Orb of Light

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: drwookie.6391


I’m not really sure what is a bug with this skill and what is just a really strange mechanic.

About half the time I cast it I never even see it…it seems to like disappear in the ground in front of me. Even the slightest little hill seems to absorb the orb…and even if I instantly try to double hit it (to use it as a heal) it doesn’t work. Seriously this happens about half the time.

Other times I cast it and try to use it as a heal and it doesn’t do it….and the icon just stays with the “detonate for heal” symbol….until I reset it (and get no heal from it). A different bug I guess?

And a completely separate problem is at least 1/4 of the time the orb flies in a completely opposite direction than I am facing…even if my target is right in front of me…it will literally fly off perpendicular to me. Very strange. ANOTHER bug?

Does this single skill have 3 different bugs attached to it? I actually really like staff and think it would be a lot of fun if this skill was more consistent. I understand that it is a slow moving attack, but it needs to AT LEAST be able to fire up a hill…even the tiniest hill and the orb seems gone. I think (as far as I can tell) the problem is made worse when you lack a target….it just flies flat out from you and gets absorbed if there is any incline.

Other people having similar experiences? Any advice to avoid these issues until they are fixed? It actually is quite a nice heal to spam but it is just so inconsistent.

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Sometimes if the target is higher than you the orb will go trough the ground.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: zuleo.7863


I’ve noticed the same issue.

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: drwookie.6391


Sometimes if the target is higher than you the orb will go trough the ground.

Ya but in my experience when it does that it is lost. It doesn’t do anything. It’s like the ground absorbs it.

I typically use the orb for heals, since I am playing a support role in WvW and have a lot of +Healing on me. When my target (a teammate) is higher than me the orb disappears and I can’t even detonate it (well I can, but it doesn’t heal). Definitely a bug if you ask me.

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


It does seem to have some trouble with the Z-axis and WvWvW gates.

“Come on, hit me!”

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Leeain.2431


Same problem for me.
I suppose that this skill should be rebuilt.

If i target an enemy, and i cast an offensive spell, my attack go directly to him… no ground problem, no miss direction (if he stay still in the position and not dodge), no miss effects… it just works.

Why this orb can’t do the same?
If I select a target (anemy or friend) the orb should go THERE just like an offensive spell. It should be a target spell (friendly target too) and not a direction spell… or a placebles area skill (you place in the battlefield the area effect, the orb fly there and tetonete when it arrive).
But with the current mechanical it simply sucks…

The most non sence things is that the orb some times doesn’t works even if i try to make it detonate istantly. In this way i waste 2 or 3 sec in a fight for nothing!

Sorry for the horrible english and for the spelling mistakes… not my language.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, is not my language. :P

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


No spell works by targeting an ally. You can’t expect Orb of Light to do so.

“Come on, hit me!”

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Leeain.2431


I know… in my opinion some spells should do it.

I’m not talking about a direct healing (like in GW) but simply target for make the righ cast direction. Like some offensive spells, you can target the enamy and then cast it and your enemy can dodge it.
Same things should be done for Orb. Friendly or enemy target should influence the direction.

If not… as I said, can be changed in an area target skill.

But in this way, as it is working right now, it suks… is useless and 1 times on 4 the cast dosn’t work.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, is not my language. :P

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I notice the same thing when I use the staff. sometimes I can cast the projectile and it will heal people and other times the projectile will pass through everyone and not do anything at all. The detonate seems to become available for use after the projectile has dissapeared but does nothing when used. Maybe using it from father away so it has more airtime so you could have time to use the detonate would might help. So I tried that and the projectile seems to dissapear before it even gets close to people making the cast a waste.

Having the projectile just do an aoe heal on contact when it hits a friendly would probably be alot easier. Because when the skill is healing for me when I cast it, I am not detonating it.

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: drwookie.6391


I like the “detonate” choice you have to make…you either let it travel and hit an enemy, or you detonate it for a heal. I’m fine with that.

HOWEVER, it has to work reliably for it to be okay…and right now it doesn’t.

Also yes as someone else said, it would be nice if it traveled consistently in the direction of the person you are selecting on, friend or foe. However if they don’t want it to be able to travel directly to a friend, at least make it consistent in the direction it travels when you have no target. I can be facing a friend with no target and watch it fly off at a 45 degree angle for seemingly no reason. I’m not really sure exactly what the orb/my character is thinking in that situation…

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


The main problem i see with the detonate mechanic of the ability is that you can cast the orb and it goes off wherever you point. The delay it takes for the detonate to become available for use exceeds the duration of the orb 99% of the time. I do find it strange that the other half of the time just hurling an orb at a group of players heals them without detonation and other times it don`t.

Would probably be alot easier to manipulate if they removed the orb skill and replaced it with a staff autoattack. That one autoattack will be an aoe heal for everyone in front of you much like the normal attack damages everything in front of you. Put it on the same cooldown as the orb as you have a more functional and reliable skill that doesn`t depend on double pressing to actuate.

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: drwookie.6391


When the orb does work properly I can detonate it almost instantly just by bashing two several times…it detonates right in front of me, in range to heal myself and those around me.

Now that doesn’t always work…but it does occasionally.

Again, I would prefer to get the skill actually working consistently before i judge what changes should be made…right now I just lose too many of the orbs for random reasons.

Orb of Light

in Guardian

Posted by: Androme.6479


You need to be targeting a hostile NPC for this ability to function properly, unfortunately.

(that’s just stupid)