PvE DPS Guardian, question.
33% crit damage and 35% crit chance is painfully low for PVE. The usual recommended route for people to learn is Knight armor with zerker trinkets. Something like this. I also moved traits around with 10 unspent, so you can see the basis of a dps build. The last 10 is dependent on what you need. I’d recommend for starting out to go 10 into honor, for vigor and shout reduction. Oh and focus is superior to shield. Check out lower linked guide for more details.
Read this guide for more in depth look:
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
33% crit damage and 35% crit chance is painfully low for PVE. The usual recommended route for people to learn is Knight armor with zerker trinkets. Something like this. I also moved traits around with 10 unspent, so you can see the basis of a dps build. The last 10 is dependent on what you need. I’d recommend for starting out to go 10 into honor, for vigor and shout reduction. Oh and focus is superior to shield. Check out lower linked guide for more details.
Read this guide for more in depth look:
Okay. That looks good and true, having low crit dmg and chance would be annoying.
EDIT: Would it be good idea to put the last 5 points to virtues and get the permeating wrath ? Virtue of justices passive would cause AoE flames each time it goes off.
2nd EDIT: No that would be horrible, I want activate virtue of justice most of the time for might !
(edited by Rock.4019)
33% crit damage and 35% crit chance is painfully low for PVE. The usual recommended route for people to learn is Knight armor with zerker trinkets. Something like this. I also moved traits around with 10 unspent, so you can see the basis of a dps build. The last 10 is dependent on what you need. I’d recommend for starting out to go 10 into honor, for vigor and shout reduction. Oh and focus is superior to shield. Check out lower linked guide for more details.
Read this guide for more in depth look:
His link doesn’t include upgrades of any kind. Runes, sigils, food, etc. It’s actually a fine build, not as far behind as it seems at face value.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
There are the runes for the armor in the link.
His link doesn’t include upgrades of any kind. Runes, sigils, food, etc.
What is your point? I added scholar runes and I put what he suggested to get the numbers I quoted. He wanted to know how bad his damage will be effected, and I think I answered that quite well. He actually wants advice on a good build. So I’m helping him out.
And to your question about the virtues. Don’t go deeper that 25. That’s the sweet spot. You are better off with Right hand strength or Superior Aria.
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
His link doesn’t include upgrades of any kind. Runes, sigils, food, etc.
What is your point? I added scholar runes and I put what he suggested to get the numbers I quoted. He wanted to know how bad his damage will be effected, and I think I answered that quite well. He actually wants advice on a good build. So I’m helping him out.
And to your question about the virtues. Don’t go deeper that 25. That’s the sweet spot. You are better off with Right hand strength or Superior Aria.
Yeah I went with the superior aria. This build is actually pretty darn good. The focus is so much better than the shield
I all ready swaped my armor to knight (exotic) and found a laurel vendor were I bought a ascended berserk trinket to compensate a little for my rare soldier trinkets.
All I need to do now is to get exotic berserk sword. Then my armor and weapons are good to go. After that comes the trinkets and the runes for the armor.
Any suggestions what sigils should I throw to my weapons ? I was thinking of +5 damage for greatsword and sword….haven’t yet figured what to put on focus.
His link doesn’t include upgrades of any kind. Runes, sigils, food, etc.
What is your point? I added scholar runes and I put what he suggested to get the numbers I quoted. He wanted to know how bad his damage will be effected, and I think I answered that quite well. He actually wants advice on a good build. So I’m helping him out.
And to your question about the virtues. Don’t go deeper that 25. That’s the sweet spot. You are better off with Right hand strength or Superior Aria.
The OP’s link lacks upgrades, hence the lack of apparent stats. That’s what I was referring to. I apologize if that was confusing.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
You wan’t to be aware of how efficient certain stats are. Before I say anything full zerker is the most efficient way for guardian but if you wan’t to mix sets go with the armor on something else (it gives like 1 crit dmg to 12 stats up to 1 crit damage to 16 stats) the trinkets give like 1 crit dmg to 9ish stats which is better
What is your point? I added scholar runes and I put what he suggested to get the numbers I quoted. He wanted to know how bad his damage will be effected, and I think I answered that quite well. He actually wants advice on a good build. So I’m helping him out.
The OP’s link lacks upgrades, hence the lack of apparent stats. That’s what I was referring to. I apologize if that was confusing.
I know. And My post was clarifying that I first added to his original build, by just adding the proper runes, and jewels he was missing. Then I changed it.
So I compared a complete build of his and complete build that I suggested.
@OP, I’m glad you are seeing the benefits of this build. If you have any questions on specific details of how to play it, feel free to ask. Also any dungeon specifically, I can help with what skills to bring and what not.
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
I’m right now only abit worried of my overall health. I feel very fragile I guess I guess I’m still too used to my soldiers gear….not to mention I used full cleric gear before this.
So I guess the best defense is the best offense ? I still have just barley 15K health because of my soldiers trinkets (that I’m swapping to berserk when I get the trinkets).
So I guess my health will drop alot after that. There wont be much room to take hits in dungeons and such.
So am I just too used to high HP pool. What is an avarage HP pool for DPS guardians ?
Thanks again for you’re replies Cat Has Ducks, you have really helped me out and I’m enjoying my guardian more than I ever have.
I’m right now only abit worried of my overall health. I feel very fragile I guess
I guess I’m still too used to my soldiers gear….not to mention I used full cleric gear before this.
So I guess the best defense is the best offense ? I still have just barley 15K health because of my soldiers trinkets (that I’m swapping to berserk when I get the trinkets).
So I guess my health will drop alot after that. There wont be much room to take hits in dungeons and such.So am I just too used to high HP pool. What is an avarage HP pool for DPS guardians ?
Thanks again for you’re replies Cat Has Ducks, you have really helped me out and I’m enjoying my guardian more than I ever have.
Average HP is 11k ~ 12k range. Very squishy, but as you familiarize yourself with the build and encounters, it becomes pretty easy to stay alive using blinds, blocks, dodging etc. It makes fights that much more engaging because you need to pay attention to mechanics.
I’m right now only abit worried of my overall health. I feel very fragile I guess
I guess I’m still too used to my soldiers gear….not to mention I used full cleric gear before this.
So I guess the best defense is the best offense ? I still have just barley 15K health because of my soldiers trinkets (that I’m swapping to berserk when I get the trinkets).
So I guess my health will drop alot after that. There wont be much room to take hits in dungeons and such.So am I just too used to high HP pool. What is an avarage HP pool for DPS guardians ?
Thanks again for you’re replies Cat Has Ducks, you have really helped me out and I’m enjoying my guardian more than I ever have.
You’ll get used to the low health pool. Besides, you have blinds on VoJ, Aegis, shelter’s block, and Focus #5 to mitigate damage in addition to perma vigor
Ha yeah.. I switched over to dps guardian from my knight’s armor and I faceplanted all the time. It was so bad but after awhile I started to learn how to dodge, use utilities (blind spam, whirl, leap of faith, reflect, aegis) and you do get better! I did end up buying back my knights armor for pugging because I pug 90% of time and I did feel little too glassy and fragile. I would say to keep both. If you are pugging, use knights with zerker weapon and trinkets. And then use zerker if you know you are in a good group. But honestly going zerker is challenging at first but overall it will make you a better player. I still faceplant at times but I can see a definite improvement and I do feel I contribute much more with my dps.
full zerker guard is still a face roll in pugs, if you are having issues then it is probably your ineptitude of mechanical understanding not the pugs
Well I just roll the old AH with full zerker. Nothing to do with these builds and the DPS is lower but you will be able to do damage and pretty much not die to most of the PvE content (I’m not talking to hardcore content like fractals over certain lvl 30).
I use this because I use the build for WvW and I don’t fell like changing everytime I want to do a dgn like cof or ac. I’m saying this because I think is a good start to learn when to dodge and use blinds, because even though you have pretty much enough survivability you will still not be able to just stay in front of the mobs the entire fight
full zerker guard is still a face roll in pugs, if you are having issues then it is probably your ineptitude of mechanical understanding not the pugs
I also use full zerker and I can certainly tell the difference between a good and a bad pug and how it influences me as a guardian. Blaming it fully on the ineptitude of mechanical understanding, or whatever fancy words you want to use, is not what I’m personally experiencing. If encounters take twice as long you’ll start running out of utilities. Anyone will have issues at that point, especially those using glass cannon builds.
Also OP mentioned he is new to the game. Anyone recommending full zerker for him is not able to relate how difficult content can be for new players. I think using knight gear with zerker trinkets would be the best starting point. Zerker gear with soldier trinkets works, only you’ll miss out on a lot of precision and critical damage.
Problem with being a dps guard in pugs is A- you got low HPs and B- you will probably pull agro and have to dodge/blind/aegis tank that boss unless you pug with some good dps guys who will pull it off you. Hell atm im using a hammer build with full ascended zerker and Juggernaut and I end up tanking most stuff and that’s with 0 in toughness, just from symbol dmg.
Am I legendary yet!?
full dps guardian build sucks when you’re pugging some dungeons like SE where the final boss always seems to aggro you and whack you with overpowered mesmer GS autoattacks.
guardian doesn’t have a lot of passive defence so once your aegis etc. runs out it’s easy to die to multiple fast attacks
Yeah guan is right but you can dodge the attacks from that boss sometimes (not all of them are easy to see) and full zerk guard is still perfectly viable in high level fractals with pugs (49), but you should be using hammer in fractals anyway
full zerker guard is still a face roll in pugs, if you are having issues then it is probably your ineptitude of mechanical understanding not the pugs
I also use full zerker and I can certainly tell the difference between a good and a bad pug and how it influences me as a guardian. Blaming it fully on the ineptitude of mechanical understanding, or whatever fancy words you want to use, is not what I’m personally experiencing. If encounters take twice as long you’ll start running out of utilities. Anyone will have issues at that point, especially those using glass cannon builds.
Also OP mentioned he is new to the game. Anyone recommending full zerker for him is not able to relate how difficult content can be for new players. I think using knight gear with zerker trinkets would be the best starting point. Zerker gear with soldier trinkets works, only you’ll miss out on a lot of precision and critical damage.
This is something I’ve noticed very quickly. If I notice that we as a group are doing lower damage than usual, it effects me. Like you said after pretty much every possible defensive abilities are on CD and I still run with aggro…things start to go bad.
But as a player I’ve learned alot. I don’t have the luxury anymore take random hits. I have to pay attention and I’m getting the hang of it. I’ve also had alot of luck with meeting other very skillful players who have been teaching me. And I always passivley observe better players and figure out how they play.
I now have all ready rare berserk trinkets, slowly swaping them to exotic. After that I’m pretty much where I want to be. After that it’s just practise, practise, practise. I’m alot confident with my guardian now aswell. You guys have really helped me out big time. I enjoy my guardian alot more.