[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


I have seen many different builds for a guardian. Tanky / Heal. Burning / Condition Damage. But one thing that I haven’t seen, and I’ve been curious to know if it’ll work well, is a Retaliation Build.

Here’s the link to the build:

Weapons: Greatsword / Mace + Shield

Healing: Signet of Resolve

Utilities: “Retreat!”, “Stand Your Ground!”, “Hold the Line!”

Elite: Renewed Focus

Skill Tree: 0|15|15|20|20

Minor Traits:
Justice is Blind
Renewed Justice
Valorous Defense
Courageous Return
Vigorous Precision
Selfless Daring
Inspired Virtue
Virtue of Retribution

Major Traits:
Healer’s Retribution
Retributive Armor
Wrathful Spirit
Pure of Heart
Retaliatory Subconscious

Any / All comments and opinions are welcomed.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Gear stat focus? Runes/Sigils?

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


As far as gear stats, I would mostly focus on being able to run around and effectively keep Retaliation up as long as possible, so I would think that the Carrion Armor Set with Runes of either Monk or Water (For the Boon Duration)

As far as Weapon Sigils I’m not sure.

(edited by NerdyMike.2695)

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Carrion is Power/Vitality/Condition Damage. Your build is a Power build, but I’m not seeing a reason for Condition Damage. Could you explain?

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


Sorry, I had a brain fart. I forgot that Retaliation is based upon the power, not condition damage. For that I guess I’m not sure on which of these would be THE best:

Berserker – Go for the damage.
Knight – Still good damage + Toughness for Survivability
Valkyrie – Still good damage + Vit for Survivability

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Voltric.6920


For this type of build, I’d go with a mix of Knights and Valkyrie for the power and survivability, since retaliation requires you to be hit for it to work.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: OutsiderSubtype.4329


Power of the Virtuous or Inscribed Removal would be better in this build than Courageous Return, which I view as basically worthless. If you’re rallying that much you’re screwed anyway.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


Thank you guys. I do agree that I don’t want to be rallying that much… if at all.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


I’ve updated the skills and traits: http://gw2skills.net/editor/en/?fUMQNAR5elYgiC33RLEgIFSOjVyAtPMQYKIQM6qAFB

Also taking a look at the MANY different kinds of armor (not just the craftable ones), The Invader’s Armor from WvW would most likely be the set I would gravitate towards, with 3 Runes of Monk and 3 Runes of Water.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Trungalung.7850


Replace Retreat with Signet of Judgment. That alone is 50% up time for retaliation.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


@Red Falcon – That’s a nice build. After looking at yours, it kind of gave me some idea’s on how to tweak mine, yet again. Hahaha.

Here’s the tweaked build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/en/?fUMQNAR5elYgiC33RLEgIFS2jVCBTwaBYPIQMajuFA

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Rooj.7036


i tinkered with a retaliation type build in sPVP for all of like, 20 minutes. My initial reactions are that it is complete and utter garbage in that facet of the game.

Mainly because (and i have no proof of the fact it just felt like this) damage over time effects were not reflected, so I gave up very quickly.

I would be interested if anyone knew otherwise.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: gabo.6721


Currently running a power/prec build that is retaliation-centric…

Not too good. need more toughness. buuut… i am getting used to keeping it up when i need it.

The only thing really REALLY bad about it is that it doesn’t reflect a portion of the received damage (refer to tooltip) which means bursts kill you flat out.

Gabo Silvershine
Isle of Janthir
Learn my name, or do not. The world will know it soon enough.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Y u mad its vydia.6324

Y u mad its vydia.6324

I am currently trying this build in PvE, but I’m only level 65 and don’t have access to all the traits I’d like.

Replace Greatsword with hammer imo, it makes you a lot tankier (needed for retaliation build) and you still have access to Retaliation through Protection Field + Smite. This also makes it more reliable to stack Vitality instead of Toughness.

I’m using: Mace + Focus (when things get hairy) and Hammer. Utility skills: Purging Flames (for synergy with Smite and extra damage – you’re already very tanky), Judge’s Intervention (Stun break and damage but only for solo, there are much better alternatives for group play) and Sanctuary (but any defensive cooldown works – if you feel you don’t like that consecration, Signet that reduces damage is a very strong alternative). Elite skill: Invul and virtue reset.

Traits: Symbols are larger, symbols last longer, Consecrations last longer, Using Virtue of Courage removes 3 conditions. Imo these are mandatory for the build.

I like it in PvE, haven’t tested in PvP.

Malaakh. [EU] Desolation.

(edited by Y u mad its vydia.6324)