Put in a new skills and weapons

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Baronessvonbaugh.2165


It would be helpful if guardians could be able to use rifles too like warriors. These characters need long range weapons as well, especially in WvW. It also would be helpful if the guardians could use stealth as well so they can protect the other characters. Think about it. Guardians are the first people to die especially in WvW and it becomes frustrating since they can’t guard anyone if they are dead.

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


You’re destroying the concept of the profession by doing this. Why not buff the class in certain ways instead? A guardian doesn’t use stealth, but rather charges in to protect others. You wouldn’t give a thief Virtues because they don’t hold morals like a guardian does. You wouldn’t give a warrior illusions just like you wouldn’t give a mesmer heavy armor because that’s not the concept of the profession

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: PokerTuna.6170


“Guardians are the first people to die especially in WvW” ur kidding, right?

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Darx.6798


It would be helpful if guardians could be able to use rifles too like warriors. These characters need long range weapons as well, especially in WvW. It also would be helpful if the guardians could use stealth as well so they can protect the other characters. Think about it. Guardians are the first people to die especially in WvW and it becomes frustrating since they can’t guard anyone if they are dead.

Are you kidding me? Guardian is among the best class for WvW. Their condition removal, heal and buffs are insane. And u wan them to have invi?

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


If you want to add a skill ranged. Maybe give us guardians something like a holy cross we can throw. But omg no way to having a gun as a guardian. That’s just wrong on so many levels.

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


These characters need long range weapons as well, especially in WvW. It also would be helpful if the guardians could use stealth as well so they can protect the other characters. Think about it. Guardians are the first people to die especially in WvW

Man, you’re doing it wrong, a LOT.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


These characters need long range weapons as well, especially in WvW. It also would be helpful if the guardians could use stealth as well so they can protect the other characters. Think about it. Guardians are the first people to die especially in WvW

who need range when you can squish everyone with a ballista arrow!? XD
remember that wvw is composed by characters, keeps, camps… and siege machines!

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Can’t tell if trolling or just trolling.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Put in a new skills and weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

guardian first dead? in WvW?
I’ll quote my guardian friend (from times I used to play sieges as a rangers) after zerg we tried to push out from our wall have trained most of our forces:
“Guys why are you dying? I’m standing here all minute and you are dying in a phew seconds?”
I told him that not everybody are guardians
So If You’re a guardian and Youre dying first: bro You are doing it wrong.

btw. in dungeons mostly my guardian is the last player to go down

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles