Optimal staff stats?

Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

In dungeons, most of the time I run a 0/0/30/30/10 AH build with Knight’s GS and armor, Berserker trinkets. For tough stuff, sometimes I swap in some Soldier’s stats gear or trinkets, but usually I go with Knight’s.

I often use staff as my second weapon, with a sigil of energy. I use it primarily for Empower, and to maybe get an extra dodge roll in when I swap to it.

Up until now, I have been using a rare quality Magi’s staff (P/V/H). I’d like to upgrade it, but I’m in a quandary about which one to get. I’ve read somewhere that Healing Power on a single piece of gear is kind of a waste — that it needs to be stacked to make much difference. True? Untrue? Maybe I should go Knight’s on the staff, too? Maybe something else? Any suggestions?


Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: laharl.8435


I’ve never crunched the numbers myself, but I constantly read the same and am inclined to believe it. However, if you’re not attacking with your staff it really won’t make much of a difference.

I run hammer or GS/staff usually. Hammer is knight (although I’m toying with switchjng it to zerker), GS is zerker and staff is knight. I use staff mostly for Empower and to clear conditions as I have Superior Sigil of Generosity on it. I keep it as knight simply because I usually switch to it if I need to break melee (I melee almost everything), so I figure the extra tankiness is good.

Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: KotCR.6024


For staff, precision for more Crit-Prots (which could mean more Might or more Healing for the team), and Healing Power, seems the staff has several healing abilities, makes the most sense. It’s not a weapon you’d use for DPS anyway, so the rest doesn’t really matter IMO.

Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


i have various builds, and i sort of have a LOT of fun with my staff when i’m running a high power/crit/critdmg build.. cause the staff covers so much ground it can do massive dmg actually!! and tie in with dropping s ymbol on mobs that don’t move or rooted enemies, throw in empower for the 12 might stacks = 400+ power.. and you can kill thigns decently fast.D it’s great for putting pressure on a group of enemies.

though needless to say, it’s amazing with it’s support utilities as well! so really depends how you want to play : ))

and with regards to healing power – i personally have a threshold of about 1k healing power for me to directly invest into it. meaning, i don’t mind having any amount of healing power if i’m not actively giving sth else up for it. so if i do deliberately choose a piece of gear, whether it be runes, sigils, weapons, jewelry with healing power, i aim to go above 1k.

i actually kind of like berserker for staff. lol but maybe that’s just me. : ))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


In general, added healing will mostly be a percentage of the healing power stat that you use. In the case of guardian staff, the detonate accounts for 60% of your healing power, while empower accounts for 100% of your healing power (info is on the gw2 wiki). You get 179 healing power for a cleric’s staff, so you’re getting an extra 179 heal at most, which in my opinion, is pretty minor because the staff base heals are fine enough on their own.

I run the same build as you, and I pretty much use the staff for running through trash, stacking might, and stacking mobs via line of warding at choke points. I went with knight’s for the extra resistance to damage while trash running, and if I’m waiting on weapon swap, I can at least trigger crits for EM.

Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: Spiral Architect.6540

Spiral Architect.6540

and with regards to healing power – i personally have a threshold of about 1k healing power for me to directly invest into it. meaning, i don’t mind having any amount of healing power if i’m not actively giving sth else up for it. so if i do deliberately choose a piece of gear, whether it be runes, sigils, weapons, jewelry with healing power, i aim to go above 1k.

In general, added healing will mostly be a percentage of the healing power stat that you use. In the case of guardian staff, the detonate accounts for 60% of your healing power, while empower accounts for 100% of your healing power (info is on the gw2 wiki). You get 179 healing power for a cleric’s staff, so you’re getting an extra 179 heal at most, which in my opinion, is pretty minor because the staff base heals are fine enough on their own.

Great input — I think I’ll leave healing power out of the mix, then.

I’m thinking I will go with Knight’s + Sigil of Energy for a swap weapon. I like having the extra dodge roll, and the toughness could come in handy in an “oh, kitten” moment.

I imagine I’ll have a Berserker’s before too long, too…

Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: CptAurellian.9537


Although in general I don’t use any healing gear, my staff in fact has +healing stats. Since I only use it as backup, if I get into trouble with my melee weapon, its primary purpose is only survival. For that, additional healing is great since it scales well with #2, #4 and, not to forget, the dodge roll with 15 points in Honor. Staff sucks at damage anyways, so why not improve its survival capacity by using a healer staff.

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