Receive the Light
Shelter is just too good to pick RtL over it. Maybe in dungeons and open world pve I could see myself using it, but mostly for the LOLz.
Shelter is THE heal skill in the game; that I would pick in everysingle character I create if I could… 2 seconds of block with devent heal in a good CD? Good luck with any other heal…
Take Receive the light. It’s a good party-support(ish) heal that heals 4500+ to 3 other people. That heal can save your team often enough. It’s not a selfish heal like Shelter, it’ll actually help your team out ALOT.
I fooled around with RtL in a shoutbuild for fun and found it to be a pretty effective party heal. This is especially true with dungeon mobs doing so much more damage post patch.
It’s a very powerful supportive heal, and it synergizes very well with %outgoing healing. It’s a shame that it was made into a shout since Force of Will competes with Superior Aria for the same slot.