Post your dream Guard changes!

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Musso.2068


Litany of Wrath – everyone knows it sucks… how about adding a water field… at least that way you still have to actively combo heal/can be interrupted.

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Apoc.2459


1) Spvp DPS Spec that isnt trash
2) Spirit weapons GONE i hate them i hope they die
3) Spvp DPS Spec that isnt TRASH
4) Completely revamp the Zeal trait line to not be full of total crap
5) Spvp DPS Spec that isnt TOTAL TRASH
6) Hammer 1 #3 cast time…..seriously?
8) Movement speed just blows
10) Lets not force Spvp guards to be eather bunkers or dead?

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Godric.3012


1) Male Human/norn animations:
Staff and great sword animations look stupid ( the way he casts, holds them and THE elite skill animation)

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Litany of Wrath – everyone knows it sucks… how about adding a water field… at least that way you still have to actively combo heal/can be interrupted.

Make it instant like it’s supposed to be.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: dayni.6427


1. Judges intervention uses ground targeting.
2.Flashing blade will teleport you in the direction you are facing if nothing is targeted.
3.Scepter auto projectile speed increased.
4. 25% Movement speed increased in some Tier 1 minor trait
5. Aegis to be stackable up to maybe 3, (not sure if OP) might be a grandmaster in virtues tree. I think this would be a pretty cool trait and a cool thing to experiment with.

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


Litany of Wrath – everyone knows it sucks… how about adding a water field… at least that way you still have to actively combo heal/can be interrupted.

Make it instant like it’s supposed to be.

I’m not a huge fan of instant skills. That being said, reduce the cd significantly and maybe add 2-3 stacks of stab so you don’t get completely borked when trying to do damage? The visual is incredibly easy to notice and avoid.

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


I would like torch skill #4 Zealots Flame to proc the Inner Fire trait (Fury while you are on fire) the way its OBVIOUSLY MEANT TO.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Litany of Wrath – everyone knows it sucks… how about adding a water field… at least that way you still have to actively combo heal/can be interrupted.

Make it instant like it’s supposed to be.

I’m not a huge fan of instant skills. That being said, reduce the cd significantly and maybe add 2-3 stacks of stab so you don’t get completely borked when trying to do damage? The visual is incredibly easy to notice and avoid.

It deserves to be it’s different from Defiant Stance, instant defense procs and skills exists, it’s way too easy to avoid it. I would like to see a reduced duration but higher healing.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: creepmatic.9435


Some minor changes to our weapon sets, for the sake of QoL.


Leap of Faith
Add an additional 4s cripple or 3s chill to the existent blind.
Why? Because even with Binding Blades pull it’s not enough too keep our target from escaping. And we don’t have other low CD cc’s.

Whirling Wrath
Increase the dmg by 5%
Why? Our burst skills are lacking and most of them are on High CD or also play a defensive roll.

Symbol of Wrath
Allies standing in this symbol also gain 10% increased attack speed for the duration of the symbol.
Why? It will help out land our attacks better and gain a little bit more out of Zealots Blade healing procs.


Protector’s Strike
Also dazes foes for 1,5s when triggered in melee range.
Why? Please Anet At least give thieves that steal from us something that is not made up. Daze on mace will give a little bit more to bunker builds and make people think before hitting us. Because as of right now people don’t care if they hit a bunker guard while Protector’s Strike is up, it doesn’t even scratch them.


Sword of Wrath
I don’t know what needs to be done but the 3rd strike in the auto attack chain needs to get fixed. It’s very clunky, and when it misses a hit it will get stuck on the 3 attack trying to complete the chain while doing 0 dmg.

Flashing Blade
Redesign the skill so it has 2 charges and make it Dash/Blink forward in the direction you are facing. Reduce the distance of 1 charge to 450 Range. Blind triggers only if it connected to the target. Recharge 10s for a charge.
Why? Because we need a way to get out of combat. 10k HP base god.