[QQ] go necro or go home
Guard has a lot of team utility that necro doesnt have or only has to a very limited ammount like perma protection, reflection, cleanse and stability which are all useful in the new raid wing btw.
Also I’m pretty sure hammer guard easily has more damage than power reaper. Maybe not more than condi reaper but you can’t really compare DH and condi reaper since they bring completly different things to the party.
The team utility you provide is a joke compared to the one heralds provide and they still hit like trucks (and have higher health-pool, tons of evade, one of the best heals in game plus access to a second heal) !
When it comes to hammer guard, this is ok for static bosses and that’s all. Try to output that dps in spvp or wvw..
Plus hammer shouldn’t be the only viable option… auto-attack all all day long…
Necros are only amazing because they can corrupt boons that everyone else depends on to get stuff done. Answer? Learn not to depend on boons, and the necros won’t have nearly as much condi to throw at you.
That is seriously the main reason they are doing so well right now. Everyone is depending on boonspam, which they then turn into condi spam.
Ok but what’s left if we don’t even have our boons? Our bad dps and our low health pool?
Your boons are gonna get turned against you anyway. Health pool is compensated for by virtue of resolve. your dps is sufficient to kill a necro, especially when it can’t load you up with condi as easily. Save the boons for when you are fighting someone who can’t make them hurt you, or when you aren’t solo and there is sufficient group cleanse to make it work.
Guardian became stale and borring class, I enjoy my Scrapper better. Usually class with more options and more skills to press always wins. Guardian lacks that. And also lacks good weapons except Greatsword and LB. Now with this new mediocre trap builds noone even use medi builds – “we are in a good spot” – but that spot is far behind all others.
I don’t get it … logical conclusion is that you like Necro more because of it’s skills, etc…. so play it. If you like Guardian more, get over “the other kids got better toys than me” syndrome. Don’t be one of these unhappy people that always wants to play optimal, because someone is always better than you are.
I don’t get it … logical conclusion is that you like Necro more because of it’s skills, etc…. so play it. If you like Guardian more, get over “the other kids got better toys than me” syndrome. Don’t be one of these unhappy people that always wants to play optimal, because someone is always better than you are.
Sorry for my English as I’m on mobile.
I know this is another qq topic, but I just felt like sharing my concerns about the state of the guardian at the moment.
I also know that initially the role of the guardian is not to only dps and I wouldn’t mind if he wasn’t so subpar in all other aspects.
When you take the perspective of raids; guardian can’t fill any role optimally!1. The necro gs spells have higher damage
2. 3 out of 5 necro gs spells have cc (useful for breakbars)
- part of the cc is chill that is way more useful than those poor burn ticks you apply as a guardian every few attacks
3. Necro has a base health of 100% ( guardian-60%) and can survive a burst
4. Necro has a useful passive that increases his “health pool” even more entering reaper state (with right masteries necro even heals and gains might in reaper form.)
5. Wells vs traps: wells do more damage and no need to come in close.
6. Minions vs spirit weapons: minions have higher resistance and have no limited life time
I don’t think you really understand Guardians. Looking at Guardians in just a raid environment:
1. Hammer will out-class or preform equally to the Necros GS in terms of DPS and it will provide constant protection (33% damage reduction) to an entire party.
2. 3-5 Hammer skills have CC needed for Breakbars.
3. Necros may have far more health than a guardian, but in a raid environment it doesn’t really matter, and with a constant 33% damage reduction that makes their health bars basically even. Combine that with Guardians having arguably the most self healing in the game and higher base toughness than a necromancer and I think Guardians are in a fine position health-wise.
4. Gaining personal might stacks in raids is not that important, because a decent party will provide max might stacks anyways.
5. Traps are different than wells period. They have some strengths and some disadvantages.
6. Our spirit weapons suck, no question there, but no one uses them so they aren’t detrimental to the performance of the class.
Wow a thread like this exists.