Proud of our Guard!

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: AndRec.3496


Just watched the WTS , congratulations to oRNG and TAGE (cmon its the guardian sub).
Proud to see our class do some amazing things, and i want to say even with a relatively new build, not bunker, not pure GS , but with great control and spike damage with hammer 2… gg guys .
And for Tage, you are the greatest pvp guardian out there, keep going , and make all us proud to play this amazing class!

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594




Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


^ it’s ok Booms we still <3 ya.
I for one am very impressed with Tage’s gameplay. To my credit i’ve seen and fought some good Guardians in TPvP. Tage definitely performed fantastically. The way a hamguard should!
Brought tears to my eyes ‘sniff’.
#newfan #awesomesauce #NAlostbutGuardianswin

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


I will go along with giving credit where it’s due for him, but I think it will take a larger group of players to realize that a guardian is more than what is shown in a meta build, or a “look at me” video on youtube. Guardians have an equal right to the top choice for pvp as much as the others do. I would like to see a montage of his play throughout the tourney to showcase some of the things he was forced to do, that he wouldn’t have done if not focused.

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Tage is an outstanding Guardian, easily one of the best, if not the best. The hammer virtues does a number on Abjured comp. Their comp lacks stab for the most part, this allows the hammer to be extremely efficient. Also pretty much a hard counter against Nos and Toker.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


Watching replay now at

orng logo did a great job, but I noticed how often abjured was able to focus fire tage down Some awesome ring of warding group kills though!

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: AndRec.3496



Booms:) Not a post against all the amazing guardian or the NA teams :>
Just a legit cheer to the winners or the wonnerors ( how twitch chat use to say) , and mostly at one of the few guardian that make it to the top… Looking at you double Ele abjured) <3… In the end love you all AND great plays are showing off in all the pvp community, its always a good thing for the plebs like me :P

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Drennon.7190



You’re a very skilled guardian, but tage is a “sportsman.” I’d love to see NA guardian representation in the next WTS, but your rage is extreme. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find four other people willing to stick together and grow as a team, while being verbally attacked by their own teammate.


Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594



You’re a very skilled guardian, but tage is a “sportsman.” I’d love to see NA guardian representation in the next WTS, but your rage is extreme. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find four other people willing to stick together and grow as a team, while being verbally attacked by their own teammate.

haha too true but I think my next team will do well


Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: ChaotiC.9381


hey, so I am a newer player and have recently decided to try out guard! can anyone link me tages SPvP build? is it just the meta medihammer build? thanks in advance for the help

Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594


yes he runs intel/energy on hammer which might be a little different


Proud of our Guard!

in Guardian

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

I shall raise a mug and a hammer in your honor!

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140