Question about soldier of rune and pure of voice
For two condition removal per shout. Test this in sPvP.
Go to the mists, equip the soldier rune, and trait up to Pure of Voice.
Head out to any room and check it out.
Remove Signet of Resolve so as not to skew results with passive Cond. Removal.
You should also test the Cond>Boon with Soldier on there. Takes 2 mins.
Pure of voice is triggered first, at least that was how it worked back in BWE3, which means it removes one condition on the team and gives each and everyone a boon and then rune of the soldier triggers and remove one condition on you.
BUT, rune of the soldier is bugged and only works with two shouts, can remember which atm, sitting at work and cant check.
But if i remember correctly it works with SYG and HTL.
As Brutally said: You can remove two conditions with one shout in this setup. And Pure of Voice is given preference by the game, so if you have only one condition, you will gain an additional boon.