R.I.P. Guardians with specializations
You wasted no time coming to kitten about things no one, even the devs, are certain are going through. It was probably hard to type that dodging all the pieces of falling sky.
ERP guild looking for members.
You probably didn’t pay much attention. The new DPS traits shown were so OP, that Jon Peters had to comment that their numbers would probably be toned down.
I mean, 20% damage increase on enemies standing on symbols. Think about it. That’s absolutely god tier in PvE.
Funny, i thought zeal and radiance lines looked good, if not OP
Increase damage and invul from symbols AND increased damage 20% on the targets standing on symbols.
In addition, all symbol and medi traits got rolled into 1. Guard now has OPTIONS for some of the traits, especially major and adept.
you have no idea what you are talking about
PS: Eles got nerfed HARD
Guardian changes were definitely stronger than Elementalist’s.
Oh my jebus. I think my faith in guardian may have been restored.
- Burning dmg 33% increase and burn on block merged
- All meditation traits merged (any meditation build get the heal, reduced cd and fury and can pick other traits too)
- Indomitable Courage breaks stun on allies
- Superior Aria and Pure of Voice Merged
- Force of Will gives some % of healing power depending on your vitality
- Glacial Heart removed and replaced with 33% chance for Hammer to cause Slow on enemies with a 10 sec cooldown
- Someone on the stream managed to tell them the shield trait was lame and gave them an idea of shield granting aegis and they actually wrote it down
- Each time Scepter triggers virtue of justice passive effect it grants might
- Aaand all consecrations will be ground targeted so only the CD reduction trait is needed
I don’t remember more
OH also, they showed during the stream that burning and poison will stack in numbers, then quickly tried to brush it off as a “maybe”
(edited by Vikkela.7261)
If you didnt noticed they are removing atributes from traits so you are losing 6k vitality if you are vitality heavy…so what..guardians will be running around with 12k hp? You are joking if you are thinking this are good changes. Some of trait changes are good yes it needed to be that way in the first place. Simbols are buffed but everything else sucks. You will be oneshotted by thieves and eles while they slam you with poisons weaknesses and all increased dmg crits etc.
If you didnt noticed they are removing atributes from traits so you are losing 6k vitality if you are vitality heavy…so what..guardians will be running around with 12k hp? You are joking if you are thinking this are good changes. Some of trait changes are good yes it needed to be that way in the first place. Simbols are buffed but everything else sucks.
So bring some vit gear which will now be even more powerful to make up for the loss from traits, as well as a base ~75 increase to all stats.
Please, QQ more it’s entertaining.
Pretty much all weapon specific traits were buffed. A 20% cooldown reduction was given to all of them, if I’m not wrong.
I guess you’re talking about WvW zerg fights. A LOT of Guardians have been running with 12k HP anywhere else like forever.
So bring some vit gear which will now be even more powerful to make up for the loss from traits, as well as a base ~75 increase to all stats.
Please, QQ more it’s entertaining.
750 hp < 6000 hp…pls do the math. And stop trolling.
I guess you’re talking about WvW zerg fights. A LOT of Guardians have been running with 12k HP anywhere else like forever.
Nope I have 23k hp in wvw and 20k hp in pve (pvp) with almost (80%) full zerker.
So bring some vit gear which will now be even more powerful to make up for the loss from traits, as well as a base ~75 increase to all stats.
Please, QQ more it’s entertaining.
750 hp < 6000 hp…pls do the math. And stop trolling.
You can’t just look at this change and complain about it without looking at all the OTHER changes happening in the game overall. It makes you look like you have no clue about how the game works when you do this.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I guess you’re talking about WvW zerg fights. A LOT of Guardians have been running with 12k HP anywhere else like forever.
Nope I have 23k hp in wvw and 20k hp in pve (pvp) with almost (80%) full zerker.
For PvP (sPvP or WvW Roaming, I completely avoid massive PvP) my only vitality boosts have usually been the one provided by sPvP Berserker Amulet or WvW Guard Mastery and one single point in Honor to cherrypick Vigorous Precision.
For PvE I usually don’t have any HP boost. I might get something if I use a hammer build or cherrypick vigor, and always as an unintended side effect (I would prefer those attribute points somewhere else). Running around 12k HP without any problem.
Honestly, WvW zerging is the only gametype where I can find useful to invest in Vitality (and still would never pick that 3k HP trait).
You can’t just look at this change and complain about it without looking at all the OTHER changes happening in the game overall. It makes you look like you have no clue about how the game works when you do this.
You will cry when thief whacks you with 8 sec daze. Or when thieves stacks 25 poison and ele stacks 25 bleed and 25 burning on you.
(edited by Ragnarox.9601)
You’re making as kittenumptions about me as a player as you are about how these proposed changes affect the meta.
No I won’t cry if that happens, especially if it makes me look as silly as this thread makes you. You can’t predict the meta and you don’t seem to understand these aren’t final changes either. At least if I do cry, it will be a well-thought out complaint based on what actually happens in game as opposed to nonsensical ranting based on some imaginary thing only relevant to what exists in my brain.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
They did nothing for:
1) Condi Guards
2) Spirit Weapons
Zeal line is still ~very~ “meh”… scepter skills in a “SYMBOL” Traitline?
What does look really nice is the possiblility of a new Meta that could emerge: Active Blocking Guardian. This could be extremely good for small group encounters for pvp/wvw.
Outside of that, things look STALE AS EVER when it comes to guardian gameplay.
Though – I believe we’re going to see alot more s/t & s/f builds w/ a meta of: Mediations, Virtues, Radiance… as Zeal and Honor look boring as kitten.
That 8/9 sec daze, plz tell me that isn’t an op advantage in a 1v1 thief vs guardian
Spirit Weapons will have the 50% longer duration by default, and three of their traits fused into one. If sword and shield were also usable in pve, they’ll only be stronger now.
Condi guards will probably be buffed if burning stacks in intensity. Think of how much burn spam you can make with your virtue of justice while you farm events. :P
- Burning dmg 33% increase and burn on block merged
- All meditation traits merged (any meditation build get the heal, reduced cd and fury and can pick other traits too)
- Indomitable Courage breaks stun on allies
- Superior Aria and Pure of Voice Merged
- Force of Will gives some % of healing power depending on your vitality
- Glacial Heart removed and replaced with 33% chance for Hammer to cause Slow on enemies with a 10 sec cooldown
- Someone on the stream managed to tell them the shield trait was lame and gave them an idea of shield granting aegis and they actually wrote it down
- Each time Scepter triggers virtue of justice passive effect it grants might
- Aaand all consecrations will be ground targeted so only the CD reduction trait is neededI don’t remember more
OH also, they showed during the stream that burning and poison will stack in numbers, then quickly tried to brush it off as a “maybe”
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Most of retaliation traits are still underwhelming, with the exception of the buffed minor in virtues. I think Anet should take a look at them, or take a look at retal’s power in pve.
That 8/9 sec daze, plz tell me that isn’t an op advantage in a 1v1 thief vs guardian
You will get now an extra stunbreaker from reworked Indomitable Courage, so that is kinda countered unless the fight goes for too long.
And it’s not like we are not destroying thieves at this moment, so maybe they desrve some edge.
If you didnt noticed they are removing atributes from traits so you are losing 6k vitality if you are vitality heavy…so what..guardians will be running around with 12k hp? You are joking if you are thinking this are good changes. Some of trait changes are good yes it needed to be that way in the first place. Simbols are buffed but everything else sucks. You will be oneshotted by thieves and eles while they slam you with poisons weaknesses and all increased dmg crits etc.
You put more than 2 points into Honor? Why would you build that in PvE? I’ve only had 12K health for like a year now.
If you didnt noticed they are removing atributes from traits so you are losing 6k vitality if you are vitality heavy…so what..guardians will be running around with 12k hp? You are joking if you are thinking this are good changes. Some of trait changes are good yes it needed to be that way in the first place. Simbols are buffed but everything else sucks. You will be oneshotted by thieves and eles while they slam you with poisons weaknesses and all increased dmg crits etc.
You put more than 2 points into Honor? Why would you build that in PvE? I’ve only had 12K health for like a year now.
4 points in Honor is often taken for extended symbol duration for hammer/mace builds, which are frequently used in high level fractals.
That 8/9 sec daze, plz tell me that isn’t an op advantage in a 1v1 thief vs guardian
You will get now an extra stunbreaker from reworked Indomitable Courage, so that is kinda countered unless the fight goes for too long.
And it’s not like we are not destroying thieves at this moment, so maybe they desrve some edge.
will you use a (grandmaster) stunbreaker with a godforsaken (aproxi) 70 sec cooldown and a thief will have a (aproxi) 20 sec steal do the math plz and tell me the result ( fast down state + stealth finish ) = guardian dead i don’t call that fair balance and result
You know that thieves will simply melt now if they are standing on your symbols, right?
(look at the new zeal traits which i think are amazing)
Anything standing over your Symbol of Wraith simply…dies. For 6 seconds every 20 seconds seconds
Oh yeah, and using a healing skill also pops up smite condition, lulz
No, they have no clue. They just latch onto the one thing they think nerfs the profession completely and proclaim its inevitable demise.
That 8/9 sec daze, plz tell me that isn’t an op advantage in a 1v1 thief vs guardian
You will get now an extra stunbreaker from reworked Indomitable Courage, so that is kinda countered unless the fight goes for too long.
And it’s not like we are not destroying thieves at this moment, so maybe they desrve some edge.will you use a (grandmaster) stunbreaker with a godforsaken (aproxi) 70 sec cooldown and a thief will have a (aproxi) 20 sec steal do the math plz and tell me the result ( fast down state + stealth finish ) = guardian dead i don’t call that fair balance and result
There’s no need for math.
You might have to deal with an extra daze source per steal (they already said they are probably going to tone down some stolen skills btw) and you have 2 extra stunbreakers.
If the fight is long enough for the thief to steal a third time or you have your virtues/elite on CD, he’ll get some (probably deserved) edge against you. Otherwise, there are no changes.
And that’s assuming you predict (or randomly counter) none of their steals and skull cracks.
Honestly, I don’t see that double skull crack SO dangerous.
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
Zeal rebirth HYPE. Was stunned by the amount of changes we got. I couldn’t find nothing to kitten about.
Awesome stuff.
I had some issue’s with the kill and revive traits from radiance and valor still, needs changing to be honest.
I had some issue’s with the kill and revive traits from radiance and valor still, needs changing to be honest.
The kill trait from radiance (the one that refreshes justice, right?) is a very iconic and loved effect in PvE. I don’t think they would change it so easily.
I had some issue’s with the kill and revive traits from radiance and valor still, needs changing to be honest.
The kill trait from radiance (the one that refreshes justice, right?) is a very iconic and loved effect in PvE. I don’t think they would change it so easily.
Talking from an sPvP point of view. Same with Valorous defense.
All i know is that now i can make CHOICES.
Zeal is the go to for DPS, and valor if you want to do meditations, but for everything else in between, you have CHOICES
No longer are you locked into a particular trait setup. Now you actually have some choice, at least when it comes to the 3rd trait line.
I think what they are trying to do is also change the PVE meta from swapping on sword auto when GS skills were on cooldown. I think now they want you to focus on a primary weapon set and use on swap for utility or secondary effects. Which makes sense tbh. Keep in mind people will prolly specialize into longbow when the HoT comes, so its prolly what they had in mind.
Oh yeah, and focus skills grant prot on use rolled together with reduced focus recharge skills.
Well Renewed Justice remained unchanged, which is good, and Courageous Return got buffed to also gain aegis when you ress someone.
I had some issue’s with the kill and revive traits from radiance and valor still, needs changing to be honest.
The kill trait from radiance (the one that refreshes justice, right?) is a very iconic and loved effect in PvE. I don’t think they would change it so easily.
Not only PVE, it’s very strong in Pvp also, it recharges VoJ on stomps. > imo.
I just think something else should be tied in with it since most other traits other classes have get an additional effect.
So bring some vit gear which will now be even more powerful to make up for the loss from traits, as well as a base ~75 increase to all stats.
Please, QQ more it’s entertaining.
750 hp < 6000 hp…pls do the math. And stop trolling.
Man, if that was a troll it was a terrible troll, I feel ashamed that you thought that was my trolling.
I was just speaking facts. If you want health you can’t rely on the honor tree to fill you in anymore. You can still get force of will as I understand it for 3k hp. But you won’t get the other 3k hp along with it. For that you might have to /gasp, wear something other than zerker! ohh my god! I hear Valkyrie has vit on it, might try that. Or with the burning changes maybe Celestial will be nice?
GL to you. I hope you can eventually understand the new system, it’s not too complicated but you seem to be having a little trouble.
anyone thinks guard changes were weak are outta their friggen minds
^ agreed with above poster. The guard changes are GREAT.
If you didnt noticed they are removing atributes from traits so you are losing 6k vitality if you are vitality heavy…so what..guardians will be running around with 12k hp? You are joking if you are thinking this are good changes. Some of trait changes are good yes it needed to be that way in the first place. Simbols are buffed but everything else sucks. You will be oneshotted by thieves and eles while they slam you with poisons weaknesses and all increased dmg crits etc.
Weren’t they moving the stats lost from traits into baseline stats?
This seems like a massive buff to me. Can’t wait to melt people that are dumb enough to stand in my symbols hahahaha!
can someone give me a link so I can watch the full version?
This seems like a massive buff to me. Can’t wait to melt people that are dumb enough to stand in my symbols hahahaha!
That symbol trait plus the immobilize on VoJ active should work wonders for GS builds. I might actually have to put Eternity back on my guardian.
This seems like a massive buff to me. Can’t wait to melt people that are dumb enough to stand in my symbols hahahaha!
That symbol trait plus the immobilize on VoJ active should work wonders for GS builds. I might actually have to put Eternity back on my guardian.
I’m in the process of making Eternity. Been holding off though in case theres a cooler looking sword in the expansion. Either way, i’m gonna need a new gs for this. I started using s/torch and scepter/focus instead. def going back to using gs for the symbols. I might even drop the s/f and take hammer instead now.
(edited by Nikkinella.8254)
- Someone on the stream managed to tell them the shield trait was lame and gave them an idea of shield granting aegis and they actually wrote it down
That’s been suggested numerous times here in the Guardian forums. So that shows they don’t actually come here at all.
Ill only say: amazing buffs!!
SA Guardian
I guess you’re talking about WvW zerg fights. A LOT of Guardians have been running with 12k HP anywhere else like forever.
Nope I have 23k hp in wvw and 20k hp in pve (pvp) with almost (80%) full zerker.
Then you’re using a clownshoes build lmao. 20k hp is tanky as kitten.
Maybe I am being negative, but we have been complaining about shield for a LONG (since release) time now, and the fact that the devs were genuinely surprised and excited about an idea we have been asking for on shield is disappointing.
They are just NOW realizing that we would like an aegis or SOMETHING on shield? just now? Communication on the guard development side is lacking.
Still, new ideas are new ideas and maybe these changes will turn out more ideas and help push evolution of guards along instead of the stagnation I felt we had. Excited to come back when they happen.
considering the other classes changes guardian preety much staed the same
the old meditation guard with bit more power, the bunker guard with bit more healing and the supporting guard
the condi guard left out. yes burning might get stack intensity but they mention that they will have to nerf bit the dmg of burning. while no other conditions application to cover the burning the condi guard is the same
valor master line is bit broken. if use meditation you must choose focus thus no shield in master and low toughness so no to that so only aegis when block…. common
radiance line seems cool now but radiant fire bit op (give longer icd)
all in all more of the same. so they think the guard is in it right place now.