Permanent healing

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Dimk.5293


Today in WvW we had 4 people trying to kill guardian. He never got back more then 25% and immediately heal himself. For 5 min. I’m guardian myself but do not understand how is it possible? I’m not pretend to be a good player but looks like I’m missing some fundamentals. I’m build 20 Zeal, 30 Valor (3,5,11) and 20 Honor. Using 2h sword and staff/mace+shield
Please advise.

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Darek.1836


Today in WvW we had 4 people trying to kill guardian. He never got back more then 25% and immediately heal himself. For 5 min. I’m guardian myself but do not understand how is it possible? I’m not pretend to be a good player but looks like I’m missing some fundamentals. I’m build 20 Zeal, 30 Valor (3,5,11) and 20 Honor. Using 2h sword and staff/mace+shield
Please advise.

he was a full bunker and none of you ran high spike dps or conditions, so there’s no way he would die. it literally takes no skill and you should NOT be envious of him.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


0/0/10/30/30 clerics gear, some soldier mixed in, have fun killing yourselves on retaliation!

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


one of the few builds that make bad players look good.

Hopefully the nerf retaliation to oblivion so we can say good bye to the only really cheesy build we have.

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


one of the few builds that make bad players look good.

Hopefully the nerf retaliation to oblivion so we can say good bye to the only really cheesy build we have.

who on earth kills himself on this 240-280 retaliation damage? only another bad player…

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I’m not going to advocate either bad or good in regards to what the build does or was, or the player for that matter. But isn’t the 0/0/10/30/30 build with Clerics the healing build typically?

And isn’t the whole point of the build to outlast and support the team?

Not like said person was going to be dishing out a metric done of damage and focus fire does wonders. That is why we have a target key and assist I guess to me I just assume it is a more forgiving build which may be easier on new or unskilled players. I actually put myself into that box although I also use a ’zerker / dps build.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Lahm.7056


The build doesn’t point if the player is good or bad, ultimately his skill will prove that. It’s the same as playing against a full zerker build and not being to kill it 2 or 3v1, player skill will determine the outcome.

With that being said, that player just did what he commended for, survival and outlasting capability at the cost of likely not being able to down anything in 1v1.

Lancelot – Guardian – Deso – Hyperreal [PAL]
- Proudly not going to go DH -
I’m looking at you, Rev..

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: DargorV.8571


Like anything that relies on Retaliation/Reflect for its damage I suppose the easy solution is to ignore him and slaughter the rest of his team.

If all he has is heal+retaliate, he won’t be able to kill anything either

Permanent healing

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Who on Tyria would advocate such builds?

Anyway, the hard counter is immob/stun + spike damage, or condition spam if able. If it was anything close to what I’m thinking, condition removal is very limited after a volley or two. Boon rip/steal every chance you get. A large portion of their survival ability also comes from dodging. Immobilizes and stuns stop that.

Both they and you are forced to abuse every little advantage you can get.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)