"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: SoulTaker.2093


Well how is runig the burn guardian in most demanding lfg pugs??

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


If you do insane burn stacks… then you’re good.

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Zui.9245


If you’re running the meta burning guardian build, you should be absolutely fine. The DPS is comparable (read: a bit worse) in single-target situations (nearly every meaningful fight in dungeons), and actually a bit better in trash fights (which basically don’t matter, but still). See Obal’s stickied thread for the build. Of course, if you’re running a sub-par burning build (in terms of DPS output, not in terms of your enjoyment obviously), you’re probably not welcome in the most demanding pugs, but you’d surely be welcome in an ‘all welcome’ group or similar, and there are plenty of those groups.

Just don’t neglect your role as a Guardian. Bring useful utility skills for your team and use them appropriately (projectile defense, stability, etc.), grant Aegis where appropriate, and so on and so forth. While they’re written from the perspective of a non-burning Guardian, basically everything in the following guides I’ve made still apply (just make sure you take Purging Flames as a burning Guardian!):

Fractals: http://dtguilds.com/forum/m/6563292/viewthread/22610642-playing-guardian-in-fractals-detailed-shardbyshard-guide

Dungeons: http://dtguilds.com/forum/m/6563292/viewthread/21894470-playing-guardian-in-dungeons-detailed-pathbypath-guide

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I doubt enough people know about this yet to be accepted using a burning build

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Zui.9245


I doubt enough people know about this yet to be accepted using a burning build

My rationale was mostly that pugs who don’t know about the burning build yet are pretty much clueless, and pretty much clueless pugs aren’t going to be able to tell the difference between a meta DPS guardian and a meta burning guardian. They use the same weapon sets, very similar rotations, and basically 2 of the 3 utility skills will be shared in any case (and often 3/3 since purging flames is pretty good anyway). They also won’t notice the DPS difference.

Those that aren’t clueless, probably know about it already, and thus aren’t an issue.

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: SoulTaker.2093


Thanks for the feedback, been playing some dungeons, and still there are the ones that demands only zerker, even joining them and runing the dungeons feels the same, as burning or with zerker (in therms of speed clearing)

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: obal.3218


The first though I had when I saw the numbers was that people are going to get kicked anyways and it gave me a laugh. You mine as well kick zerk hammer guards or zerk guards that are still clinging to sword too since they will be as much of a loss or more!

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


The first though I had when I saw the numbers was that people are going to get kicked anyways and it gave me a laugh. You mine as well kick zerk hammer guards or zerk guards that are still clinging to sword too since they will be as much of a loss or more!

And guardian that don’t do the right rotation, and that don’t have food/utilities, or don’t have ascended, etc, etc

Try hard always focus on gear and forget everything else, even if that everything else is as important.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Wharrgarbl.9263


Truth be told, on any half decent group i dont even weapon swap anymore… Noone really cares if stuff dies in 20 or 24 seconds

"P1 full dps exp only "and burning dungeons

in Guardian

Posted by: Thorwyn.8469


If they are going to make a gearcheck, just linke your zerker stuff and you should be fine.
I’m pretty sure noone will really notice it, cause the dmg difference isnt that high.

I tested around for myself with burning guard, for trash or let’s just say more targets, it is really strong and you can get quite an amount of burning stacks. In longer fights with single target, you might run short on burning stacks for some time, but over all you can play it.

Just one thing, the playstyle isnt really much of a difference, so you might just stick on zerker.