PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


I’m working out a build for a level 80 guardian that will be mainly PvE with small-scale WvW skirmishing thrown in (I tend to fight in the EB JP a lot). I came up with this variation on a meditation build:


Which fits really well with my playstyle. I’m going for staying power with plenty of healing with some decent offense for wearing opponents down. My goals were:

-50%~ crit with equivalent crit dmg
-15-20k HP
-Decent toughness (I’m not sure what a good number to shoot for is)
-Good/above average damage
-Good to great survivability

I think this will work, but coming from a condition thief that only had to worry about one type of gear (carrion) the gear selection is a little trickier. I would like a little more HP than what I was able to eek out but I’m overall satisfied.

My question is, do you think this is a decent stat distribution for my goals? Is there a better/more efficient way to gear up? Also, any feedback on the overall build are welcome, thanks!

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


i think that’s a pretty good setup actually! though i wouldn’t mind going for more power so your nice crit chance and dmg can benefit off of that more. but that acn esily be fixed with using stacking sigils (as long as you don’t mind the stacking process).

i tend to aim for 3k attack, 3k armor 16k+ health, 40% crit and 50% crit dmg for a standarized build. especially for WvW. i personally don’t feel the life steal food is that good, so if you wanted to, you could eat some food that gives vitality – lot of great choices out there.

at the same time, you could switch in beryl orbs in your trinket upgrades for extra vit there as well. and then use food that gives more precision or stackign sigils or accuracy sigil to make up for the crit chance.

also note, on your setup right now, i forget the exact CD numbers, but with two on-crit sigils on your mainhand and offhand setup, if one procs, the other won’t be able to proc until the CD is off. just to note.

any reason you’re not using the highest quality of food / nourishment buffs? : ))

as i mentioned, your stats are great already in my book and you can only improve them more ; ))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Blazin Blunt.6908

Blazin Blunt.6908

Talic the Protector – 80 Norn Guardian
Blunt of Balthazar – 80 Human Guardian
Khan of Feurt – 80 Charr Necromancer

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Breathaan.2710


lately, I’m using

altho I run a bloodlust focus for the first 25 kills and grab w/e food i feel like at a given time/situation

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Thank you all for the great suggestions. I’ve started swapping out food and runes for beryl orbs, which is getting me better stats and is a LOT cheaper. I’m also reworking my build based off of your suggestions, you were all very helpful!

And that’s a very interesting setup breathaan, it looks awesome for PvE but does it work ok for WvW? I’ve considered swapping out the GS for mace but I worry about losing AoE or getting kited.

(edited by Malkarne.8167)

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Musty.3148


you have all “on crit” sigils in your weapons. They all share a cooldown.

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Malkarne.8167


Yeah I didn’t realize that since I never used them on my thief (he’s cond damage). I swapped the lifesteal out for bloodlust.

PvE/WvW Roamer Meditation Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Breathaan.2710


Thank you all for the great suggestions. I’ve started swapping out food and runes for beryl orbs, which is getting me better stats and is a LOT cheaper. I’m also reworking my build based off of your suggestions, you were all very helpful!

And that’s a very interesting setup breathaan, it looks awesome for PvE but does it work ok for WvW? I’ve considered swapping out the GS for mace but I worry about losing AoE or getting kited.

Honestly, I haven’t wvw’d with my guardian since I switched to this build. The lack of speed means i play my warrior, necro, and ranger in wvw. But it does do fairly well in cursed shore farming and frostgorge, which is what I intended. I would expect wvw to make it feel abit squishy and not deal well with being focused, but could be doable given the blinds and active healing and swapping the dmg mitigation signet for WoR, etc.