Question about Empower
Depends on where you are, really. If you are alone, you probably dont need it.
If you are in a dungeon group or large scale event, use it as often as possible.
10 stacks of might to everyone really helps dish out damage. You will lower your own DPS for a few seconds (3 or 4, now, I think), but everyone else’s DPS increase will more than make up for it.
If you are traited into AH, you wont need your healing skill any more.
Yeah, forgot to mention, that I’m talking about dungeon runs.
That’s what I think too about Empower. Giving 10 stacks of might to zerk-guys is always a nice idea. And currently I’m always trying to switch to staff and use empower whenever possible.
But I’ve done some runs with other guardians and they tend to stick to GS whole fight. So I began to doubt my actions.
You want to make sure to use Empower so it finishes the channel right as your weapon swap recharges. This will enable you to carry the might stacks back over to your main weapon, preventing excessive loss of damage. I still would not recommend you switch constantly to staff on cooldown, but rather save it for when you are switching targets or stunned or something and your DPS would be zero anyway for a few seconds.
You want to make sure to use Empower so it finishes the channel right as your weapon swap recharges.
That’s actually a very nice advice! Thanks!
Yeah, forgot to mention, that I’m talking about dungeon runs.
That’s what I think too about Empower. Giving 10 stacks of might to zerk-guys is always a nice idea. And currently I’m always trying to switch to staff and use empower whenever possible.
But I’ve done some runs with other guardians and they tend to stick to GS whole fight. So I began to doubt my actions.
I would also like to point out that a lot of GS guardians (something like 98% based on the ones I’ve run with) don’t have the slightest clue what they’re doing, so I’d not worry too much about trying to emulate random pugs.
If on the other hand you see a really good guardian and he’s doing something that appears legit, you can look into it. Just keep in mind that most pugs aren’t that good, they just throw random things together and hope their allies will carry them through things.
You can easily spot a really good Guardian easily. He’s the one with the hammer lol
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
You can easily spot a really good Guardian easily. He’s the one with the hammer
I’ve found that hammer is actually quite legit as long as it’s not AH hammer. It’s a good balance between group support via might and protection stacking and raw DPS.
Full support is still bad, though.
You can easily spot a really good Guardian easily. He’s the one with the hammer
I’ve found that hammer is actually quite legit as long as it’s not AH hammer. It’s a good balance between group support via might and protection stacking and raw DPS.
Full support is still bad, though.
It was a joke lol relax
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
You can tell the good guardians by the life sigl + cleric armor
10 stacks of might to everyone really helps dish out damage. You will lower your own DPS for a few seconds (3 or 4, now, I think), but everyone else’s DPS increase will more than make up for it.
That’s what I think too about Empower. Giving 10 stacks of might to zerk-guys is always a nice idea. And currently I’m always trying to switch to staff and use empower whenever possible.
Empower gives twelve stacks of might.
Empower + Mesmer Signet of Inspiration. Fun times.
Get a Clerics or a staff “of the shaman”, and the healing or dps, respectively, may seem better. Also, the Orb does some pretty decent damage on a low CD. Empower, though, easily makes of the 4 seconds of lost DPS with 12 stacks of might and a nice heal. If you’re doing solo content, though, you really don’t need the staff, but it’s not a bad weapon either. I personally like having my GS+Staff, but GS+ Scepter/Shield works better if you’re concerned about DPS loss.
If your in a situation where being rooted is OK, then empower is very worth it for the group dps boost.