. Using this applies a 35 second burn on the target with the right food and stats. The burn ticks for a nice amount of damage while also increasing your overall damage.
This works well for me on both soloing and grouping. I would not recommend it for PvP though.