Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Dico.4815


Hello guys, I want to show my suggestion about the Power of the Virtuous trait, actually it gives 1% extra damage for each boon you have and you need 25 points in Virtues to get it. If you get 25 points in virtues you will lose stats from another trait line that you could get like Zeal ( power ) , Radiance ( precision ) , Valor ( critical dmg ) and thats not good for a damage build. I believe that this trait should be like warrior’s trait: Destruction of the Empowered ( 3% more dmg each boon on your target ) but instead of each boon on your target , each boon on you. So it would be 3% extra damage for each boon you have. Post your opinion about ! Thank you.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


elementalists’ bountiful power (25 points in water magic) does the exact same thing. It used to be 2% damage boost from boons but apparently that was too powerful in pvp so they nerfed it to be the same as power of the virtuous.

I feel like anet want the trait in this state, logical or not.

Oceanic [LOD]

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Three is a bit much, if you have all boons up which a guard can easily do that is an extra 27% damage. I do agree that 1% is low. I would be happy with 2%.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Dico.4815


elementalists’ bountiful power (25 points in water magic) does the exact same thing. It used to be 2% damage boost from boons but apparently that was too powerful in pvp so they nerfed it to be the same as power of the virtuous.

I feel like anet want the trait in this state, logical or not.

They should put all at 20 points and equal to 2% damage boost then.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Dico.4815


Three is a bit much, if you have all boons up which a guard can easily do that is an extra 27% damage. I do agree that 1% is low. I would be happy with 2%.

Thats true. Maybe 2% would be more balanced.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


I hope they will change power of virtuous. Its currently too weak to be a Grand Master minor trait. Most of the time i will only have up to 4 boons in a party making it a 4% damage increase only.(fury+might+vigor+regen/protection/retailiation) I think it better if the damage increase is in stages.
Maybe something like:
1~2 boons : 3% increase in damage
3~4 boons : 5% increase in damage
5~6 boons: 7% increase in damage
7~8 boons: 9% increase in damage
Most of the time, I will have 3~4 boons so 5% increase in damage will be pretty decent.
Of course the numbers could be tweaked abit but thats what i think is the best solution.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


or 3% and cap it at 5 boons

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


Three is a bit much, if you have all boons up which a guard can easily do that is an extra 27% damage. I do agree that 1% is low. I would be happy with 2%.

I feel 3% would be fine. Its impossible for guardian to maintain every single boon in the game for a long duration. On average there might be 3 or 4 going. So the full 27% damage would have a low duration. Most of the time we’d see around 12% extra damage.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: spoj.9672


If they buffed it any higher than 2% it would be pretty op for reflect damage like WoR + save yourselves on lupi. If they do buff it they should buff necro target the weak from 2% per condi to 3-4% per condi.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

I’ve been stating this for months now and absolutely agree with it.

3% would make complete sense and still be balanced since you don’t normally have a full rack of buffs on all the time. I run around with a build that utilizes this trait and believe me, making it 3% will not unbalance me at all.

People might then explore other builds beyond the standard 5 in Virtues or 20 when going for support. It would also give a better offensive nature to the primarily support nature of the trait line.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


It is worthless no doubt.

How about activating a virtue increases it too?

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


want op? have it increase damage of guardian by 1% for every boon on all allies that the guard has active…../drool……

but no really 2-3% per a boon on self would be nice.

Going back to the idea for a serious second…. if it did increase damage of guardian for 1% per boon active on all allies, it would work like altruistic healing in terms of damage instead of self survival.

Really effective while grouped, “ok” while solo….

Also at most we can have what, 7 boons on 5 people for a short duration? giving 35% increase in damage.(regen,stability,might,retaliation,protection,vigor,regeneration)

We can probably sustain 2-3 perma boons depending on what weapon set you are bringing. giving you 10-15% perma boost in damage.
(Vigor, retaliation, and then either regen/might/protection)

10-15 perma and a 35% burst doesn’t sound so bad, considering limitation to trait line synergy and how far in the tree power of the virtuous is, you would have to sacrifice a lot to go for it.

It’s a long shot and I know the numbers scare people, but you have to consider duration, situation, and limitations/sacrifices you take to get 35% damage increase burst.

A more realistic fix is still 2-3% for boons on self though. Just wanted to flesh out that idea and see if it was crazy or not.

(edited by CMF.5461)

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Dico.4815


3% per boon isn’t OP cause you can’t sustain all the boons for a long time. Its 25 points in a totally support line.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


3% per boon isn’t OP cause you can’t sustain all the boons for a long time. Its 25 points in a totally support line.

3% per boon is definitely op.

U can stack boon duration and maintain at least 7 boons for 19s in 48s by stacking boon duration. the cap is 90%. Assuming 3 boons for the rest of the 29s the overall damage increase is 13.74%. This is assuming pve mode where mobs do not remove boons from player. If u assume 4 boons for 29s out of 48s, it will be a 15% increase.

Looking at other class trAits, the damage increase is normally 10% hence this will definitely be op if it was buffed to 3%.

If they are going to increase it to 3%, i will swap my scholar runes for boon duration rune since i am already going into 25 in virtues for absolute resolution and master of consecration

I think another way they can do it is simply buffing it by whenever u have a boon, gain 10% increased damage so they dun have to bother with balancing it.

(edited by Sutcliffe.5491)

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


I can go for this but I suspect that it might end up being a bit too powerful.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


want op? have it increase damage of guardian by 1% for every boon on all allies that the guard has active…../drool……

but no really 2-3% per a boon on self would be nice.

Going back to the idea for a serious second…. if it did increase damage of guardian for 1% per boon active on all allies, it would work like altruistic healing in terms of damage instead of self survival.

Really effective while grouped, “ok” while solo….

Also at most we can have what, 7 boons on 5 people for a short duration? giving 35% increase in damage.(regen,stability,might,retaliation,protection,vigor,regeneration)

We can probably sustain 2-3 perma boons depending on what weapon set you are bringing. giving you 10-15% perma boost in damage.
(Vigor, retaliation, and then either regen/might/protection)

10-15 perma and a 35% burst doesn’t sound so bad, considering limitation to trait line synergy and how far in the tree power of the virtuous is, you would have to sacrifice a lot to go for it.

It’s a long shot and I know the numbers scare people, but you have to consider duration, situation, and limitations/sacrifices you take to get 35% damage increase burst.

A more realistic fix is still 2-3% for boons on self though. Just wanted to flesh out that idea and see if it was crazy or not.

I think the idea is ok, but I don’t think I’d be too happy about needing allies around to achieve maximum damage. I’d prefer if it worked effectively solo and in group.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

If you make one trait stronger, you have to weaken others or you wreck PvP balance. It’s not as easy as HEY GUYS GUARDIANS SUDDENLY GET A HUGE DAMAGE BOOST.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


If they are going to increase it to 3%, i will swap my scholar runes for boon duration rune since i am already going into 25 in virtues for absolute resolution and master of consecration

You have to factor in that the scholar runes add power while the boon duration runes add healing power as well.

Would those damage numbers be higher or lower? I’m not sure.

If you make one trait stronger, you have to weaken others or you wreck PvP balance. It’s not as easy as HEY GUYS GUARDIANS SUDDENLY GET A HUGE DAMAGE BOOST.

Well, considering how far down the tree (25 points) power of the virtuous is, and then considering the placement of other + damage % traits are, it is difficult to stack them effectively. Also taking into consideration that the virtues trait line does not inherently increase damage by itself (arguably, longer might and fury is more damage).

So the idea in increasing damage down various trees is not to make them “all” accessible, but to create build diversity, upon which you can still be effective in combat (dps is everything?) but have some flavor (I focus on boons/support?).

So the question is, do we sacrifice enough to warrant higher damage return out of power of virtuous and other such build diversity traits?

I just went 25 down virtues, I have 45 points left. I can now either maximize power, precision, OR crit damage….but not all three or even two, because of how our trait lines are split up.

I think we do sacrifice a lot of damage, but I’m sure the numbers can be adjusted to make power of the virtuous promote more build diversity without making it overpowered and break balance in pvp and pve.

Not saying you can’t disagree, or maybe I am wrong and this would be game breaking, but less screaming and more thinking/talking Guanglai.

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


Merge inspired virtue with virtue of retribution. Move power of the virtuous to t2, boost the damage to 2% per boon. Replace the grandmaster trait with a trait that does: “Maintain the passive effects of virtues when you activate them”.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Sannhet.8745


3% may not be OP in the overall scheme but it would create a bulls charge → frenzied 100b style of play for Guardians in PvP. JI + SY + your choice of hard hitting ability and auto attacks for 24% more damage (not even counting trait line % increases).

Is that really something you want?

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

If they are going to increase it to 3%, i will swap my scholar runes for boon duration rune since i am already going into 25 in virtues for absolute resolution and master of consecration

You have to factor in that the scholar runes add power while the boon duration runes add healing power as well.

Would those damage numbers be higher or lower? I’m not sure.

If you make one trait stronger, you have to weaken others or you wreck PvP balance. It’s not as easy as HEY GUYS GUARDIANS SUDDENLY GET A HUGE DAMAGE BOOST.

Well, considering how far down the tree (25 points) power of the virtuous is, and then considering the placement of other + damage % traits are, it is difficult to stack them effectively. Also taking into consideration that the virtues trait line does not inherently increase damage by itself (arguably, longer might and fury is more damage).

So the idea in increasing damage down various trees is not to make them “all” accessible, but to create build diversity, upon which you can still be effective in combat (dps is everything?) but have some flavor (I focus on boons/support?).

So the question is, do we sacrifice enough to warrant higher damage return out of power of virtuous and other such build diversity traits?

I just went 25 down virtues, I have 45 points left. I can now either maximize power, precision, OR crit damage….but not all three or even two, because of how our trait lines are split up.

I think we do sacrifice a lot of damage, but I’m sure the numbers can be adjusted to make power of the virtuous promote more build diversity without making it overpowered and break balance in pvp and pve.

Some excellent posting CMF and well said to those that cry OP. I think people are forgetting the heavy investment into Virtues that you have to make in order to go there and how much better though points could go for towards the other tress.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Power of the Virtuous needs a buff !

in Guardian

Posted by: Dico.4815


If they are going to increase it to 3%, i will swap my scholar runes for boon duration rune since i am already going into 25 in virtues for absolute resolution and master of consecration

You have to factor in that the scholar runes add power while the boon duration runes add healing power as well.

Would those damage numbers be higher or lower? I’m not sure.

If you make one trait stronger, you have to weaken others or you wreck PvP balance. It’s not as easy as HEY GUYS GUARDIANS SUDDENLY GET A HUGE DAMAGE BOOST.

Well, considering how far down the tree (25 points) power of the virtuous is, and then considering the placement of other + damage % traits are, it is difficult to stack them effectively. Also taking into consideration that the virtues trait line does not inherently increase damage by itself (arguably, longer might and fury is more damage).

So the idea in increasing damage down various trees is not to make them “all” accessible, but to create build diversity, upon which you can still be effective in combat (dps is everything?) but have some flavor (I focus on boons/support?).

So the question is, do we sacrifice enough to warrant higher damage return out of power of virtuous and other such build diversity traits?

I just went 25 down virtues, I have 45 points left. I can now either maximize power, precision, OR crit damage….but not all three or even two, because of how our trait lines are split up.

I think we do sacrifice a lot of damage, but I’m sure the numbers can be adjusted to make power of the virtuous promote more build diversity without making it overpowered and break balance in pvp and pve.

Not saying you can’t disagree, or maybe I am wrong and this would be game breaking, but less screaming and more thinking/talking Guanglai.

Thats exactly what I was trying to explain. If you go for virtues you lose too much damage so its not worth to try another build . Zeal trait line has useless traits so you have Valor or Radiance to get more damage.