[PvP] New Meta Builds

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Edit: Traits haven’t been updated yet in the Build Editor but the treelines are otherwise correct.

Burn Bursts Core
Quite ecstatic about the new burn Guardian. It’s probably going to be the build i’ll use all through Diamond until I start fighting synchronized teams near Legendary divisions. It does incredible AoE damages thanks to the much needed QoL changes but as always, its weakness is low Stability upkeep. I doubt the build would be meta but it’s pretty darn close.

Burst Hambow/1-handers New Meta
EDIT: Hammer+Sce/X May not be as effective compared to full 1-handers_
Variants: Absolute Resolution w/ Sword+x & Scepter+x combo. Same sigils (optional)
Zerkers over Maras: For a stronger 1v1 duelist build or if you can survive in higher tier pvp without getting ganked by a Thief/Rev in +1s. It’s all a matter of whether or not you can output enough damage to down some one until your skills go on cd, one by one, eventually losing your advantage depending on the type of fight.

Healway Mace/Shield Bunker Concept
Though it may never be meta, I like the idea of a Healway build that full heal’s a team with F2 and “Receive the Light”. Though, Staff feels clunky and difficult to manage during pressure situations. Could opt for Scepter/Focus.

I’ve seen some burn bunker builds but was very unimpressed with their efficiency in pvp. Same for other power variants utilizing amulets other than Mara/Zerks/Carrion.


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


Burn Burst is pretty much what I run other then some traits and Torch replacing Scepter. I was doing magnitudes better in Eotm, so I’d imagine I’d have a similar experience in PvP.

Burst Hambow also looks quality. Deflecting Shot is nasty now. Deflect a projectile and you’re looking at an unblockable True Shot that knocks back, and then you can actually True Shot right after. Hammer compliments the build so well with its own changes.

The Bunker looks interesting, but I wonder if you meant to slot Master of Consecrations over Unscathed Contender. Increased uptime and decrease cooldown for your two sanctuaries.


(edited by Ghotistyx.6942)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Power Scepter/X is going to be meta too!

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


The Bunker looks interesting, but I wonder if you meant to slot Master of Consecrations over Unscathed Contender. Increased uptime and decrease cooldown for your two sanctuaries.

Woopsie. Fixed!

Power Scepter/X is going to be meta too!


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: DesuNyan.4783


Hambow isnt that good without runes of the trapper.

The core guardian burn build is powerful now, though i run syg over cop cause you already have 4 other major forms of condi removal(insta cast virtue 2 twice for 5, heal for 2, purging flames for 3).

I saw one guy run the offmeta heal build pretty amazingly, tanking/kiting 2-3 guys at a time.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Hambow isnt that good without runes of the trapper.

The core guardian burn build is powerful now, though i run syg over cop cause you already have 4 other major forms of condi removal(insta cast virtue 2 twice for 5, heal for 2, purging flames for 3).

I saw one guy run the offmeta heal build pretty amazingly, tanking/kiting 2-3 guys at a time.

Runes of the trapper performance has gotten worse tbh. Guard’s don’t need to be off point in stealth mode unless they’re trolling on some trap build.

I’ve been rocking the Hambow (actually swapped lb with sc/shield) in ranked with limited issues. I’ll be updating the build i’ve been running in the following days.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


About the Healway build, Purification might be a better choice simply because receive the light is a bit clumsy to use (allies can dodge it) and you will go down if you get focused

Also since you are using Shield you might want to consider going Heavy Light since you get stability from Shield #5 and possibly stability from Protective Reviver (haven’t tested) when you knock enemies back. You also get stability if your Sanctuary knocks anyone back.
It is only 1 stack with 10s icd however

9 Guardians later…

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


About the Healway build, Purification might be a better choice simply because receive the light is a bit clumsy to use (allies can dodge it) and you will go down if you get focused

Also since you are using Shield you might want to consider going Heavy Light since you get stability from Shield #5 and possibly stability from Protective Reviver (haven’t tested) when you knock enemies back. You also get stability if your Sanctuary knocks anyone back.
It is only 1 stack with 10s icd however

Good point!

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

This is a fun aproach for Burn Guard I plan on trying out myself….I call it Condi Bomb:

The ideea is to crit with Symbol of Protection for huge amount of condi BS. Ignore the crit rating on the talent calc….that value only applies if you are on Hammer. You start out with whatever weapon set you want for initiation,then go Judge into weapon swap for the BS. Also the Hydromancy rune is to ofset the fact that no sane person would stay to eat a whole Hammer AA sequence.

A more efficient way of geting the most condi bs would be to go from sword 2 into a crit with hammer 3 or 2.

(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


fwiw I think the best build this season will still be sw/foc longbow mediguard.

it has the highest skill cap and burst potential if you setup a sword burst with deflecting shot correctly.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


LB is too slow and the KB is unreliable now. I do feel like it will be an option, but it’s just not as good as something like scepter/GS or SW

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: phokus.8934


Deflecting Shot is super reliable now as a knockbock. You know exactly when it’s up and it pierces.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


the KB is unreliable now.

that’s where the skill cap comes from.

separates the mediocre guardians from the gosu ones

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


It’s not about accurately aiming LB 3 for me. It’s the fact anything could happen and now you’re SOL without a KB lol. LB seriously relies on you landing LB 3 now. I’m sticking with scepter. I hope they don’t revert any changes. I’m LOVING it

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Lucentfir.7430


the KB is unreliable now.

that’s where the skill cap comes from.

separates the mediocre guardians from the gosu ones

This is true, it is a -Skillshot- After all. I also love the fact that I can knockback at any range if it hits, and more than 1 target. Though i will miss the JI Trueshot Knockback combo :<.

Reth Grimrazor – Charr Guardian – [GWB]Grim Warband – Tarnished Coast
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Loopgru.1026


Carrion Sc/X Radiance/Virtues/DH seems to work extremely well from what I’ve seen so far. Stack a metric ton of burning via Justice with fast-hitting attacks (Sc2, Sw3, GS2, Procession of Blades), also cripple and vuln from DH traits), plus large additional burns from JI, Purging Flames, and Radiant Fire. Multiple sources of stability, a ton of condi clear.


The choice I waffle on is GS vs Sw/F- GS gives better mobility, blind, and stab (from the pull on GS5). Sw/F gives similar amount of offense, but gets Shield of Wrath, which is no small thing.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Legiion.7385


Carrion Sc/X Radiance/Virtues/DH seems to work extremely well from what I’ve seen so far. Stack a metric ton of burning via Justice with fast-hitting attacks (Sc2, Sw3, GS2, Procession of Blades), also cripple and vuln from DH traits), plus large additional burns from JI, Purging Flames, and Radiant Fire. Multiple sources of stability, a ton of condi clear.


The choice I waffle on is GS vs Sw/F- GS gives better mobility, blind, and stab (from the pull on GS5). Sw/F gives similar amount of offense, but gets Shield of Wrath, which is no small thing.

This build is not so good .
The old Burn guard was good but he had strong counters.
And with this build u have 0 Meditation heal and a high er CD.
Why u want to use the DH traitline if u use only 1 trap and no LB?
This 1 Stack vuln and cripple get cleared easy .
And u waste one of ur biggest Bursts with Torch for 1 Stack cripple and vuln.

(edited by Legiion.7385)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


Tested these builds in pvp (and some duels) today!

Burn burst: I unfortunately only tested this in duels (as well as dueled someone who used it in wvw) so my feedback here is limited. In a 1v1 scenario, torch in place of shield is preferrable. The build outputs fantastic burn uptime, and traiting merciful sanctuary instead of absolute resolution (AR) gives you great anti-burst tool as long as you aren’t fighting condi.

Burst Hambow: this is essentially the hambow build I ran before this patch. The only major differences now are that you have increased burst (due to glacial heart) and much better cripple access (thru f1). So this build works like a charm in 1v1s and holding a point. The main problem I’ve run into is low mobility. Unless you run traveler runes or have a herald/tempest/bunker guard to give you swiftness, this build will suffer against an organized team.

Alternatively, sacrifice some of your condi clear for mobility; change out CoP for JI. Hammer + JI is a match made in heaven. This is the build my friend and I tried out today. You get amazing burst, great +1s and have a lot of options opened up to you. One particular combo I became fond of was: Hammer 2 + JI + f1 + ToF. Then wait to see what they do: if they dodge out, f1 them back in then Hammer 4. If they stay in, Hammer 4 them out then f1 them back in. This build is so anti-thief that I cackled like an evil genius and nefariously stroked my goatee a couple times. The main drawback of this alternative build though is condi clear. Against condi necro, mes and war, you will suffer.

Healaway Mace/Shield: this one was actually a lot of fun. I ran Menders Amulet instead of magi, sword/focus in place of staff, and ran “Retreat!”. The idea was to focus on maximizing personal blocks and aegis for self sustain and sanctuary + shield bubbles for cc/support while outputting some small dps. The build worked well for bunkering with a small bit of rotating and felt like something in between old bunker guard and medi guard. I think bunker guard has the potential to return through mender’s or magi amulet.

@mrauls: I think LB3 is a more reliable KB now. True, against certain foes (thief, rev and mesmer especially) you’re less likely to land it, but this is offset by the fact that you can knockback multiple foes with a single attack (GREAT in outnumbered fights or vs. Mesmers)! You also can use the KB on it as part of a combo rather than as a sudden cc: f1 + ToF + LB3. You’ll definitely hit thieves with this.

Also, I’m very excited to see your new vid! Scepter is pretty great! After seeing your post here earlier I decided to take it for a spin. Couldn’t decide what utilities were best, but scepter 2 + immob + Procession of Blades worked great as on-point pressure and the set overall gave me better sustain than X and LB.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: JackaS.9426


I think the old scepter/hammer build can be nice now. In the past it was meta for a while with medis, and I think with the trap procession of blades can be stronger now. You can do a combo not easy to avoid I have always used that is: scepter 3 + JI (for a legit inmobilice) + scepter 2 + hammer 5 + procession of blades. Then you can hammer 2 or whatever you want.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Also, I’m very excited to see your new vid! Scepter is pretty great! After seeing your post here earlier I decided to take it for a spin. Couldn’t decide what utilities were best, but scepter 2 + immob + Procession of Blades worked great as on-point pressure and the set overall gave me better sustain than X and LB.

Expect to see it this weekend.

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Loopgru.1026


This build is not so good .
The old Burn guard was good but he had strong counters.
And with this build u have 0 Meditation heal and a high er CD.
Why u want to use the DH traitline if u use only 1 trap and no LB?
This 1 Stack vuln and cripple get cleared easy .
And u waste one of ur biggest Bursts with Torch for 1 Stack cripple and vuln.

Comparing this to a medi build is not really going to be useful, they play totally differently and are for two totally different roles. This is not a medi brawler build, it’s a condi burst build. It’s intended to put out a lethal amount of condi pressure extremely quickly. Compared to the warrior equivalent (a much more direct comparison), it has substantially stronger AoE condi application, but not nearly as much sustain (because Adrenal Health is absurd).

On that note, the point of the first 2 DH traits is the vuln and cripple application as covering conditions to protect your burns- you WANT them to get cleared instead of your burns. (That’s the reason behind the sigils as well.) You also get stab from heavy light and the improved virtues- I think that’s worth it.

As for offhands, Torch works very well with Sword- you just have to choose whether you want to give up the block from Focus. With scepter, though, you pretty much lose out on half of Zealot’s Flame using it with a ranged weapon, so you’re left with a meh burn and a condi clear (which you’ve already got in spades). Shield works better there as a support for the ranged weapon- AoE protection and aegis on a short CD, and a knockback (and stability from heavy light) with covering conditions and a moderate heal.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Sublime Le Peasant.1932

Sublime Le Peasant.1932

About the Healway build, Purification might be a better choice simply because receive the light is a bit clumsy to use (allies can dodge it) and you will go down if you get focused

Also since you are using Shield you might want to consider going Heavy Light since you get stability from Shield #5 and possibly stability from Protective Reviver (haven’t tested) when you knock enemies back. You also get stability if your Sanctuary knocks anyone back.
It is only 1 stack with 10s icd however

Good point!

  • I dont think that it’s a good idea. Doing that will be a big loss, since you already have enough stab( FragOfaith) and the trait “HunterFortification” synergize way better with your blocks(aegis etc).

This is what I Think will be good on Guardian/Dh for the next season.


- [Hambow](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJASTn8cCVdilDBeDB8DhlEiSe5j+sPL/+wA8aZDgEA-TpBFABiXGAgjAQN7PIwFAghHAABHCAA)

  • You Can swap out CoP for Smite condition + I really like this build, hammer always been fun to play and its been a while since we saw in Pvp. Theres really good plays that can be made ( like Banish+Ji stomp, Ji+Ring, SpearOJustice(pull)+ring, etc.)

- [MediTrapper](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAsdTn8cCVdiVDBeDB8DhlEiSe5j+sPL/+vA8aZDgEA-TpBFABMcCAA4IAIwDAQ8yA1s/ABHCAA)

  • Not much to say, everyone is familiar with this build.

- [Support DHunter](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWn8cCVDhFdCeDB8DhlGi6aYXgAAbCiguUe4T+nH-TZRIABAcCAm9JA0z+DdfIAgvMAA)

  • I love this build, its remind me of old time. But there is less AOE cleanses, if your team fight against a heavy condi comp theres nothing much you can do.

- [Shout DHunter](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWn8cClCh97AeDB8DhlGi6aYXgAAbCigQQe4T+nH-TZRIABdfIAgvMAAnAgZfCA4s/AA)

  • You can swap ’’Retreat’’ with ‘’Hold the line’’ for better protection uptime. This build has more AOE Cleanse, but a bit less of peeling and self sustain. Good if your team is facing alot of conditions.


- [Bunker/Shout Guard](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWlsAh6hYtQwVIwPEHLEU+F7v/3A8gBgvQFKBA-TZBGAB5XGAgTAAvPBAzPEABt/AA)

  • Who can forget ShoutGuard.


- [In memory O’Davinci](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAreSn8cClCh1CBuCB8DhlGi6aYXgAAbCigQQe4T+nH-TpBGABBt/AAPAg8LDY+hAg3TAACHBAA)

  • If you remember Davinci & Scepter/Shield+Hammer BunkerGuard this is for you.

What do you guys think of those builds, hit me up with your POV.


Top 50, before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch.

(edited by Sublime Le Peasant.1932)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


About the Healway build, Purification might be a better choice simply because receive the light is a bit clumsy to use (allies can dodge it) and you will go down if you get focused

Also since you are using Shield you might want to consider going Heavy Light since you get stability from Shield #5 and possibly stability from Protective Reviver (haven’t tested) when you knock enemies back. You also get stability if your Sanctuary knocks anyone back.
It is only 1 stack with 10s icd however

Good point!

  • I dont think that it’s a good idea. Doing that will be a big loss, since you already have enough stab( FragOfaith) and the trait “HunterFortification” synergize way better with your blocks(aegis etc).

This is what I Think will be good on Guardian/Dh for the next season.


- [Hambow](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQJASTn8cCVdilDBeDB8DhlEiSe5j+sPL/+wA8aZDgEA-TpBFABiXGAgjAQN7PIwFAghHAABHCAA)

  • I really like this build, hammer always been fun to play and its been a while since we saw in Pvp. Theres really good plays that can be made ( like Banish+Ji stomp, Ji+Ring, SpearOJustice(pull)+ring, etc.)

- [MediTrapper](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAsdTn8cCVdiVDBeDB8DhlEiSe5j+sPL/+vA8aZDgEA-TpBFABMcCAA4IAIwDAQ8yA1s/ABHCAA)

  • Not much to say, everyone is familiar with this build.

- [Support DHunter](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWn8cCVDhFdCeDB8DhlGi6aYXgAAbCiguUe4T+nH-TZRIABAcCAm9JA0z+DdfIAgvMAA)

  • I love this build, its remind me of old time. But there is less AOE cleanses, if your team fight against a heavy condi comp theres nothing much you can do.

- [Shout DHunter](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWn8cClCh97AeDB8DhlGi6aYXgAAbCigQQe4T+nH-TZRIABdfIAgvMAAnAgZfCA4s/AA)

  • You can swap ’’Retreat’’ with ‘’Hold the line’’ for better protection uptime. This build has more AOE Cleanse, but a bit less of peeling and self sustain. Good if your team is facing alot of conditions.


- [Bunker/Shout Guard](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeWlsAh6hYtQwVIwPEHLEU+F7v/3A8gBgvQFKBA-TZBGAB5XGAgTAAvPBAzPEABt/AA)

  • Who can forget ShoutGuard.


- [In memory O’Davinci](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAreSn8cClCh1CBuCB8DhlGi6aYXgAAbCigQQe4T+nH-TpBGABBt/AAPAg8LDY+hAg3TAACHBAA)

  • If you remember Davinci & Scepter/Shield+Hammer BunkerGuard this is for you.

What do you guys think of those builds, hit me up with your POV.


Haha, I hadn’t actually thought of running hambow without smite condi. This looks like an interesting build, and on paper looks viable. You rely a lot more on bow to dps, then hammer for a killshot burst (and the burst really doesn’t rely on smite condi at all in the first place). Only problem is I doubt this build would sustain for very long in a 1v1 or 1vX unless you hit the burst reliably. Build looks like it would be a very strong +1er/mid fighter though.

Kudos for the builds!

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Sublime Le Peasant.1932

Sublime Le Peasant.1932

Haha, I hadn’t actually thought of running hambow without smite condi. This looks like an interesting build, and on paper looks viable. You rely a lot more on bow to dps, then hammer for a killshot burst (and the burst really doesn’t rely on smite condi at all in the first place). Only problem is I doubt this build would sustain for very long in a 1v1 or 1vX unless you hit the burst reliably. Build looks like it would be a very strong +1er/mid fighter though.

Kudos for the builds!

  • You can always swap CoP for Smite Condition, just forgot to mention it.
Top 50, before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


I just dropped this build on Metabattle.

I think it’s great personally, but I want to see what you guys think. I don’t think we need JI anymore.

How do I add it to the Guardian section?

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

(edited by mrauls.6519)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


  • You can always swap CoP for Smite Condition, just forgot to mention it.

Smite condi + JI + ToF is what I tried running yesterday on hambow. It’s extremely strong vs. other power builds, and can hold its own vs. hybrids but has a lot of trouble vs. a condi necro on your tail & literally any other +1. Classes like condi necro and war which can reapply condi bursts repeatedly are pretty problematic unless you run CoP.

So if you’re facing a comp with at least 1 strong condi build, I think CoP + JI + ToF is a good middle ground between damage and sustain.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Sublime Le Peasant.1932

Sublime Le Peasant.1932

I just dropped this build on Metabattle.

I think it’s great personally, but I want to see what you guys think. I don’t think we need JI anymore.

How do I add it to the Guardian section?

Okay, so my POV on your build;

  • I wouldnt go for the trait ‘’ Focus Mastery’’ in valor line.
    Since Smiter’s boon w/ purification is way better and you dont need the lower cd, neither the protection.
  • I would not pick the trait ‘’Retaliatory Subconscious’’ in the virtue line. Because last time I test’ed it, it did not synergise well with the trait ‘’ hunter Fortification’’ from the DH line.
    Correct me if I am wrong, but when you’ll get CC, both of your passive traits will go on Cd and the effect wont stack. Wich resolve in a Aegis loss aka a waste of a trait.
  • The Rest seems fine.

Smite condi + JI + ToF is what I tried running yesterday on hambow. It’s extremely strong vs. other power builds, and can hold its own vs. hybrids but has a lot of trouble vs. a condi necro on your tail & literally any other +1. Classes like condi necro and war which can reapply condi bursts repeatedly are pretty problematic unless you run CoP.

So if you’re facing a comp with at least 1 strong condi build, I think CoP + JI + ToF is a good middle ground between damage and sustain.

  • That’s seems legit hehe.
    What do you think of the other builds, like the Bunker/Support ?
Top 50, before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch.

(edited by Sublime Le Peasant.1932)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Have you tried out Focus Mastery (FM) post patch? I think it’s way better than Smiter’s Boon (SB) now. We have better condition removal post patch, and the benefits SB gives is not necessary anymore. FM gives focus skills protection and lowers its CDs. This allows me to stay in melee range much longer, and overall my survability is much better. With traverler’s runes, using both focus skills grants me 9 seconds of protection. That’s a ton, when you think about the protection we get from ToF and converting vulnerability to protection with CoP

Retal Subconscious gives retal and aegis, and while its CD is close to the trap trait one, I feel like it’s way better than the unreliable 20% damage boost from the aegis trait

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

(edited by mrauls.6519)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


The build mrauls submitted is here in case anyone was wondering: http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Guardian_-_Scepter_Greatsword

I think mrauls’ build is pretty solid. It relies on GS 3, f2 and traveler’s runes for mobility. For most encounters this is plenty of mobility (this is essentially all the mobility I sport in wvw and it serves me very well). For a version of this build that uses JI instead of CoP, I would indeed take SB over Focus Mastery as you’ll need that extra condi clear. However, mrauls’ build focuses on sustain, damage and on-point pressure and you need more protection up-time to do that. Focus mastery gives you this protection (albeit it’s mildly wasted since it’s behind either 3 blocks or a blind). It’s pretty creative and a good choice.

The biggest problem I have with the scepter/greatsword build is that you are using ToF. You essentially only have one way to force someone across the barrier, so ToF loses a bit of its value compared to a meditrapper with longbow. I would actually opt for Fragments of Faith instead; you get another stunbreak, similar activation damage as ToF, aegis shards help you a bit (synergizes with hunter’s fortification) and you get a chunky amount of stability which is something this build lacks since it doesn’t take heavy light.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Hmm, interesting point. I’ll try out other traps and see how well it goes. Honestly, even though I can’t reliably push/pull enemies through ToF, it still serves its purpose of keeping enemies out or inside of it. Also, the protection and initial dmg/daze is still handy. I’ll let you know how it goes

In larger fights the protection from focus skills really shines. You most likely will only be blinding one enemy out of x, and your shield probably won’t last very long if multiple people are focusing you. It also helps by contributing a boon to the % dmg modifier that relies on boons. The main thing about it is the lower focus CDs. It lets me do more

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: joe ooga booga.4287

joe ooga booga.4287

Dang, so LB is out?! Awesome I always hated that thing. Scepter is my one true love.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Legiion.7385


This build is not so good .
The old Burn guard was good but he had strong counters.
And with this build u have 0 Meditation heal and a high er CD.
Why u want to use the DH traitline if u use only 1 trap and no LB?
This 1 Stack vuln and cripple get cleared easy .
And u waste one of ur biggest Bursts with Torch for 1 Stack cripple and vuln.

Comparing this to a medi build is not really going to be useful, they play totally differently and are for two totally different roles. This is not a medi brawler build, it’s a condi burst build. It’s intended to put out a lethal amount of condi pressure extremely quickly. Compared to the warrior equivalent (a much more direct comparison), it has substantially stronger AoE condi application, but not nearly as much sustain (because Adrenal Health is absurd).

On that note, the point of the first 2 DH traits is the vuln and cripple application as covering conditions to protect your burns- you WANT them to get cleared instead of your burns. (That’s the reason behind the sigils as well.) You also get stab from heavy light and the improved virtues- I think that’s worth it.

As for offhands, Torch works very well with Sword- you just have to choose whether you want to give up the block from Focus. With scepter, though, you pretty much lose out on half of Zealot’s Flame using it with a ranged weapon, so you’re left with a meh burn and a condi clear (which you’ve already got in spades). Shield works better there as a support for the ranged weapon- AoE protection and aegis on a short CD, and a knockback (and stability from heavy light) with covering conditions and a moderate heal.

Dude the Medi Burn build is a condi Burst build.
And u have not a stronger AoE condi dmg than a condi war.
Condition war has so much more ways to do dmg.
And we have just burning.
Its a one Trick Pony .
Ur dmg get cleared so easy … ur enemy needs only to clear one condi to evade ur Burst.
PS :if u try to cover ur condis use sigill of earth for bleed.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


Dang, so LB is out?! Awesome I always hated that thing. Scepter is my one true love.

LB and Sw/F works pretty well, but I honestly think GS and Sc/F provides a better combination of dps, burst and sustain against the vast majority of opponents. It finally feels like we have a bit of build variety!

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Dang, so LB is out?! Awesome I always hated that thing. Scepter is my one true love.

LB and Sw/F works pretty well, but I honestly think GS and Sc/F provides a better combination of dps, burst and sustain against the vast majority of opponents. It finally feels like we have a bit of build variety!

Do you have a recommended build?

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Dang, so LB is out?! Awesome I always hated that thing. Scepter is my one true love.

LB and Sw/F works pretty well, but I honestly think GS and Sc/F provides a better combination of dps, burst and sustain against the vast majority of opponents. It finally feels like we have a bit of build variety!

Do you have a recommended build?

Right here mane

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Hmm, interesting point. I’ll try out other traps and see how well it goes. Honestly, even though I can’t reliably push/pull enemies through ToF, it still serves its purpose of keeping enemies out or inside of it. Also, the protection and initial dmg/daze is still handy. I’ll let you know how it goes

In larger fights the protection from focus skills really shines. You most likely will only be blinding one enemy out of x, and your shield probably won’t last very long if multiple people are focusing you. It also helps by contributing a boon to the % dmg modifier that relies on boons. The main thing about it is the lower focus CDs. It lets me do more

I would still use ToF. It serves its purpose on point and if ever stacked together, it can be a real game changer for anyone who gets caught between the two traps. It can still synergize well in a team fight.

(heavy criticism below!)
I tried your build on Metabattle and had to swap builds mid game. The 8s extra protection uptime does not beat a 2k heal, 2 cleanse, 2k+ dmg Smite Condition on a Heal. There’s times where I absolutely need a Smite Condition to cleanse and Purification saves me during condi burst situations.

Hunter’s Fortification’s condi block is terrible for what its meant to do. It only helps you marginally during an F3 activation but during a condi burst, you’re still forced to use a condi cleanse because 1 second is waayy too long to cleanse a condition burst 1 by 1. If it was a constant 1s cleanse throughout a fight then that would be something to consider.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Thanks for the feedback man. I stopped using ToF actually, lol. I’m using 3 meds as my utilities. Doing pretty well :o The only issue is my teammates… I hate unranked right now lol. I keep getting matched up horribly :/

As far as condi removal, you shouldn’t have an issue with it tbh. Focus 4, F2, Hunter’s Fort, and Smite Condi… Focus 5 will block and thus remove a condi and F3 too… Idk

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

(edited by mrauls.6519)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Dang, so LB is out?! Awesome I always hated that thing. Scepter is my one true love.

LB and Sw/F works pretty well, but I honestly think GS and Sc/F provides a better combination of dps, burst and sustain against the vast majority of opponents. It finally feels like we have a bit of build variety!

Do you have a recommended build?

Right here mane

Do you see anything beyond just dragonhunter?

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: phokus.8934


I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Cirez.5927


The build I’m currently having fun with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAreRn8cCdDhVDBWdC8DhlGi6aYXgAIL+uv8Te4T+nH-TZBFABiXGQu9HI4EAAwTAohDBAA

It is very similar to the one posted above by mrauls, except that it uses shield instead of focus and switches some of the traits accordingly. With the shield and its AOE push, you can more reliably make use of ToF each time its available. Combined with the F1 and GS pulls you can reliably force one or more enemies to cross ToF twice. The defensive abilities of the shield and the ability to obtain aegis (read: Unscathed Contender) on demand before a burst are also noteworthy.

It seems promising thus far. Offensively, you are most lethal up close and personal with your traps and cleave-abilities; but even at range, you can still dance quite well with anyone, which give you options when someone chooses to fight you at range to avoid your traps (or when you simply want to avoid the initial clusterf—k in group fights). The new and improved scepter combined with shield presently feels like one the more all-around effective ranged weapon sets at the moment.

Defensively, it has the usual positives of many mediguard builds but probably has some added defensive value with shield.

I am still playing around with sigils (and runes), but currently using damage-oriented ones. Sigils that I am experimenting with are: agility (for faster GS5-pull on swap), nullification , and generosity.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


I made some changes to the build. Thanks for the feedback guys. Glad we’re all coming together to find out what we can do well post patch…

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


Dang, so LB is out?! Awesome I always hated that thing. Scepter is my one true love.

LB and Sw/F works pretty well, but I honestly think GS and Sc/F provides a better combination of dps, burst and sustain against the vast majority of opponents. It finally feels like we have a bit of build variety!

Do you have a recommended build?

Right here mane

Do you see anything beyond just dragonhunter?

Zeal instead of dragonhunter may work. Zealous Scepter is pretty BA. If you use GS there’s also a trait for it… It’s pretty good for DPS builds. You’ll have to keep in mind what you lose though: upgraded virtues, traps, etc.

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

(edited by mrauls.6519)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Have you thought of using intel instead of hydro in your hambow build? I feel like reliable crit burst (+glacial heart) when swapping hammer is more valuable than the hydro dmg.


[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


zealous scepter is inherently counter intuitive to mediguard, the trait that is meant to benefit you with might prohibits you from actively using a spear toss that cripples foes and is a 1200 range pull…

literally what?

for my money, I’m still sticking with the LB/Sw/Foc mediguard build.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

My bet for new meta: Sc/Sh + Sw/Foc, vanila guard.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Dang, so LB is out?! Awesome I always hated that thing. Scepter is my one true love.

LB and Sw/F works pretty well, but I honestly think GS and Sc/F provides a better combination of dps, burst and sustain against the vast majority of opponents. It finally feels like we have a bit of build variety!

Do you have a recommended build?

Right here mane

Do you see anything beyond just dragonhunter?

Zeal instead of dragonhunter may work. Zealous Scepter is pretty BA. If you use GS there’s also a trait for it… It’s pretty good for DPS builds. You’ll have to keep in mind what you lose though: upgraded virtues, traps, etc.

Thanks ill try this.

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Legiion.7385


My bet for new meta: Sc/Sh + Sw/Foc, vanila guard.

True =)
I have so much fun with my hybrid s/t s/Foc .
I melt evry meta build

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I feel like some combination of sword, scepter, focus, shield and healing meditations is the way to go now. Most things would be pretty much the same but with room for some changes based on personal preference. I don’t like any of the two hand weapons LB, GS, or Hammer for pvp anymore. Scepter is superior to Longbow and Sword when you have the advantage of a defensive off hand it puts it over the top versus the other weapons along with the increase speed of the projectiles on sword 3, hitting more often with part three of sword 1, and the symbol on 2 increasing its damage potential.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


@brannigan Yea 2 handers are more difficult to make work. The hammer trait needs to be 100% proc rather than 50% and LB got nerfed too badly last patch + it has 0 defenses vs burst scenarios.

I swapped to 1-handers like most guards.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

[PvP] New Meta Builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Ubik.8315


I’m running a scepter/shield/focus and hammer combo for now. Bunkers pretty well and does respectable damage while also having excellent control options.