Only a Guardian...
Only a Guardian would think that the Z-Axis is what cool kids can do.
Only a Guardian would pick up every single Fiery Greatsword or Ice Bow summoned by an ele to be able to actually attack at range.
Only a Guardian knows the true value of rabbits that can be used to escape with Flashing Blade or Judge’s Intervention.
Only a Guardian would laugh at Orb of Lights 3 sec cooldown because it gets stuck every single time while trying to attack that cannon and has to be detonated.
Only a Guardian can whip out a hammer and use it as a golf club to send a mesmer flying off a cliff.
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”
Only a Guardian can laugh at numerous squishies killing themselves with just keeping retaliation up and running around in circles during WvW
Lvl 80 Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist.
Only a Guardian gets double teamed by thieves and causes them to run for their lives.
Only a guardian can down invaders like kitties in a blender.
Only a guardian would shout “RETREAT!” and promptly charge the enemy team
Only a guardian would face the most kitten boss with a melee weapon.
Only a guardian will shout “Save yourselves!” and die for doing it.
(That was a terrifying experience ;;)
Only a guardian zones into raving Asura fractal 10+ and thinks “Sweet! Harpies!”
Only a Guardian can reach Fractal Scale 22 with 0 AR and still not be a burden to the team. I was horrified though.
Only a guardian can heal himself over 50% with a weapon skill.
Only a Guardian can set things on fire by hitting it with a lump of ice.
Only a Guardian is forced to set his enemies on fire.
Only a Guardian will stop in the middle of a battle to read a book.
Only a guardian can block attacks better with a candlestick than with a shield
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
Only a guardian can turn all stacked conditions into boons.
Only a guardian thinks that an AoE heal for 1200 is overpowered, since it’s 10% of his hit points.
Only a guardian think that a little blue bubble is a safe place.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
Only a guardian can knock someone down by just pointing at them.
Only a guardian thinks 1000-1200 crits is great damage.
Only a guardian would shout “RETREAT!” and promptly charge the enemy team
We are faking out the enemy.
Server: Maguuma
Only a guardian can “Leeroy Jenkins” the enemy zerg and take 6-7 of them with him.
Only a guardian knows the fourth virtue is patience. Because the zerg is usually 25-33% faster than him most of the time.
Only a Guardian can say “Beam me up scotty” and teleport with a flash of light.
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”
Only a Guardian can shout, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” and mean it.
Only a guardian can teleport and leap 2400 units towards his enemy and is still not able to catch him.
Only a guardian can teleport and leap 2400 units towards his enemy and is still not able to catch him.
Holy words
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"
Only a guardian has spirit weapons made out of french cheese
Only a guardian can have the healthpool of an anemic fly and still refuse to die
Ilario Ciarenni – Mesmerizing Human Mesmer
[TEO] The Exalted Ones
Only a guardian thinks 1000-1200 crits is great damage.
it’s funny because it’s true.
Only a guardian thinks 1000-1200 crits is great damage.
it’s funny because it’s true.
I crit 5k´s and I think I could do better. Also my survivability is getting better all the time as my skills get better.
Also: Only guardians can block thieves and warriors burst while thinking what to have for dinner.
Only a guardian thinks 1000-1200 crits is great damage.
it’s funny because it’s true.
Hahahaha, that’s right! Wait… 1000-1200 crits IS great damage.
Only a Guardian summons Eternal Spirits; only to find out they die when someone sneezes in their general direction.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Only a guardian will shout “Save yourselves!” and die for doing it.
(That was a terrifying experience ;;)
I love your tag. And, I have had this trouble as well.
Te Nosce [TC]
Only a Guardian dodges so well everyone around feels a little better afterwords.
Only a Guardian gets nerf every single patch
Only a guardian can say " Eat my dust!" and still remain in the last…
Only a guardian thinks 1000-1200 crits is great damage.
…But But But…. I’m a Guardian…. 1000-1200 crit is good :|?
Hehe only too true.
Only a Guardian would finish a dungeon only to remember they could have used skill #6 to heal the whole time…. they just didn’t need to.
Only a guardian replaces a sword and shield with a hammer when he wants to fight more defensively.
Only a guardian protects his allies by falling on them.
Only a guardian would throw a bonfire on you or blast you with a blowtorch to stop you from burning.
Only a guardian would think “I still have 4000 health left. I’ll use my heal skill if I need it.”
Only a guardian is chasing the elite boss around with a club and a flower while the other players are trying to run away from it.
Only a guardian would say “I can give everyone in the party stability, but only for 28 of the next 31 seconds” and think he is not doing much.
Only a guardian says he wishes the monster would attack him instead of the ranger’s pet.
Only a guardian thinks karkas’ quintuple-shot attacks makes them easy to farm.
Only a guardian can make people commit group suicides at WvW.
only a guardian doesn’t know there’s an allotted heal slot
Only a guardian thinks karkas’ quintuple-shot attacks makes them easy to farm.
My mesmer friends disagree.
Only a guardian will be happy for the new aoe nerf that’s coming.
Sunrise ~ Bifrost ~ Bolt