OpenWorld: PVE Domination Build
This is actually an awesome build. My only gripe I’d the swiftness uptime. Consider runes of the pack for stacking fury and swiftness. Traveler if you are feeling lazy
I would honestly use fmw for the spike in damage when you facets 3 mobs
I like those sigils and interrupt. Really gives a nice flavor to traps. Will include them on my guardian for sure.
However there’s too much support in your build for me. The valor traitline is superfluous in my opinion. I feel that all the heals fom sigil of Draining, Pure of Heart and Selfless Daring are more than enough, especially when combined all the defenses from traps, virtues and traited symbols. I’d hence swap Valor for Zeal and get some more beef out of those symbols and more overall damage. You gain a 17% damage modifier, more burns, more vulnerability, more damage from symbols… which is nicely synergetic with Writ of Persistence. Zeal adds so much damage to hammer that I don’t feel comfortable using hammer without it. I also like to use Traveller’s runes in open-world for QoL, but they also give you some condition damage and boon duration, helping for symbols and might generated from sigils. Also, using these runes basically frees a utility slot since you won’t need Retreat!.
Additionally, in open-world I’d still go with scepter/shield as second set if you’re really threatened. Stay in hammer, drop traps, survive with all available active defenses… Then if things get too hot, switch to scepter/shield, use #5 to knockback foes, heal and range safely for a while, shield#4 to get another aegis (and heal) and more protection, scepter#3 to immobilize if needed, and switch back to hammer when things have cooled off or until your traps are off CD. At this point, switching back to hammer should be safe enough and your HP should be back up.
all relevant points I do switch to zeal when I am in a more group oriented environment since valor really is sustain overload. however the might generation off block is nothing to frown upon since they last quite a bit and the two condi remove on heal is something I would miss a lot.
scepter is only relevent when doing Champs/legends which I do switch too (or LB)
I am torn on retreat – yes I would not need it but really it is an awsome utility in this this build.
- Swiftness
- 2 Stacks of might
- 2s regeneration
- One nearly on demand condi cleanse
- A total heal of 1.4k+ (factoring in the heals from AH for 4 boons)
- A block
- Recharging passiv F1
I do not really mind the 50% swiftness uptime. If breakbar killer is needed yes I do switch for signet.
But I think its safe to say that the build can be modulated quite well. however i feel that is the strong side of GUards/DH anyways we can bring very good and specialized tools for any task.
I really like the look of this build, and am going to try to work towards it on my newly-80 Guardian. I’m still a huge noob, so I have a few questions I’m hoping someone can answer…
1) What would you recommend changing while working up to Dragonhunter stuff?
2) It looks like a lot of the build activates on “blocks.” Again, I’m a noob, so how does that work exactly in play? In particular, does Aegis count as a “block” for activating these traits and effects and such?
3) I don’t have access to the listed Superior Sigils, what would you recommend instead?
I really like the look of this build, and am going to try to work towards it on my newly-80 Guardian. I’m still a huge noob, so I have a few questions I’m hoping someone can answer…
1) What would you recommend changing while working up to Dragonhunter stuff?
Until you running HoT maps I would go zeal or virtues. Zeal brings a lot of damage, virtues too but not as much – yet you get more utility. If condi cleanse is an issue (which is mostly not in open world pve) go virtues for sure.
2) It looks like a lot of the build activates on “blocks.” Again, I’m a noob, so how does that work exactly in play? In particular, does Aegis count as a “block” for activating these traits and effects and such?
Yes. Each removed aegis counts as a block as well as Mace #3 and the shield from F3. there are some skills that say they block but dont. Sword #3 ord Shield#5 (which says absorbs iirc but which is not blocking). Important to know is that a block with mace #3 would also remove the aegis without granting two blocks.
3) I don’t have access to the listed Superior Sigils, what would you recommend instead?
To be honest I will probably move away from the might sigils. the duration is too short and the heal is not that great. the leech is still quite nice against multiple enemies.
I would probably recommend dps sigils. there are no really good boon sigils. So sigil of air and sigil of fire are good choices. Also nice is sigil of hydromancy for damage and a little extra breathing room.
What armor set do you use? All Marauder or also something else? I’m abit torn at the moment to craft a Marauder set or a Celestial set and would love your input on it. I know the dps output would be lower, but you would get more stats since the celestial set has like 20-30 more stats than the Marauder at least when I compared the shoulders, and if it is 20×6 then it would mean you get 120 more stat points, even some might be relatively useless in this build. But I like to have more toughness, healing power and some condition for those burns. Hope to hear from you and thanks for a cool build Best regards, Henrik
I do not rly understand the reason behind such a build.
Is it for bad players who can´t stay alive in the jungle with a more useful (to others) build?
Or just for fun soloplay for the lazy people?
Great time spent on that build and post.
GW2 PVE requires simply Power to overcome fast and efficient any engagement with open world content. Marauder will help with some extra Health Points.
You can do 100% map completion easily with Exotic Zerker Gear (now Marauder if you want some extra Vitality).
Your play style should simply give you the upper in any encounter.
you can solo champions, even in new maps, adjust your build slightly but with the OP build it will take ages. I completed all new HOT map in Marauder Ascended Gear + Traveller Runes + Zerker/Celestial Trinkets. Greatsword/Longbow
I like the idea behind that build tho, could be good WvW build.
Alternatively, have all Celestial, beside weapons, it will give you all the support you need. Always good to have a heavy Ascended Cele Set in the bank.
(edited by phalaris.5134)
What armor set do you use? All Marauder or also something else? I’m abit torn at the moment to craft a Marauder set or a Celestial set and would love your input on it. I know the dps output would be lower, but you would get more stats since the celestial set has like 20-30 more stats than the Marauder at least when I compared the shoulders, and if it is 20×6 then it would mean you get 120 more stat points, even some might be relatively useless in this build. But I like to have more toughness, healing power and some condition for those burns. Hope to hear from you and thanks for a cool build
Best regards, Henrik
Hi there,
I switched the build up to full marauder and use it in WvWvW roaming with quite somes success (however I use longbow instead of hammer).
I would not go fo celestial because it decreases your damage output to an unberable amount. the stat gain throug celestial is okay but in areas where you do not need them. 120 stat points means 25 damage or so on a burn tick – which you do not produce. there is no need for thoughness becasue you run with quite an uptime on protection and on shield you have aron 2.6k. due to the many blocks you looking at 350 healing on avrage. that is enough.
You could go even more tankier but I found that to be boring.
I do not rly understand the reason behind such a build.
Is it for bad players who can´t stay alive in the jungle with a more useful (to others) build? Or just for fun soloplay for the lazy people?
did you do/read more then click on the build link? if not maybe go back and do that. thank you.
Great time spent on that build and post.
GW2 PVE requires simply Power to overcome fast and efficient any engagement with open world content. Marauder will help with some extra Health Points.
You can do 100% map completion easily with Exotic Zerker Gear (now Marauder if you want some extra Vitality).
Your play style should simply give you the upper in any encounter.
you can solo champions, even in new maps, adjust your build slightly but with the OP build it will take ages. I completed all new HOT map in Marauder Ascended Gear + Traveller Runes + Zerker/Celestial Trinkets. Greatsword/Longbow
I like the idea behind that build tho, could be good WvW build.
Alternatively, have all Celestial, beside weapons, it will give you all the support you need. Always good to have a heavy Ascended Cele Set in the bank.
It does not take as long as you might think. Through the food and blocks you are generating quite some might against multiple enemies. I also started using empowering might which is good for a constant 5 stacks of might. With that I am able to burst a dragons Maw > procession of blades with 25 might stacks easily. dropping test of faith and pushing enemies out right after dragons maw ended gets you places.
overall i just dig the block and interrupt management to keep you safe and get those mights stacks up. The build requires a very active playstyle to reach its full potential.
yes there are other builds that achieve higher damage numbers a lot easier but you just can not do the same things I can with this build.
I am just an old face tanking fart, even ditched the hammer: