Our Greatsword
The #2 is OK the way it is. Its true the DMG depends on how many hits you can get with it, but that’s why you have the #3 leap and #5 pull, so you can always be close to your enemy. In pve it,s really easy to do good dmg, in wvw/PvP it’s more complicated since other players moves a lot. I like the combo scepter #3 (lock+vul) immediately switch to GS, leap and spin.
It’s fairly good in 1 on 1, but the GS begs to be surrounded by multiple enemies.
Lock off melee combat assist. Step into the mob. Press 2. Profit.
Go 30 in radiance. Auto attack with sword. Profit some more.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
i know how to lock and hit full spin But the problem is even stand still the target can take random dmg the projictiles split in 360 cone around you = impossible to hit all 9 at 1 target maybe 6 max so thats when you deal 10k-13k in PVE but sometimes even those dont hit and you do 4k or 2k
So turn off melee combat assist. Step into the mob. Press 2. Profit.
The #2 move simply rewards u for better positioning skills. I think it works well for its purpose.
I would like to say it rewards positioning, but it seems to miss a lot even when right on top.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
I just wish they reverted the 25% damage nerf that skil took back in the first months from release. Right now the skill does about a little more than the same autoattacks in the time span but with the kick of actually hitting a lot less in PvP. Either the speed reduction needs to go or the damage has to increase.
Legendary SoloQ