Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Since trapper DH appears to be deemed skillless, and everyone and their mother is throwing a muck about it, I’m predicting what will happen next nerf patch.
-Traps -
Test of Faith – Probably going to get another damage shave or a CD increase, or given a cast time.
Dragon’s Maw – Either a straight up damage shave or they’re going to split the damage to be overtime.(Even though it’s not used over RF for serious players.)
Purification – They’re probably going to shave the heal on trigger a bit.
Piercing Light – They’ll add a ICD of 2-5s and mess with the consistency of on demand daze chains.
Dont forget a cooldown reduction to shouts.
Hardly matters if they nerf traps. Idiots will still walk into them and die then rage on the forums, wheras most DH barely use any other than purification, ToF and the sometimes FoF (I quite like this for the stab and aegis spam).
I mean seriously, when one of the most outspoken “traps are OP” forum posters shows videos of him keyboard turning and clicking abilities you get an understanding of how bad some of these people who QQ about traps are.
I don’t believe so. Only newbies are complaining. They are actually really bad, too easy to avoid. Some people just don’t like to move and hurts their finger to hit the dodge key.
What I really hope to see is Signets revamps and Spirit Weapons changes/buffs to make them more viable.
With all the complaining, it’s very likely traps are gonna get the axe. Fortunately, nerfing traps is the best compromise since most of the good DH specs aren’t using dragon’s maw or procession of blades, so most guards probably wouldn’t care that much.
sigh I’m so tired of people complaining about DH. This happens every time we become useful
With all the complaining, it’s very likely traps are gonna get the axe. Fortunately, nerfing traps is the best compromise since most of the good DH specs aren’t using dragon’s maw or procession of blades, so most guards probably wouldn’t care that much.
Yeah, plus our class got some much needed quality of life things with the recent patch. ToF is probably getting touched again, and Light of judgment Will be as useless as ever. The only thing people use Procession of Blades for is PvE content for additional DPS, Dragon’s Maw is mainly for the Break bar and not so much the damage, probably won’t matter.
Seems u’d better of giving up tough. People still talking about traps even tough weren’t buffed at all. Even tough the new current meta symbolic avenger uses only 1 offensive traps. Even tough there is access, to protection, evades, movement skill, dodging, stability, teleport, invulnerabilities, damage inversion, mesmer clones, pets. Traps somehow still are the big problem. The pvp section is simply a mob mentality. Hearing bullkitten about friggin no counters to this build. Not to mention. perma, this or perma that. or low cd on traps. As if each class doesn’t have multiple active damage migitation skills at hand ot traited or double thanx to the trait.
Heck Saiyan actually tried to make a constructive thread reaching out to masses. Gave a shot on explaing how to beat DH. Turned into an QQ thread right away. Heck. U can only hope A-net stands firm which they surprisingly did with warrior. I figured it’d be nerfed into oblivion considering the QQ on warriors was worse then then QQ on DH right now.
Tempest got a noticable shave tough. But overall it was not as worse as I imagined still a meh patch. I wish tempest got reworked instead of removing cleric.
I am all for giving skills cast-times while giving them some other buffs to compensate and make them stronger. This for Meditations too.
I am all for giving skills cast-times while giving them some other buffs to compensate and make them stronger. This for Meditations too.
Smite Condi had a cast once, but it was really awkward to use as it was the only meditation with a cast time.
I am all for giving skills cast-times while giving them some other buffs to compensate and make them stronger. This for Meditations too.
Smite Condi had a cast once, but it was really awkward to use as it was the only meditation with a cast time.
There was no compensation for it though.
Hardly matters if they nerf traps. Idiots will still walk into them and die then rage on the forums, wheras most DH barely use any other than purification, ToF and the sometimes FoF (I quite like this for the stab and aegis spam).
I mean seriously, when one of the most outspoken “traps are OP” forum posters shows videos of him keyboard turning and clicking abilities you get an understanding of how bad some of these people who QQ about traps are.
So, To the DH on point, you have a trap on point. If i want to cap the point, you want me to NOT step into the trap right? Your trap takes up the entire point. Sure i can dodge into the trap, and make it miss. But Then you lay another trap and I have to take the hit because your fagging trap is instant cast. Then you Knock me back out of it, pull me back through it, Pop a shield which lasts longer than nearly any block in the game (or at least can last that long), then when you are finished with that you have focus block, Then a heal, then another heal, then you get to reset the entire freaking chain again, then drop another trap. The Profession is stupidly designed. Compare Dragon Hunter Traps to Ranger Traps, and there is no contest. Heck, Spike trap does not even combo with ancient seeds. (not that I’m complaining because ancient seeds is very overpowered)
The pint is that DH like most Elite specs is horribly designed. Instead of changing the class, it literally just makes the core mechanic stronger. Anet has created a situation where anything they do to improve vanilla mechanics just makes the elite mechanic more powerful. DH Specifically unbalances PVP by making taking a point from a DH a 2 player job in most cases if you want it done with any sort of speed. (note I said MOST Cases) And the balance issues only get worse with 2 DHs.
On top of that, the current state of the game (not just DHs) includes too many stuns, too many conditions, and not enough ways to deal with either, for most professions. Luckily DH’s don’t deal in massive condi’s, but it does not matter because the damage on their traps is pretty much unavoidable. Hell each and every trap is basically a minor Spike Trap but with massive damage when traited for the daze. , and Deflecting shot close range is like having point blank shot on a 10 second cooldown. and lets face it, you have to get close to kill a DH.
In conclusion. elite Specs are all Overpowered, they are all horribly designed, and DH is just Extremely unbalanced in sPVP.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
Pre HoT Beta: “Wow traps? Longbow? Lololol they just make us like Ranger. Traps suck you can just walk around it, they’ll never pop or be a threat DH sucks. Just look at Thief and Ranger, no one ever uses traps. Trap heal? It’ll never work useless skill no one will ever walk on it. GW2 is a mobile game just walk around the trap free kill. Lol who put ward on LB it’s useless, AA sucks weapon is trash.”
Post HoT: “ZOMDG!!1! DH is so OP I mean traps everywhere I literally cannot even. It’s impossible to dodge I can just not step on a trap. It’s just instant damage unavoidable. Who thought this was a good idea just place infinite traps and instantly blow up no counter play. DH can just spam Killshots forever while you’re trapped for a million seconds. It’s so OP”.
Never change GW2
I’m glad I left PVP behind with GW1. Sounds just as frustrating as back in the day. The sooner Anet separates balance for all game modes, the better.
I’m glad I left PVP behind with GW1. Sounds just as frustrating as back in the day. The sooner Anet separates balance for all game modes, the better.
The balance will not solve anything, GW2 have dodge and active defense mechanics. In every single game bad players cry on forum becose any one single patches dont increase their personal skill =)
I’m glad I left PVP behind with GW1. Sounds just as frustrating as back in the day. The sooner Anet separates balance for all game modes, the better.
The balance will not solve anything, GW2 have dodge and active defense mechanics. In every single game bad players cry on forum becose any one single patches dont increase their personal skill =)
Sounds like you work in the balance team…
I love these threads. It shows you how little knowledge people have.. Yes traps are easy to setup but also easy to avoid. Outside test of faith all traps that deal any mentionable damage have activation time and cast time. And to be honest majority of dh builds run only 1 offensive trap which is test of faith. If you are getting outplayed by a DH, traps are Rarely the cause.
P.s. Guard have been under performing before this patch for a while. Guess what, traps where available then and they did not get buffed in the 7/26 patch.
Again. On point, how the hell do you expect anyone to take the point from a DH without going through your trap? Any trap but sure, lets use test of fate as an example. You drop it, we come to take point, we Trigger it. We try to kill From ranged, oh look you have a shield and longbow, also you can teleport to us and drop your trap. remember it’s instant cast.
so lets say I try to break the trap and dodge backwards out of it be fore it’s activation time. Oh wait, Daze, that’s right. Lets say i’m a Dare devil and dodge Through it. Okay that works, once, if i’m lucky enough that i don’t get dazed. buti still have to reset, then i still have to do it again when you lay your trap again.
People don’t hate DH because of it’s damage, or even it’s traps. they hate it because of it’s everything. A well played DH literally has an answer for anything 1v1 on point.
pro tip: 1 dodge activates all traps and you take no damage/cc
Half true most classes dodges don’t carry them completely through the traps
Again. On point, how the hell do you expect anyone to take the point from a DH without going through your trap? Any trap but sure, lets use test of fate as an example. You drop it, we come to take point, we Trigger it. We try to kill From ranged, oh look you have a shield and longbow, also you can teleport to us and drop your trap. remember it’s instant cast.
so lets say I try to break the trap and dodge backwards out of it be fore it’s activation time. Oh wait, Daze, that’s right. Lets say i’m a Dare devil and dodge Through it. Okay that works, once, if i’m lucky enough that i don’t get dazed. buti still have to reset, then i still have to do it again when you lay your trap again.
People don’t hate DH because of it’s damage, or even it’s traps. they hate it because of it’s everything. A well played DH literally has an answer for anything 1v1 on point.
I will go on good faith and assume you do not understand the mechanics. Pro tip (not really) from Darknicrofiapro tip: 1 dodge activates all traps and you take no damage/cc.
Another pro tip, thief is bad against guard. At equal skill levels guard should win (or thief escapes).
Third pro tip, if you see a guard running too much traps (known as trapper), focus fire them. They die fairly quickly. Just do not go and stand where the traps are.
Fourth pro tip, if you are fighting a trapper guard, if you have a blur spell (and half the classes do) or use a block, you can trigger all traps for no damage.
To be honest, all DHs traps are fairly easy to deal with except test of faith, which is why guard have been out of the meta till recent patch. And the reason they are in a good place now has nothing to do with traps.
(edited by otto.5684)
you do realize my example used the single trap meta as reference right?
I always thought that traps should not be traited with CC. Dragon’s Maw is fine, since it’s the traps purpose to CC. But even the 1/2 s traited Daze on all of them is too much.
@emkelly You sounded like you were suggesting you don’t want to be hit by a trap at all. Is that the case? ToF is absolutely and completely avoidable even without dodging. It’s not unblockable or anything. Blocking the trap will block the daze as well. As a DD if you completely avoid the trap, why would you need to reset? I can’t see your point.
I always thought that traps should not be traited with CC. Dragon’s Maw is fine, since it’s the traps purpose to CC. But even the 1/2 s traited Daze on all of them is too much.
@emkelly You sounded like you were suggesting you don’t want to be hit by a trap at all. Is that the case? ToF is absolutely and completely avoidable even without dodging. It’s not unblockable or anything. Blocking the trap will block the daze as well. As a DD if you completely avoid the trap, why would you need to reset? I can’t see your point.
Go and use traps without this trait and show me how many players you hit or kill. I use only one traps and I use it only on daze heal or interupt stomp.
(edited by Evilek.5690)
I always thought that traps should not be traited with CC. Dragon’s Maw is fine, since it’s the traps purpose to CC. But even the 1/2 s traited Daze on all of them is too much.
@emkelly You sounded like you were suggesting you don’t want to be hit by a trap at all. Is that the case? ToF is absolutely and completely avoidable even without dodging. It’s not unblockable or anything. Blocking the trap will block the daze as well. As a DD if you completely avoid the trap, why would you need to reset? I can’t see your point.
Go and use traps without this trait and show me how many players you hit or kill
That’s my point exactly. The traps are useless without the trait and so, it’s mandatory when playing DH. I could get on board with an Immob instead of daze. But now that I saw it, I will do it just for kicks.
The difference I see is their ability to heal, mitigate damage, and deal damage at close range. the old trap build isn’t much different. However, the newer variants on burn and bunker guardian are strong bunker builds that can bunker, do good damage and knock people off point. Yea you can kite them, but they are decap/cap machines that are very hard to get off a point, and their damage mitigation doesn’t cause them to lose a point.
Daze on trap will be changed for something else, stacks of vulnerability or fire stacks :P
And be glad for not getting taunted to some one in top of guardian traps :P, while fithing other class.
I always thought that traps should not be traited with CC. Dragon’s Maw is fine, since it’s the traps purpose to CC. But even the 1/2 s traited Daze on all of them is too much.
@emkelly You sounded like you were suggesting you don’t want to be hit by a trap at all. Is that the case? ToF is absolutely and completely avoidable even without dodging. It’s not unblockable or anything. Blocking the trap will block the daze as well. As a DD if you completely avoid the trap, why would you need to reset? I can’t see your point.
Of course not. But i can also admit that DH is a horribly designed spec. Someone above me posted that its easy to avoid DH traps. I was just explaining to them that, no, it’s not. it’s nearly impossible when they are placed on point because they cover nearly the entire point. sure you may be able to defend against the damage, but you know what? the spear in unblockable, so oven that is mute. i block, you hit me with a spear and pull me.
They won’t nerf guardian because it’s not even top 5 right now at top tier. And they balance around top tier (at least if they decide to balance around pvp)
Honestly, it’s in Anets best interest to not nerf Guardians before the DH hype levels out. There’s less QQ posts since leagues started. If they were to nerf us and buff Ele as well, we could get removed from meta practically overnight.
They won’t nerf guardian because it’s not even top 5 right now at top tier. And they balance around top tier (at least if they decide to balance around pvp)
lol, then wtf was the spring quarter update guardian nerf that 100% revolved around WvW zerglings?
They won’t nerf guardian because it’s not even top 5 right now at top tier. And they balance around top tier (at least if they decide to balance around pvp)
lol, then wtf was the spring quarter update guardian nerf that 100% revolved around WvW zerglings?
(at least if they decide to balance around pvp)
The thing with DH traps is that their efficiency really varies across the skill levels of their opponents.
The DH that’s been sitting on point for long enough that they’ve been able to set their traps and they’ve come off cooldown is basically a meatgrinder if you just charge in with no defences – two sets of trap drops plus the guardian’s own attacks can spike down basically anything. I don’t consider myself a great player, but I’ve 1v2’d and come close to 1v3’d people who’ve come at me under those circumstances. The thing is, when you think about it, it kinda has to be that way. For that to happen, the DH player has had to take the point, committed to staying on point and been left uncontested for long enough to lay their traps and for their traps to recharge – which means that for anywhere between thirty seconds to a couple of minutes, they’ve been sitting on a point that hasn’t been contested by the opposing team without contributing to what’s happening on the rest of the map. That should be an uphill battle if you don’t come in with a counter.
The thing is, it can be countered. Against good players, I’ve felt all but helpless with that build, as they set off all the traps without taking damage and then it’s like you don’t have any utilities (except Judge’s Intervention) at all*. There are various ways this can be done – dodges, evades, blocks, invulnerability, expendable clones/minions/pets, teleporting out, pretty much anything. If you see a guardian sitting on a point, you should be prepared for traps, and the good players will either trigger them in such a way that they don’t take damage, or rotate away and 5v4 the other points until the guardian moves, or a teammate comes in who can trigger the traps and then the guardian gets ganked. I’ve been on both sides of that operation. (It’s also worth noting that I don’t know of any points that can actually be covered by a single trap. You can cover the entire point if you lay multiple traps, or on the smaller points you can put a trap that covers enough of the point that it’s impractical to fight without being in the trap’s area, but the smallest point I can think of still has a larger radius than the traps)
Which is how you get a profession that people cry OP over which just isn’t represented at the top levels of play (it’s getting there now, but as people have said, the build doesn’t rely on traps that much).
Now, I do think Purification might be too good. It’s a pretty big heal, on a short cooldown, that also does damage and CC, and the risk that the enemy won’t walk into it is pretty slim: there aren’t many good arguments for taking one of the other heals instead in most PvP situations. The traps, though, are basically a hard RPS issue. They most definitely can be countered, which is why you don’t see them much in the higher levels of play.
*Note: I’m still playing it rather than switching to a more trap-light build because my ranked MMR got trashed so much while in MMR hell in S3 and the end of S2 that I’m effectively smurfing now with the switcheroo of how MMR works. When I start facing more competent players again, I’ll switch to something less trap-reliant.
FOTM – I see more and more “cancer” Druids now tbh. I don’t see them nerfing DH too heavily or even necessary like, I’m not an experienced PvPer/WvWer granted but I don’t see traps imbalanced I mean the irony is they didn’t really change traps too much just after update it’s just more ppl playing Guardian now, so NOW ohhh noooo traps whaaaa. This has been the case in any big MMO profession update when a profession goes from maybe not trash, but bottoms to the tops. Or where many ppl now try it. Maybe they overreact and nerf, but, I honestly see by next months just less ppl playing Guardian and less of an issue.
sigh I’m so tired of people complaining about DH. This happens every time we become useful
A little too useful.
sigh I’m so tired of people complaining about DH. This happens every time we become useful
A little too useful.
Actually guard isnt usefull in the class ranking 5 bcs like hundred of ppl say , the traps r to easy to avoid
its a l2p issue
Now, I do think Purification might be too good. It’s a pretty big heal, on a short cooldown, that also does damage and CC, and the risk that the enemy won’t walk into it is pretty slim: there aren’t many good arguments for taking one of the other heals instead in most PvP situations.
Even Purification has it’s issues. The 2nd, more important heal, comes with a delay which means that it’s not an emergency heal. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been spiked down in seconds, lay the trap and the healing comes too late. That is it’s downside, and I believe it’s a major one. Wings is just as unreliable. It’s not an issue really though, it’s a playstyle choice.
If they were to nerf the healing on it, I think they would have to make all of the healing immediate. But I think the better solution would be to nerf the trait, and have it not do any CC. Or contain the daze into a single trap, instead of them all.
sigh I’m so tired of people complaining about DH. This happens every time we become useful
A little too useful.
Actually guard isnt usefull
in the class ranking 5 bcs like hundred of ppl say , the traps r to easy to avoid
its a l2p issue
Fixed that for you.
Seriously. sure Traps are easy to avoid. in WVW. In sPVP its a different story. there is no choice but to take the Trap, and even if you avoid it, you’ll just get pulled in. Did you forget that the dang spear is unblockable? yeah. You can dodge the spear, but its very hard to see coming and unless you are a DD thief running full evasion good luck with that. The trap covers the entire point (except mid on foefire.)
sigh I’m so tired of people complaining about DH. This happens every time we become useful
A little too useful.
Actually guard isnt usefull
in the class ranking 5 bcs like hundred of ppl say , the traps r to easy to avoid
its a l2p issue
Fixed that for you.
Seriously. sure Traps are easy to avoid. in WVW. In sPVP its a different story. there is no choice but to take the Trap, and even if you avoid it, you’ll just get pulled in. Did you forget that the dang spear is unblockable? yeah. You can dodge the spear, but its very hard to see coming and unless you are a DD thief running full evasion good luck with that. The trap covers the entire point (except mid on foefire.)
yeah ,first i had this problem too , but then ive learnd that u only have to press 1 button to avoid this dmg ^^ and actually the spear is easier to dodge then moa
Pressing one button? you mean dodnge. Sure, dodge into the traps. you’ll cacnel the initial damage. but if you cross the threshold of one of them after it’s activated you’ll take 3k damage, another one continually deals damage., yet another one traps you inside it, and any other trap. So sure, one button negates everything.
Such BS excuses for a horribly designed spec. Look, you like DH. Fine. but at least have the good sense to realize when it is stupidly overpowered in spvp, which is what Anet balances for suposedly
Pressing one button? you mean dodnge. Sure, dodge into the traps. you’ll cacnel the initial damage. but if you cross the threshold of one of them after it’s activated you’ll take 3k damage, another one continually deals damage., yet another one traps you inside it, and any other trap. So sure, one button negates everything.
Such BS excuses for a horribly designed spec. Look, you like DH. Fine. but at least have the good sense to realize when it is stupidly overpowered in spvp, which is what Anet balances for suposedly
The irony overload. Complaints about cheapness from someone who recently stated:
If nothing else. thief is very fun, but it’s not fun because of power. it’s fun because of the sense of accomplishment when you gank someone
Who also takes pride in playing condi theif… Maybe your vendetta is based on the fact that DH counters you pretty hard, rather than some noble quest for balance.
Maybe go back to warrior? They still wreck face with their ludicrous sustain.
lol you are totally talking about my very Cheesy Condi Dodger which is totally cheep. I’ve stated this on several occasions. But you know what, I can admit that. Dare devil gave the Thief the ability to literally spam evades over and over again almost without limit. It’s also a horribly designed spec, all of the elite specs are. But the Condi DD Thief does not unbalance an entire game mode. It’s annoying to fight against, sure, but any class can beat it. AOE’s, One massive Condi Burst, Daze, Traps (both ranger an DH, mesmers, Rev, all of it can take us down.
Also…I’m a warrior main. I play thief this season because I Have never played it before. Sure i had one, but i never tried to learn it. And Condi Thief was just the most effective in PVP that I’ve found.
Next, DH does counter me pretty hard…. if they’re are like three of them. If there is one, i can easily deal, i just don’t try and take them on point. if there are more. I send my Condi thief mid and wrek face because I have the team support to take them out. so no I’m not mad about DH hard countering me. I’m very logical in my analysis of any given spec.
Finally, I’ll play whatever i gosh darned please thank you very much. I have one of every class, and if i want to play a condi thief, you can eat my lotus all day. If i want to play one of my many warrior builds I’ll do that, and you can just cry about how broken warrior is then too.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
but the Condio DD Thief does not unbalance an entire game mode. it’s annoying to fight against, but any class can beat it.
Which can absolutely be said about DH too …..
asside from the unbalancing an entire game mode. sure.
asside from the unbalancing an entire game mode. sure.
all my lols.
asside from the unbalancing an entire game mode. sure.
You realize how much overboard you are going with these rants? Things are not that bad.
the main problem for me with DH now is the fact that its so easy to play
spamm your traps on point and rotate your weapon skills
there is no thinking
and to see 7 DH on a fight its bit too much atm
the way to win them is to out rotate them
so i dont know about nerfing as the only thing i find semi op is the healing abilities and blocking spamming which let the DH survive 1v2 or 1v3 for 30 sec on point while other classes cant (on point again)
the main problem for me with DH now is the fact that its so easy to play
spamm your traps on point and rotate your weapon skills
there is no thinking
and to see 7 DH on a fight its bit too much atm
the way to win them is to out rotate them
so i dont know about nerfing as the only thing i find semi op is the healing abilities and blocking spamming which let the DH survive 1v2 or 1v3 for 30 sec on point while other classes cant (on point again)
Don’t know about other ppl but I 1v3 far better on a Revenant than a Guardian. Rev can escape stunlocks, Guardian can’t.
The DPS is fine, they can keep that but they shouldn’t be tankier than bunker eles last season… please for the love of god reduce the block spam heal spam that lets them live forever in 2v1
Ranked is won by DH stacking, it is top tier and the most powerful class, don’t kittening even try to deny it. When I put that Symbolic build on, it was win win win win win.
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