Just over 2 weeks until we can play the Firebrand and with some tweaks from Anet (cast times on tomes and cones on mantras mainly) i might come back to the guardian (my first and true love in GW2) and play some serious support in wvw and pvp.
I thought it might be a good time that we started to do some theory crafting so her is one of the builds i played in both wvw and pvp that i found to be really fun and intuitive.
This is the wvw version.
I didnt trait the tomes except the last trait for passive so hammer was a good choice to add in for blast finisher. Basically the last skill i used in the tome was always skill 4.
First frontline build i used that actually could be without valor so i went with honor/virtues//FB
Honor 221
Virtues 231
FB 223
Vigourous precision, i had about 15% crit chance in my build and that was enough to get a dependable proc. Ofc for energy sigils..
Protective Reviver as a trait is good but for an FB it might be even better. Quickness from aegis and since i also use pure of heart it means 1k healing for me and the one i am reviving.
Selfless daring, i added in healing power so each dodge roll healed for 1k. I supported those with sigil of energy.
Pure of heart. The build i used could give out 6 aegis actively and 2 aegis passively (stunned or reviving). ToC not included here so it is actually even more.
Purity of body regenerating endurance for energy sigils.
Pure of voice. Reduced cd on Retreat, allowing 100% uptime on swiftness, aegis and 1k heal on 24 s cd and removal of one condition in a 600 radius, add in quickness. I think most think this is a bad utility but it suits me and my playstyle tbh and in an supportive aegis build its mandatory.
Inspired virtues, great support trait, a bit less so with the casting time of the tomes but still solid.
Retaliatory subconscious. Aegis again
Virtue or retribution, tbh the only trait that just dont contribute, but its worth it.
I used glacial heart in the pre view and stress test but i think i will use absolute resolution when this goes live. Its mainly the blast from hammer i want and the cd of that skill has no relevance in my build.
Power of the virtues. This build has more or less 5-6 boons running so its a nice little add on.
Permeathing Wrath. Nuff said!
Scepter/Shield (sigil of smoldering/energy)
Hammer (sigil of corruption/energy) is for blasts and being equipped for kills, stacking sgil of corruption. Nice cc as well but no need to reduce cd.
Scepter is really good when you add quickness and the main build i played focused on quickness and mobility. I used shield for the dome and ofc the aegis on shield. This is the main damage dealer but before entering tomes i always swapped to hammer.
I didnt trait the tomes except the last trait for passive so hammer was a good choice to add in for blast finisher. Basically the last skill i used in the tome was always skill 4.
For me 5 pages are enough per use of the tomes. In and out while having quickness and stability is the way to play the tomes.
Liberators wow, quickness when using a healing skill
Swift scholar. Quickness when equipping or stowing a tome
Stalwart speed. Quickness when applying aegis or stability.
Imbued haste, increased stats while affected by quickness
Loremaster for passvive VoJ mainly, having reduced cd on tome skills is just….meh. Activate tome and during quickness cast all 5 skills and get more quickness when leaving the tome..
Mantra of solace
Mantra of lore
Mantra of potence
Mantra of liberation
Trailblazers armor and a mix of apothecary, magi and trailblazers in weapons and trinkets.
I used water runes in the preview (if memory serves me) but will use rune of durability when this goes live. The low cd on the procc on those runes is just to good to not use.
Had lower stats in beta (exotic armor) but will have these stats when it goes live in my ascended gear.
Perma swiftness and high uptime on quickness. If i am using a preset rotation i think i can have 100% uptime so in pve its possible and in some situations in pvp/wvw as well.
This is a very nice build for my play style and its like playing the piano. There is always a button to push and if you want to micro manage your quickness its a lot of buttons to push and internal cool downs to keep in mind.
When you succeed with that its a cool setup and i imagine rather annoying after being blocked 8 times by aegis alone in a very short time frame, while healing the opponent for over 8k when he blocks,
(edited by Brutaly.6257)