[PvE, Dungeons] Hybrid build?

[PvE, Dungeons] Hybrid build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Steinpilz.5078


Can someone recommend a hybrid build (direct damage + condition damage trough burring) for PvE and dungons?
I never before played a guardian, but such a build seems interesting to me and I would like to try it out.

[PvE, Dungeons] Hybrid build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Talyn.3295


You really shouldn’t be doing a hyrid build in PvE dungeons. Best to pick either condition damage or direct damage and stick to it.



Those are the two best guilds for PvE and Dungeons.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

[PvE, Dungeons] Hybrid build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Steinpilz.5078


You really shouldn’t be doing a hyrid build in PvE dungeons.

Why not?
I think such a build could be fun to play.

[PvE, Dungeons] Hybrid build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Talyn.3295


You really shouldn’t be doing a hyrid build in PvE dungeons.

Why not?
I think such a build could be fun to play.

While you are welcome to run whatever build you like. A hybrid build is not going to allow for the same dps potential as a build devoted to either power or condition damage.

Conditions are better since the update. But only if you commit to them. As they have a lower base damage now, then before the change. Of course this also means that they have a higher maximum damage as well.

“*Condition Updates *
Damaging conditions were all reworked to better ensure damage is properly delivered in large-scale combat. All damaging conditions have been changed to intensity-stacking, and the maximum number of stacks for each damaging condition has been raised to a much larger number that should never be hit under normal circumstances.


This condition will now stack in intensity. The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat. Creatures that apply burning have been rebalanced to account for this change.
New damage over time: 7.5 + (1.55 * Level) + (0.155 * Condition Damage)"

You could run a sinster build as in Obal’s guild. But you won’t crank out the physical damage, due to the lost of your critical damage from having no extra ferocity. Your main source of damage will be burning and to maximize it you will be playing differently then you would with a power build.

This is as close to a hybrid build as you are going to get.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

[PvE, Dungeons] Hybrid build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Jerus.4350


You could call the Sinister build hybrid, Condi main, other two power, still plenty of power damage in the rotation, but a focus on burning stacks while you do that damage.