Please Explain The Patchnotes

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Here is the section of patchnotes that intrigues me:

We are moving towards retaliation being more of a counter to taking many hits

What does this mean? That retaliation will be somehow buffed to allow us to take those hits? Because at a meagre 13.4% of the damage being done back to the caster, and us still taking the full whack, we still die loooong before they do.

That’s not a counter to taking many hits at all.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Eveningstar.6940



This means retaliation should be used as a counter in specific situations, rather than a constant. In the same way Aegis is a good counter to stopping big hits, Retal should be a good counter to punishing repeated/multiple hits. The patch notes reflect an ongoing effort to make Retaliation a situational boon rather than something you leave running permanently.

Valerie Cross: Roleplayer, Writer, Tarnished Coast

A Beginner’s Guide to Guardians

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Vaught Redford.3940

Vaught Redford.3940

I honestly was using it as both “keep it up at all times out of habit” and “oh god, its shooting a billion times at me, better use Wrath.” I can only assume they want Retal as a more skill-based idea rather than a “mash X/Y/Z for free damage” thing.

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019



This means retaliation should be used as a counter in specific situations, rather than a constant. In the same way Aegis is a good counter to stopping big hits, Retal should be a good counter to punishing repeated/multiple hits. The patch notes reflect an ongoing effort to make Retaliation a situational boon rather than something you leave running permanently.

Thanks for this reply. I wonder, though, if a warrior is doing his OP (no debate, it is) spinny thing and I fire off the retaliation boon to try and counter it, what happens? I take the full whack and die and the warrior walks away with a small dent in his HPs from the retaliation. I just don’t see how this can possibly be a counter to multiple hits.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Vaught Redford.3940

Vaught Redford.3940

Honestly, I would think it would be a counter to multiple hits that don’t chew more HP away than damage dealt back. If you see a Warrior using Frenzy and HB (they’ll be swinging at turbo speed), you can retal if you want, but you’d be better off not bothering. Warriors will chew through you. If some ranged folk want to pelt away at you rapidly, retal would ward them off (Granted it isn’t another Warrior). I would think Protection would help ease damage received, but won’t that affect damage dealt back as a result?

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I don’t think 100 blades is overpowered. The cooldown might be a tad low, but it’s easily dodgeable. It’s only really powerful in combination with at least two other skills, and even then it’s evadable with a simple stun-breaker.

“Come on, hit me!”

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Leper.7853


Tossing in my vote for a response to the notes. An explanation.

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


You’re not meant to be killing enemies with Retaliation alone. That’d be a bit ridiculous, no?

Also, 100b isn’t OP. And it’s not the only multiple-hit attack in the game. And Retaliation becomes truly lethal only in AoE situations.

Stop whining. Adapt.

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

Good god, guys, come on.

100% retaliation uptime is something that eventually needed to be fixed. Adapt; Learn when to apply a burst of retaliation if you’re expecting an onslaught of attacks instead of relying on it to just be up 90% of the time. The changes didn’t screw us over that hard, and this is coming from someone whose guardian is rather retal-heavy.

Guardians are still a beast of a profession. These changes aren’t the end of the world.

(edited by Colton Bole.7015)

Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: rickshaw.5279


This patch did nothing, absolutely nothing, to keep Ret from being up nigh 100% of the time.

It was in fact only a small part of many Ret builds so why people are bemoaning this patch in relation to Ret builds is way beyond me. I personally believe Ret will be redesigned to a function similar to that of Aegis but with damage. With that in mind this is just one step in a long chain of steps to be made if they intend to curb Ret up time. It’s not like this patch all of a sudden stopped Ret builds.

If you ACTUALLY believe this stopped anything in relation to Ret… you’re completely out of the loop. Completely. And by the looks of the forums that’s pretty much 99% of posters; to include everyone so far in this thread. The only thing this patch accomplished was to kill the DPS of Wrath and create a great swell of butthurt with people who can’t cope with learning a new button configuration. Nevermind the fact that if you’re THAT incapable of learning new keys you can just change the binding.


Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


Colton Bole, I will say the 100% uptime was a bit awkward…but expecting attacks is not something that can be reliably done in a PVP situation. Even in PVE, any attack series that MIGHT utilize it will generally end with a guardian being crucified. We don’t have the HP/mitigation to stand still and withstand an onslaught for the sake of Retaliation. The damage is sub-par to be worrying about 100% uptime. If Retal lasted ~5 sec but did 100% damage back (but not reflected, key difference) then I could see it be VERY important. Since that isn’t the case…it’s just not that useful in my flawed view.


Please Explain The Patchnotes

in Guardian

Posted by: irongamer.6014


I also found that wording curious. I should have posted here to start with, so I’ll just post what I said in the other thread.

What type of counter are they talking about? If they are wanting to change this to a reactive ability is it going to negate or reduce damage from multi-hit attacks? Multi-hit attacks seem to be very strong and currently don’t have much of a counter. Sure you can roll from melee, but ranged multi hits still track you after your roll.

I would find it interesting if they are going to make a large change in an attempt to create a direct counter for multi-hit attacks. That type of change would make pulling out your big multi-hit attack a little more strategic. Especially if the counter is an symbol that affects allies in the area.

The whole % damage back never felt very guardian like to me for some reason.