Opinions on Guardian Build

Opinions on Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lunarfrog.9086


What do you guys think of this build?


The point is to be pretty Tanky whilst also constantly giving out boons, better healing and boon duration/virtue recharge, and hopefully still having reasonable dmg.


Opinions on Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


This answer will depend heavily on what part of the game this is— PvE, Open World, WvW, PvP

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Opinions on Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lunarfrog.9086


Whoops forgot to say, it’s primarily used for PvE

Opinions on Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Painbow.6059



Healing power is weak, not needed and slows the group down so it is useless in pve.
Tanking is not viable in pve.
That leaves DPS

Opinions on Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Whoops forgot to say, it’s primarily used for PvE

Go full zerk if that is the case, or at least swap your traits for a dps oriented. Currently it’s more of a bunkerish build and dungeon teams will not like you. (note I said “bunkerish” because it’s not really even a full bunker)

I also don’t understand the cleric weapons. You’re not going to gain any noticeable advantage from the little healing power you get and it will nerf your dps.

Opinions on Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Dump that staff for a Mace/Focus and use Valour VII. For the few times you will need a staff (e.g. TA for blooms), you can swap it.

I wouldn’t use Clerics gear and probably do a mix of Soldiers/Zealots in equal parts to replace it.

Be careful how you consider this build. As you can see from the previous responses in this thread, people have some pretty strong opinions about what is the ‘right’ builds to use in PVE … don’t think this will pass as a high DPS build for someone looking for a PUG in a speedrun group. They will NOT think highly of the damage output of this build.

(edited by Obtena.7952)