

in Guardian

Posted by: Xeph.9386


So I need some opinions/constructive criticism about a build I made, I’m wondering if this is viable. Don’t bother telling me not to use a shield or a Sentinel stat set, those are set in stone.

Also I am wondering which to use as a secondary weapon, GS or Hammer? GS has so much synergy with using a sword because of Blind Exposure and Powerful Blades but I’m also thinking about how good it feels to be using a hammer and it’s utility.

For my hammer build however, I’d take a point out of Radiance and put it in Virtues just to have those boons from activating virtues.

Also, this build is for all-around use. Mostly for WvW though.

Here’s the link to my build.


in Guardian

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Won’t bother.
(ps: don’t use shield, nor sentinel stats)

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.


in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Powerful blades doesn’t affect greatsword, your build has no active condi cleanse, you have meh damage, no burst, no range, barely any support apart stability. All you can do with it is facetanking power damge for a bit.

In zergs you will miss a staff and you will probably die rly fast as soon as you’re imob’d if others don’t cleanse them from you.

In smaller fights you will not have enough damage and you will get kited easily.

Don’t even think about bringing this in dungeons.

Also shelter is way better than signet of resolve for everything where you can block stuff if you know how to use it.

1/10, you tried.

Bullet Punch

(edited by Keksmuffin.1450)


in Guardian

Posted by: Xeph.9386


I understand, thank you for your opinions.


in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

I disagree with them. It’s not a bad build considering it’s for WvW. In zerg fighting, you can depend on others for swiftness. I rarely ever use staff myself and have no problem getting a swiftness boon. In small group skirimishes/roaming, you can always just switch out staff to get it.

I also use SoR almost exclusively. So using shelter vs. SoR is just a matter of opinion. I’ve ran with both and found I like SoR better, but I also like getting as much condi cleanse as I can with my specific build.

Which brings me to the next point. Condi cleanse will be a problem for you in this build. You can trade out a few things like runes, etc, to make up for it and still keep your build however.

Being kited is an issue for Guardians regardless of what build/weapon you use. There’s a few things you can do to circumvent it, but even it’s limited.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee


in Guardian

Posted by: Xeph.9386


Thank you, good sir.

I have realized too that I don’t have much condi cleanse. So I came up with some other options…

The usual 0/0/6/6/2 AH and Pure of Voice (+EM) build or with 0/0/6/4/4 taking Absolute Resolution in the Virtue Tree.

I’ve also decided that Hammer would be better with this build since GS is better for high damage, my build depends on sustained raw power.

I also feel much more comfortable with SoR. But I’m gonna try out Shelter + Purity so you’d get the effects of both.


in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


There’s nothing wrong with a 0/4/6/4/0 build, it’s not optimal but it’s not a bad build either. The biggest problem is your stats and utilities are all over the place.

You have an extremely high crit chance, however the build lacks the power and ferocity to take advantage of it. I kind of see your going for might stacking to help make up of this, but it’s not enough.

Another big thing is you only have two condition clears with SoR and Purity, which you shouldn’t rely on. Both are passive so you can’t control them, and also when SoR is on CD you’ll have one remover.

Also Dolyak runes aren’t very good. I’d recommend going either Solider, since you’re using three shouts and these will give you some condition removers. Or you can go with Hoelbrak which will give you the much needed power, might duration, and also help with conditions through reduction.

Like I said it’s not a bad build, it’s just mainly the stats need some work and also more reliable condition removers.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(edited by Harbinger.8637)


in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Radiance just isn’t worth it on your particular build. Inspired Virtues is just too good with AH to not be putting points in it and condition removal is poor.

Use staff in bigger fights…

Please don’t make “one size fits all” builds; you’ll just be mediocre at everything. This is for group/large group wvw:


Something more off the wall…

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)


in Guardian

Posted by: Xeph.9386


Thank you for pointing that out. Yes, I am trying to might stack to make up for the loss of power. Hahaha but I’m gonna consider changing and optimizing my build. Would you suggest ditching my crit chance for some more power?

As for condition cleansers, I’m switching to a 0/0/6/4/4 build with Soldier Runes or 0/0/6/6/2 with Dolyak Runes.

The reason why I stuck to Dolyak Runes is because I love Dolyaks (heh), the same reason goes for why I stick with a shield (the RP feel), although I hope they rework the shield skills. As for sentinel stats, I’ve made them already and I’m too broke to make a new set.

I really appreciate all these suggestions. I’m gonna tinker and experiment with these.


in Guardian

Posted by: Ralkuth.1456


If you want to make yourself an all-purpose build, wouldn’t it be better to become an all-purpose player? Knowing all the Guardian weaponsets, all the traits, what is optimal for which event.
E.g. Lab farm -> full Zerker Staff camping
E.g. Solo WvW -> Meditation GS/Sc or Sw + Focus
E.g. Group WvW -> Shouts/Virtues Support Guard
E.g. tPvP -> Bunker AH or Virtue Guard

Guard is a very supporty class because of its innate mechanics and doing well means assisting your teammates – one of the reasons your friends will love you.
Here, have a PvE Dungeon build that is basically the standard except for the Sentinel and the Shield (where even more zerkers and a Focus or sometimes a Scepter would be used).
Here’s a Right Hand Strength build for solo roaming WvW that lets you use your Shield. It’s acutally okay in that setup because it has your only control skill across both sets. You do decent auto-attack damage and your main burst is from the Focus which can also be used defensively. Shield is rather lackluster though.
Lastly, this will be the WvW support build… you have 98% Condition resistance while inside the Purging Flames and 60% out of it.
If you don’t like personal defense as much, swap Absolute Resolution out for Pure of Voice and Soldier Runes with 3 Shouts. Resolute Healer is an awesome trait in that instance, lets you pick up allies in small group fights and stopping stomps.
AH is a central trait to your sustain, though before that you sohuld master the 1k dodge roll heal – roll onto allies every few seconds while swapping weapons for regular heals. To synergize even better, replace renewal sigil with intelligence to proc the Vigor trait for nearly endless dodges that greatly increase your survivability, allowing you to buff allies even more.

Lastly I’d like to draw your attention to triple shout 01661 Zerker guardian running GS with AH. If you’re brave enough for that. It’s also faded into obscurity slowly, used to be a thing in WvW.

5 useless class titles
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty

(edited by Ralkuth.1456)


in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Okay I’m sorry, but I just can’t ignore the fact that you’d be better off with something that isn’t shield. There just isn’t any adequate justification for such a terrible weapon.